TribeSteemUp's Weekly Gems

Hello beautiful people, it is the start of another wonderful week here on Steemit and once again I am here to share with you all, some more Articles from some of the members of TribeSteemUp that really embody what the Tribe stands for.
The TribeSteemUp community, was created by @kennyskitchen. It is a Community Abundance Generator which supports authors who write articles that look at ways in which we can become more empowered and create a more peaceful and free world.The authors that were chosen to become part of the TribeSteemUp community are all writing content of high quality, which are based on the following topics:
| Community Empowerment | Love | Original Music | Esotericism |
| Healthy Recipes | Psychedelics | Truth | Permaculture |
The TribeSteemmUp community also has 8 Pillars/Principles that each member has agreed to adhere by and you can find The 8 Pillars of TribeSteemUp at the end of this post
I have 18 articles to share with you all today. As well as inspiring us and motivating us to become more aware in our daily lives, these articles provide us with the opportunity to learn and improve ourselves, to relearn the importance of self love and acceptance. For me life is all about learning, evolving and being mindful in all that we do. It is so important to be active and to stay informed, to always strive towards living a life where we are in control of our own health and our own actions. To work towards the greater good, that promotes living in harmony with our natural environment, with our natural selves. By coming together and engaging with one another we can all share our wisdom and empower one another. We can create the world in which we all wish to live in.
So take the time to read and learn, to engage and share and enjoy the free music. And remember to show your appreciation by upvoting and commenting. You can go one step further by following the TribesteemUp Curation Trail, this way way you are supporting all the great authors who are creating quality content.

We Call it A Gum Tree, As If It Were Just a Thing

In this town there are two trees that I know of that are historically significant, yet so many of them must have stood for hundreds of years watching the world change. Many stand dead, like ghosts stopped still on the way to somewhere, expired by way of drought or, in the middle of fields, from suspect agriculture. Or maybe they were just done. Either way they're like fences or the sky - something always there and present, and easily missed unless you were paying attention.
I wonder about those who knew these trees as an essential part of their life. Out walking, I stop to look, really look, at what we've called the smoking tree for many years. We've been told that this gum, now fenced in the water refuse land beside us, used to be used to smoke fish by the indigenous folk who lived here before the graziers moved them on, we presume. We're close to a river, so it made sense. We don't know the real story, as there's no one around here to tell it.
The eyes are the window to the soul

Have you ever stood in front of somebody, even a stranger, and peered into their eyes for a few minutes? This activity can be very intimate as we look past the vessel and make a connection to spirit. When we do that, we glimpse into an idea that can change our whole outlook on life. When we change that outlook we make a paradigm shift that changes everything.
When I peer into the eyes of another being, I'm looking for a spiritual connection. I work hard to look past the physical vessel and instead make an intimate spiritual relationship. That way I can bypass the physical bias that I often carry around with me and challenge myself to confront that bias.

Blood Moon Eclipse - A Change Has Come

Sometimes I wish I was an astrologer. My patience has just not been there for learning to interpret directly from planetary positions when I can just read the analysis of a few different astrologers then use my channeling abilities to discern the fundamental truth they're all sharing. Mostly that suffices, but sometimes what's happening is so elaborate and significant that I find no way to change a single word of theirs without diminishing the statement.
This is such a time.
So instead of trying to synthesize an original idea about what's going on astrologically, I'm just going to share some quotes with you, including links back to the original sources in case you want to dive deeper. I really encourage you to read at least one of the following articles in depth, because today and the weeks to come present us with some very powerful opportunities. I don't want you to miss realizing this potential simply because you don't see clearly enough what it is.

I have revived one-to-one empathic consultations!

Now that I am in one of the most beautiful spaces and peaceful seasons that I have ever experienced, it's a really good time for me to be of deeper service to those who are attracted to my content.
Albert Camus said, "Hell is other people."
I sometimes agree with him.
But not as much as I used to. And that's because I finally got a grip on how much (not much) mingling is good for me. No shame. No blame. And definitely no more attempts to be things that I am not. In the past, I wasted a lot of time:

The Drama of Money

Money, it's a hit.
It's such an incredibly touchy subject, isn't it? There is probably nothing so totally surrounded in judgement. If you have too much, you're an asshole. If you have too little you're either lazy or some kind of victim. And if you want to be spiritual at all, you must totally renounce it as the root of all evil. Oddly enough, prayers are usually not an accepted form of rent payment. You can't buy food with good vibes, and land prices are rarely listed in terms of meditation hours.
It's so tied up in all this drama, but it's actually just a means of exchange. It literally means nothing, but we give it tons of meaning which is further confused because it varies from person to person. Some people value others because they have money, while other people value those who don't. Again, it's absolutely ridiculous.

Are women who dress provocatively responsible for unwanted attention, or should men learn to control themselves? The @ecotrain question of the week
It goes without saying I think but just in case, I believe there is no justification for using force against anyone at anytime except in self-defense. There is literally nothing a woman could do (that I can think of) that could logically be rationalized as justification for the use of force against her as long as she is not initiating the force.
Anyone else think it's a bit odd that after all the years of our existence, men and women still can't get along, understand each other, or even talk openly. I think that it's by design, a topic for another time.
I just want to raise my hand up and say, "let's talk this out, let's listen and understand each other in an atmosphere of good will and respect.

On finding your purpose in life and thoughts on my purpose as an Earth protector.

In light of this incredibly powerful eclipse where so many energies are coming up and so much is coming up to be seen and transformed (read more @indigoocean's wrap-up post on it), many of us are having more intense dreams, having things fall apart and come to endings in our lives, while the beginning of new possibilities (not always easy) are coming to the fore.
My friend @brazen asked me last night in an email:
Writing Prompt:
Why were you put here on this Earth?
I laughed and said, How can you ask me that?! - in jest ... For this is a question I have long pondered and at times feel some insights into why, but others the reason evades me.
Purpose is something we bring to our lives. It isn't a given. We aren't usually aware of our live's purpose when we're young (no matter if you could answer the What do you want to be when you grow up? question with ease when you're a kid (I certainly couldn't!!!).

The Absurdity Of The Present System

We all know the present system is absurd. Yet it strikes me as odd that people who realize this actually defend it. They won't do it in overt ways yet you see their belief system start to creep through.
It is imperative that everyone understand that, no matter what your beliefs are, 90% of them were programmed into you. Unless one took the time to analyze what one believes, one by one, the odds are we simply are a product of our environment.
This is by design. When we look at long term trends, we realize what was done to humanity. Over the last 100 years, the purchasing power of the dollar completely collapsed. During the same period, the educational system kept pushing us to moron level. The subliminal messenging received only got stronger. Our family, friends, and co-workers all were part of this without being aware. We, too, keep passing on the message.

The Power of Words, Being Masters of Word Symbol 'Magic'

To know the true or original meaning of a word, is to be master of the word, master of the name, and have the power of that symbol to represent reality. Those who can manipulate the meaning of words, will be able to manipulate it's representation of reality, and therefore manipulate the perception of reality by those who use that word. This allows for the manipulation of the mind and behavior.
Reality and existence is the truth, and that is the basis of what will reflect the true meaning of words (apart from imagined ideas that aren't reflected in reality). Any word can be used to describe something, making words themselves arbitrary originally. But word symbol definitions can limit an accurate understanding of reality. The true meaning of most words is found in reality to represent something.

This Simple Process Helps You Find Truth On Your Own Using Your Built-in Compass

By far the least utilised and understood aspect of humanity is our emotional body. Those who have polarised towards mentality will typically scoff at hearing this kind of idea and the understanding that emotions and intuition are valid sources of information - however, I will show you here how anyone who can still feel can enhance their ability to discern (not judge) the truth.
Note: Judgement And Discernment are Not the Same
Many have been taught that judgement is necessary in order to have understandings and to live - however, this itself is a judgement that is not based in complete understanding of the alternatives. Judgements attempt to fill in the gaps in understanding, but they are essentially just guesses which often then take on the form of being facts.

On loving ourselves some more...

I keep asking myself how does one love oneself?
At times I think I'm getting the hang of it, but then I seem to have lost it again.
It seems so odd, to love something you can't very well perceive, it seems much easier to love something or someone that is right in front of you.
So I think it has got to do with exactly that: Perceiving ourselves. To love ourselves we have to perceive ourselves.
How do we do that?
By keeping the focus inside of ourselves.
This is another thing that is not obvious for many of us, as we have learned to focus our attention outside of ourselves to be able to please others and get their approval and according rewards.

Your Life Is The Creator Exploring Itself

Infinity. It is bigger than you think.
Consider for a moment that from your viewpoint, and where you are sitting now, the space that you are in goes on forever and ever, expanding larger and larger without end. There is no barrier, no "wall" at the end of the Cosmos. No matter where you go or how big you are, there is always something that exists beyond.
Now consider from your point of view, that the infinite expanded Universe also goes in another direction. One that is not expanding outward. This Universe also contracts inward upon itself forever going smaller and smaller. No matter how small you get, you can always go smaller.

Cultivating our Heart Herbarium

Choosing to be alone or shutting down external noise is not corresponding with recoursing through an escape hatch in the attempt to not face reality but it is a very important step to kickstart the duality detox process of our Heart Herbarium by meeting nobody but ourselves.
Pushing ourselves out of comfort zone isn't necessarily a good thing, because doing so implies that we act upon external command without being ready internally. We cannot possibly take responsibility for a step we aren't ready to go yet. What happens instead specifically on an energetic level is that we place ourselves into a state a of re-activeness, allowing our very own energetic signature to be superseded by the energetic signature of somebody else by emulating the external command.

Love Forever: An Original Song by @ELAmental from The Hex Wrecker

Song #2 from @elamental's debut album, The Hex Wrecker. This one is called Love Forever, and is one of my older compositions. It is about how we are all connected on a higher spiritual level, whether we want to admit it or not. I also describe how we are meant to live in this world, and how living by these principals will lead us to a better, healthier planet and way of life. This realization is derived from another realization that we as humans are directly connected to nature, and what affects it will affect us. Ultimately, we are the one's who control if this world is improving or dissipating, so we should take heed to that responsibility and rise with high caliber action.

The Medicinal Cooking Collective Week 4 Guidelines: Cooking For The Lungs & Large Intestine / The Metal Element

Welcome to this fourth and penultimate week of the medicinal cooking collective challenge! We are cooking according to the Chinese 5 Elements, and this week we focus on the Metal element which is associated with the lungs & large intestine, the colour white, a spicy flavour, and the feeling of sorrow. When the lungs are out of balance they can be helped by eating foods that embody these traits, and help you to restore balance to the body. These days with pollution as it is, eating for the lungs is a great benefit to people in most parts of the world. If you eat white-coloured food, it is supposed to benefit your lungs, large intestine, nose and respiratory system, and skin. So I hope you join us this week and start your shopping for white foods! These foods have a dispersing effect and promote energy circulation. They most benefit sluggish, damp, lethargic and cold people.

You Can HEAL!

There are many of us on this planet who healed naturally.
We said NO to medications, and we did not buy into the fear that the system pushes at all those who feel unwell and dis-empowered.
We chose Nature, Earth and Faith... instead of Big pHarma, system and fear.
Anyone who heals naturally has a glorious story... and they are gazillions of them.
A lot of people out there need to be reminded about their POWER: we dont have to run to people in white every time we feel out of order, we are better than that. We have Nature. We have our INNER GUIDANCE. We have Universe on our side.

Damn Dams, Protests and B Grade People

I had tears in my eyes tonight. Rare. It feels like I have been protesting dams & mega-hydro schemes my entire adult life.
Tonight I listened with a kind of numbness inside as I heard about the catastrophic breach of the Xepian-Xe Nam Noy Dam in Southern Laos yesterday referred to as "briefly, in other stories...." on the 6pm Thai evening news, after 10 ridiculous moments of bureaucratic announcements, royal household buddhist lent candle donation updates and Thai government waffle. 24 hours after it had happened.
"Hundreds are missing and an unknown number dead."

Get Out of Your Comfort Zone!

As in most any game, if you continue to complete the same objectives, to “farm”, you will get slowly diminishing returns (and more importantly you will get bored and possibly decide to quit playing at all). However, when you are constantly taking on new challenges, creating new quests for yourself at your new, higher levels, you will reap greater experience, stronger relationships, and more of whatever kind of rewards you are desiring.
The most fun to be had playing the game is generally going to come from new discoveries, advancing your skills, traveling the world exploring the various zones and cultures, building relationships, and staying true to your character. Doing things that go against your alignment, your moral code, will greatly slow the development of your character, and the options that are available to you.

A big thank you to @hungryhustle for creating the amazing infographic of the 8 Pillars Of TribeSteemUp and For @eco-alex for creating the tribesteemup banner and logo.

So much good stuff! I'm trying to get back in the rhythm of reading again! This transition has been intense!! Thanks so much for including me, love.
Of course @solarsupermama, it's a gem of an article, lots of love to you xx
What an incredible collection of literature! It makes me excited to be here now.
It sure is @wildlocusthoney, enjoy x
cheers @wales
Thank you for promoting one of my album's tracks here, you definitely picked a good one. Bless.
thank you @elamental for sharing your gift, your music with us xx