TribeSteemUp's Weekly Gems

Hello beautiful people, it is the start of another week here on Steemit and I can't think of a better way to start it, than sharing these great Articles that have been written by some of the members of TribesSteemup. There is so much food for thought in this collection. Articles that will hopefully push some buttons and keep encouraging us all to think outside of the box. To think for ourselves! All of these gems really embody what TribeSteemUp stands for.

The TribeSteemUp community, was created by @kennyskitchen. It is a Community Abundance Generator which supports authors who write articles that look at ways in which we can become more empowered and create a more peaceful and free world.The authors that were chosen to become part of the TribeSteemUp community are all writing content of high quality, which are based on the following topics:

| Anarchy | Non-Violence | Philosophy | Veganism | Mindfulness |
| Community Empowerment | Love | Original Music | Esotericism |
| Healthy Recipes | Psychedelics | Truth | Permaculture |

The TribeSteemmUp community also has 8 Pillars/Principles that each member has agreed to adhere by and you can find The 8 Pillars of TribeSteemUp at the end of this post

I have 18 articles to share with you all today, articles that are all about inspiring us and motivating us to become more aware in our daily lives, articles where the authors are sharing their wisdom and advice . For me life is all about learning, evolving and being mindful in all that we do. By coming together and engaging with one another we can all share our wisdom and empower one another. We can create the world in which we all wish to live. Happy reading and remember to show your appreciation by upvoting and commenting. You can go one step further by following the TribesteemUp Curation Trail, this way way you are supporting all the great authors who are creating quality content.

We are larger than Life


Our most wonderful life experience is not exactly being measured by physical events but by our inner perception of those events.
Relatively often we tend to believe that certain events which are dear to our Heart only allow us to respond to by choosing from a preprogrammed pool of inner emotion. "Death" of a most loved one, for instance, virtually always has the default option 'sadness'. Yet the more aware we become, and the more we shake off energetic density by cleansing inner trauma, the more able will we be to rejig the preprogrammed default option into the individualized emotional response of our choice.

Climate Change: Factors Ignored by the Mainstream


Not everything in the world is as simple as we are led to believe. My personal views on climate change do not jive with either the "man made" climate change zealots or with those who have been labeled deniers.
In this video, I discuss my position on climate change and point out one big overlooked factor. I even take to the field to back up my hypothesis. What are your thoughts?

Universal Basic Enslavement


As you may or may not know, depending on how much anarchist sci-fi literature you consume, "TANSTAAFL" is an acronym meaning "There Ain't No Such Thing As A Free Lunch." But while TANSTAAFL may have been popularized by Robert Heinlein in his 1996 classic, The Moon is a Harsh Mistress, at base it's just a reformulation of the age-old historical wisdom that nothing advertised as "free" is ever really free. As anyone ever suckered into a high-pressure timeshare pitch on the basis of a "free weekend getaway" offer will know, there is always a hidden cost to any "free" item.
So when one particular "free lunch" idea is being pimped by a rogue's gallery of tyrants and billionaires—from Nobel Warmonger Barack Obama to rabid eugenicist Bill Gates to Facebook founder Mark Zucker-borg to serial scammer Elon Musk—you might want to ask yourself what the real cost of this manna from heaven is.

You are the Miracle you've been waiting for!


The very fact that you exist is a miracle. We are all divine beings created to co-create, be happy and to share our gifts. Somewhere along the way many of us stumbled into the pitfalls of our societal conditioning and our ancestral patterns. We get wounded with lessons but out of these wounds grow's our wisdom.
Spirituality and science are finally being bridged. Quantum Physics explains how all matter is made of atoms, and how all atoms are mostly made of empty space. It is from the vibration of this 'empty space' that things manifest. If you amplify your frequency, you influence the vibration of this 'empty space' and thereby the structure of matter will change. Therefore, as Tesla famously said, "If you want to find the secrets of the universe, think in terms of energy, frequency, and vibration." Quantum Physics is revealing what the ancients already knew, that matter doesn't exist and that our consciousness affects our reality.

The Sexualisation of Society and Destruction of the Divine Feminine


The Sexualisation of Society and Destruction of the Divine Feminine is something that has been sneaking in particularly over the last decade or so.
Quite frankly our society is being sexualised at a very disturbing rate, you only have to look at the so-called 'celebrities' that the younger generations seem to worship, the likes of Rhianna, Miley Cyrus, and Kim Kardashian, all hardly good role models particularly when they are seen skimping around with their boobs and bums out singing about sadomasochism! When did this happen? When has our consciousness sunk so low that we would allow our childrens minds to be filled with such cheap garbage?
But there are deeper connotations to this not often talked about, this sexualisation of society is not only encouraging more promiscuous behaviour, but it is also, on a deeper level, crucifying the divine feminine energy needed for this World to rebirth into a Planet of peace and love.

Great Advice and Tips On How to Survive a Self Build!


It takes a certain wisdom, patience, and perseverance to be able to self-build successfully. Most people who have done so will testify to the challecnges and difficulty of the process. We learn SO much every time we build, and especially the first time. The reasons for the difficulties in self-building are plentiful, but it is almost always linked to way things have been set up in terms of planning and execution, or because of communication and personal issues. I have learned a lot during my eco-building experiences and workshops, and have tried a few different approaches to the whole self-build idea. I would like to share with you some of the most important things that I can offer you from my personal experience to anyone thinking or planning to self-build.

#ToVeganOrNot - Explain Why You DO or DO NOT Eat Dead Animals & "Animal Products" (Comment Contest: 20+ STEEM in Prizes)


Good morning all of you beautiful humans!
I'm coming at you today from a magical little piece of forest near the Oregon coast, and I don't plan on spending nearly as much time online today as I often do, so I thought I'd finally fire off this little contest I've been sitting on.
One of my favorite things about Steemit since first coming here has been how open, honest, and constructive the conversations can be (at least what I've observed for the most part [and as long as you're staying away from topics where folks have money involved]).
I decided it would be fun to open up a little contest, help create exposure for some folks, distribute some rewards, and push, test, and question my own thoughts & understandings. No better way to find increased clarity around something than to get a bunch of intelligent, thoughtful humans to discuss it.

Stripping Paint: Anxiety as A Constant Companion


Dear Steemfriends,
I guess this is a little raw plea to any of you that might have a solution or advice to what to do about my sensitivity. Is it just who I am? Is there a cure? Is it just something I embrace as part of my complex, vibrating, alive is-ness? Is anxiety always going to rattle my bones?
As a kid, I’m told, overexcitement would see me running in circles and being a little bit overwrought. Nothing unusual – all kids do this. You know the story – no red cordial or loud music before bed time, or you won’t sleep (not that Mum would ever give me red cordial!). It seems I’ve got to this phase of my life where I’m peeling off the onion layers of self-ness and realise these layers have always been there, since childhood. So I’m looking down these corridors of my self hood stretching back through the years and wondering – is oversensitivity and overstimulation something so deeply chemical or embedded in my tissues that it’s going to either take a lot of work to get over it, or will I just have to bear it, like one bears a broken arm, or a backache?

Chaos and Order


What do these things mean to you?
Is it the left and right brain functioning, intuition and intellect?
Are they literally darkness and light?
Is it the struggle and reconciliation of the human and animal natures?
Or is it the division between the earthly and spiritual realms?
Perhaps chaos and order are archetypal forces that reside in our consciousness - toys or tools with which to play with and learn about who we are. The theme of chaos and order has been coming up in my life at the moment, and I feel inspired to explore it.
Dualities can be paradoxical and inaccurate, yet sometimes they offer deep explorations and amazing insight. I hope that the following article leans more to the latter 😂😅😉

Do We Really Need to Apologise? Why Apologies Are Out Of Balance.


Over the years I have been prompted to explore and analyse myself and the patterns that I have been 'gifted' by society along the way. The intention has been to learn whether our patterns really serve us or not and I have found that many of the patterns/choices which we think are 'normal' are actually far from being balanced - resulting in them causing our problems, while we think they are helping.. Today I will look at - Apology.
When we are out of emotional balance we often look for others to 'do something' to 'make it up to us' - we typically use blame against others which comes with judgements and a lack of acceptance. Instead of just acknowledging that people make mistakes, we often choose to amp up the situation by punishing people and withholding love from them. In some cases you might feel better for withholding your vulnerable emotional aspects from contact with people who truly are heartless and careless - however, compassion can still be helpful even in these cases.

Each Of Us Is Contributing To A Whole New World


Many people think I am over the top with some of my proclamations. That is fine. With all the research that I do into different technologies, I just shake my head and say "if you only knew".
There is a ton of stuff that is coming at us at light speed. While there is the potential to get overwhelmed, it is all going to propel society forward. We are at the point where humanity has the tools to really set itself on a different path.
Even in the crypto world, we see massive explosions about to take place. Everywhere I look, I see changes happening right before my eyes. When they say that crypto is the "Wild West", they are correct. However, it is not in the way they are referring. Instead, this is the Wild West in terms of innovation and creativity. People now are just starting to grasp what is before us. It seems like there is a new collaboration announced each day.

Trauma. The fear of the unknown and change. MK-ultra


We all fear the unknown. But we can use this fear in our favour in order for us to get out of our comfort zone. We fear the unknown because we can't control it. People like to control their future and it is normal for a person to want that. What we need to know is that we can't control everything and we can't control the unknown until we make it known. Knowledge brings control. If a person has more knowledge of a certain topic than another person, he can manipulate him or tell him the truth. You can clearly see it in the today's world. People with more knowledge use their knowledge to fool people and disconnect them from the truth, but they make it so well that the person will think he is being taught the truth. That is why the masses in school are not taught anything at all. When they get out they will be uninformed and will want information from authority. They will be vulnerable and will eat the lies.

One Normal Day With 1UP - A Vision Into The Future Of Quality Curation


This post is a hypothetical day with a fully running 1UP system which has integrated its own Smart Media Token and opened its door to communities and platforms. You will follow me through my activities with the 1UP application in order to get an idea what a final version could feel like.
I am coming online to the 1UP homepage and quickly browse over the top posts from all the biggest communities on the Steem blockchain. By default it shows all the highest upvoted posts of the day but instead of the post value it takes the amount of received 1UPs. It is a colorful mix of the best content from all categories and platforms.
Shortly after I switch to the @tribesteemup community 1UP sub-page. Here I find the ongoing ranking list with the highest 1UP count on the top and a huge timer indicating the next upvote. Below are all the other posts with less 1UPs, waiting to receive more upvotes to rise in the ranking.

Human Vibration and Eating Flesh of Living Beings. Universal Law


If You are a strong spirited human being with passion for life, joy, and expansion, like the one who is writing this, You know -
No one has the right to impose their rules upon us, no one can show up in our lives and start dictating what to do, what to wear, what to say, what to eat... and mostly - what to do with our LIFE!
We honor life and our personal connection to HIGHER FORCE/DIVINE/GOD (whatever word you like here).
Our only authority is the SPIRIT!
"Shove it. I listen to no one but my Higher Self," some of us dared to respond to the system that successfully brainwashed many.
Here is a vibrational explanation of why we all have the right to LIVE our LIFE, animals included.
ENERGY EXCHANGE is the first Universal Law. It has been broken by the system....... and that is how we find ourselves where we are today.
Let us have a look!
We get hurt when someone steals from us, manipulates us, hurt us, or abuse us.
That feels so not right, right?

The Most Overdue Self-Intro in the history of Steemit, Overcoming my Fears, and What's behind the Pineapple?


The reason I've remained anonymous at steemit are varied. The biggest was a desire to just do what I do without making much of a show about it. I don't want to be over-intentional. There is something that always felt slightly unnatural about taking a picture of myself with the intention of sharing it with strangers, or even going out of my way to show old photos with anyone who I don't have a close relationship with. It seemed like ego-based behavior.
There are other reasons I remained anonymous but with regards to the above, I am coming to realize that the ego is not something that needs to die. It's merely clothing that we wear, a vessel with which to interact with the physical. The only problems with the ego come when it believes that it is an entity unto itself. My ego is my clothing. I can wear clothing for the convenience of staying warm, or even to express something, without believing that the clothing is me.

Back to life


Back to live! Yes, a shift happened. A shift doesn’t come from the outside, it happens to you inside your heart. You are making a conscious choice, and the universe will answer.
I have found peace again, with myself, with the world, and with my partner. The only relationship you have in this life is the one with yourself. (Words of a very wise woman, Byron Katie) The relationship you have with other people is just a reflection of the one you have with your own thoughts, emotions, and mindset. This is very hard to grasp for someone who thinks the only struggle they have is other people. But we are fighting, denying, lying, being hard to only our own mind and believes.
Yesterday I couldn’t bear the pain I was carrying inside my soul anymore, I knew I had to make a final decision for my life, for the direction I have to go and to put an end to the suffering I was creating for me and the people around me.

The Personal Activism


Over the years I've probably been to a dozen different rallies, marches and sit-ins. That's not counting all my organizing activity with Occupy Oakland's non-violence caucus, which often was done in meetings, not marches.
One bit of clarity I've come to as I consider my role in responding to a concerted effort to normalize authoritarianism in my country is that my days of "showing up to be counted" are over.
I don't think it was ever really me. Not only am I an introvert by energetic nature, but I also have a social anxiety disorder that was exacerbated by being in Manhattan at 9/11/01. (Oddly enough, I actually dreamed about that attack and its aftermath the night before. In fact, just a week prior I also asked my row mate on a plane flying over Manhattan why they let the planes fly over the city and didn't they worry about the planes flying into the buildings.)

Who Defines Good + Evil & is the System Against us? Philosophy with @Bobaphet


Today I got @Bobaphet on the livestream to talk about something that is partly in my name and one of my interests since I am 14, Philosophy.
Click here to watch the video on DTube
The main topic of the conversation was "Who defines good and evil?" but Boba went all in when he introduced himself and explained to me in a couple of sentences how the government creates money from nothing and how we then have to pay for it.
I canceled the first livestream with boba because he wanted to make some coffee and afterwards we talked for a while.
The sad thing is that Boba started rapping and I didn't get that "on tape". Boba is by the way also interested in spirituality, mythology & history.

A big thank you to @hungryhustle for creating the amazing infographic of the 8 Pillars Of TribeSteemUp and For @eco-alex for creating the tribesteemup banner and logo.



Big Big Thank You To @byn for designing my logo.


looks like there are some fantastic posts here @trucklife-family and I look forward to catching up with such an inspired and eclectic mixture of wisdom and enlightenment. Thank you for sharing!

cheers @perceptualflaws you're very welcome x

Great post @trucklife-family - some really cool posts here. Is it possible for new members to join TribeSteemUp?

thank you @veganadventurist, they isn't really anyway that you can join,@kennyskitchen, in his own words:

Thanks for this info @trucklife-family.

I run the vegan outdoor blog and write a lot about vegan and eco-friendly outdoor gear and ways in which we can live a lifestyle more inline with nature.

Do you think my blog would be suitable to be considered for @TribeSteemUp? Would you be willing to suggest my blog to @kennyskitchen? I would really appreciate it.

Thanks again. :D

Such a great compilation of awesome content creators. Thanks for putting the spotlight on them!


Caught MOST of these this week. A great week of TSU posts!!! Thaanks for your hard work. Xx

Thanks for the shout out! I appreciate that you appreciate my thoughts enough to share them with the world. 😉

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