TribeSteemUp's Weekly Gems

in #tribesteemup6 years ago (edited)

Hello beautiful people!

Another wonderful week begins and what better way to start the week that reading the weekly gems of TribeSteemUp. All of these great Articles really embody what TribeSteemUp stands for.

I have selected 20 articles to share with you all. Articles that encourage us to question what is happening in the world around us. Articles that also inspire us to reflect and dig deep so that we can become who we are meant to be. Articles that talk about dreams and fears whilst all the time finding ways to move forward. For me life is all about learning, evolving and being mindful in all that we do. By coming together and engaging with one another we can all share our wisdom and empower one another. We can create the world in which we all wish to live.

Also Includedthis week you can learn some great recipes for a healthy breakfast, as well as ways to dye your clothes naturally, I am also very happy and excited to include the first post by @earthtribe, a tribe that is affiliated with @tribesteemup and that is going to help to bring together even more Earth Warriors.

What Is TribeSteemUp

TribeSteemUp was created over a year ago by @kennyskitchen. It is a Community Abundance Generator which supports authors who write articles that look at ways in which we can become more empowered and create a more peaceful and free world.The authors that were chosen to become part of the TribeSteemUp community are all writing content of high quality, which are based on the following topics:

| Anarchy | Non-Violence | Philosophy | Veganism | Mindfulness |
| Community Empowerment | Love | Original Music | Esotericism |
| Healthy Recipes | Psychedelics | Truth | Permaculture |

The TribeSteemmUp community also has 8 Pillars/Principles that each member has agreed to adhere by and you can find The 8 Pillars of TribeSteemUp at the end of this post

Happy reading and remember to show your appreciation by upvoting and commenting. You can go one step further by following the TribesteemUp Curation Trail, this way way you are supporting all the great authors who are creating quality content.

The memory of water and the conspiracy to hide the potential of freely available medicines based on encoded water


French Scientist Jacques Benveniste made one of the greatest discoveries of our time, but his work was never recognised by the scientific establishment. The implications of his work were so grand that he was branded a Heretic and was totally shut down soon after he released his incredible discoveries. I first heard about this story in 1994, and when I saw the documentary it really blew my mind. The implications of his scientific studies were far reaching, and could have meant replacing of all pharmaceutical medicine with pure water that has been exposed to specific vibrations of sound. His experiments were based on the principals of Homeopathy, but Jacques took things much further. In this post you will discover the miraculous discoveries of Jacques, and I will explain a bit about the science behind it.

Dying Organic Fabric with Plants the Natural Way - NO CHEMICALS REQUIRED


@hempress & I have been secretly dying unbleached organic cotton shirts with plants, using a process that we are now upgrading to be a 100% chemical free method, with t-shirts manufactured by a fair trade company. Dying these shirts with plants will not be the end of this creative journey however, but more on that later.
Dying with plants is a daunting task in itself, but figuring out the process of how to dye with plants without using any synthetic chemicals whatsoever proved to be incredibly difficult. By the end of our research, we were left with a few undeniable conclusions that we see as subatomic specs of gold hidden amongst tons of sand. This made me remember that I have a knack for accomplishing the improbable and profound. But in order to understand my conclusions, you first must understand a couple basic principals of dying with plants.

Have a Dream You're Afraid to Pursue? Read this.


I’m not very good yet at being thankful for the things I have and so far have accomplished.
I currently spend so much time freaking out about the fact that I have so much to do and so little time.
I feel I spend too little time on the important things, like having gratitude for the fact that I have so much I want to do with my time. I’ve made boredom an impossibility, which was always a goal of mine as a kid.
Some people go through their entire lives just bored, waiting for something or someone to happen. When that something or someone does happen there’s never the appreciation for it that there should be and that’s a problem because that’s the first step to losing what you want. I know this because I spent most of my life bored, until I became an adult and the crazy whirlwind that’s become my life has started.
I’ve met so many people in the last several years who tell me I’m lucky for the situation I’m in and I’ve always laughed at it because, honestly, who the fuck wants to be on the run far from home and everything they know without something driving them away?

The Art of Drowning My Sorrow


Once in a while, I chug down a bottle of beer or a bottle of wine when I'm feeling fine. I wait for the moment when I start becoming free to be myself more. I already feel free when I'm sober but I'm freer when I'm intoxicated. Gone are the days of worrying about what others would think if I'm caught alone at a bar, or asking someone if it's fine to be caught alone at a bar with a glass of White Russian or having to obsess with what to wear so I would not look dumber while alone at a bar with a glass of White Russian. At the end of the day, nobody cares. I am my perfect drinking buddy. This is the time of my life that there's no right way to do things anymore. I figure out that there's sweet freedom in being my mind. There's just no way out of it anymore.

Spider's Song, Notes Along the Way


The web I want to weave is one of impact, depth and joy. There have been moments in my life when I live from the core of my meaning and as it pulses through me I remember that a central reason for life is to feel the flow of gratitude in the exchange. This earth-life is not always easy, but some things remain as constants and the abundance of the earth is one of these. It's my reason for breathing to midwife this abundance and to share it, to remind, to inhabit.
Have you ever watched a spider weave its web?
Just last night, Ini and I made a late night trip to the outdoor kitchen and as I turned around with my light, I nearly ran into a huge spider's web and a spider with a body (not including legs) the size of a dime sat at it's center.
Watching a spider weave its web is tantamount to the highest art. Their fibers are impossibly strong and they weave with such precision and skill I am invariably left amazed.

Imagination-The Key To Freedom


See the problem is this system has cleverly controlled our perception of what is and isn’t possible. From the moment we go to school we are taught never to question authority, to study hard in order to get rewarded for repeating the system’s version of everything, and that we must find a job in the matrix amongst the other rats in the race we call ‘life’. Recapturing the imagination throws a spanner in the works of this plan to put our consciousness into a tiny box.
This is exactly the reason I titled my book ‘Are You Living Or Just Existing?’ because the hard truth is that many of us or not living. The fundamental reason for this is simple, and that is because the imagination has been shot to pieces. As I talk about in my video below everything starts in the mind. Whether you want to start a new business, travel abroad, or learn to play a musical instrument, it all starts with that first initial thought.

Playing to Our Edges: Holding Breath Underwater


I've never really thought of myself as a courageous person. In fact, I regret so many things that I haven't done because I'm too scared to do them. Like many, I have a deep fear of rejection, and a fear of failure. I'm worried that I won't be good enough - not just for other's standards, but my own. I have no idea where this comes from - perhaps it comes from a moment in childhood. Perhaps it's come from some moment where my brain just flipped and the trauma of hurt remained in my body. It takes so much work to undo this conditioning and sometimes I don't feel I have the strength for it. It's far easier to ignore it and pretend it's not there. Yet ignoring it is impossible for me, as it always bubbles up to the surface anyway, so I best deal with it as it comes, and even before this happens!

The Deadpost Initiative - Week 36 - Share your most undervalued work ($17 SBD rewards last week)


What is the Deadpost Intitiative?
The Deadpost Initiative is an attempt to give love to some posts that were overlooked during their short 7 day life span, a chance to bring your old posts back to life and maybe make some friends in the process. The goal is not only to share some love with SBD but also by engagement to generate discussion.
Last week
Once again I need to apologize for the delay. I’ve got so many things on my plate, applying for jobs, playing 2-3 shows a week and also a Japanese study group. I will try to be on time next week.
This we we had great contemplative posts but not so much engagement. Please remember to come back and check out work by others. Resteem if you would like to support this initiative, the more the merrier.

Ulog 6: Once Upon A Time... I Was Garden Dumb & Why I Love My Life NOW



Yesterday I did a post and DTube video about "What being human means to me" as part of the #tribesteemup bi-weekly challenge post; and after thinking more about it overnight, I wanted to elaborate on a few key points I had mentioned in the post or on the video.
As I strolled through the garden as the sun rose, I was picking green beans and checking on the cucumbers and my mind started drifting about how my gardening skills have evolved, how I have come to learn new homesteading skills and how I have found my passion with a combination of a homesteading life, steemit and pushing myself to the next level.
Two years ago, one year before I joined steemit, I had no clue about half the herbs that are growing in my garden or that they even existed; let alone having the knowledge of how they can be used medicinally and for culinary flavor.

FOOD PHOTOGRAPHY - Mini vegan breakfast Recipes!

SkinnyMint (11 von 11).jpg


Hi darlings! It's time to share some vegan breakfast ideas with you guys! I love an easy and cold breakfast during the summertime, but it also needs to be fulfilling, as I am normally very hungry in the morning. How about you? How do you like your breakfast during the summer?
So today I just want to share some tips and ideas on how to create a delicious breakfast that keep you fulfilled and that taste great in the morning or whenever you break the fast.

Going with the Flow... Successfully


A lot of people seem to misunderstand the idea of going with the flow.
To go with the flow does not mean to let things fall apart.
It does not mean to accept whatever is left over after everyone else has taken what they want.
As in all things, there is a matter of balance involved. We have to integrate the different polarities available.
The reason people talk about going with the flow is because in cultures where the idea arose there is a tendency to be too tightly constrict at the opposite pole. People are too structured, scripted, and pre-planned.
But your life will be a mess if you don't maintain any structure in it. Too much of either pole will cost you.

Ozora, A Heartfelt Thank You For This Majestic Slap to My Ego | First Impressions from Ozora Festival 2018


I just returned from one of the toughest journeys I have ever undertaken in my life, spending a week at the mighty Ozora festival in Hungary in the blazing sun, cosmic thunderstorms and human body maladies of all sorts to a degree I have never experienced here ever.
If this wasn't a shamanic trial I really dont know what qualifies...
While it will take me months to even come close to grasp and eventually write down what I have just experienced I simply want to share some of my ego pains and concept-shattering epiphanies here that came as forceful as they came unexpected this year, at a time when I felt reasonably sure I knew what was in store for me in a general sense. How stupid huh? I ought to know much better by now but the clarity of nature's slap this year was unmistakable - and as rough as a coastal cliff on a ship's hull grinding without mercy at the seemingly solid. ;)

Writing Every Day On Steemit Helps To Manifest Your Reality


Steemit helps to manifest your thoughts into reality. We all create our universe around us by the power of our mind. Every thought and and every word constructs what we experience. This process is in our modern world often happening on a subconscious level and we create suffering and pain around us due to our feeling of disconnectedness from everything else.
Steemit helps to overcome this process and grow as a person in spirituality through the action of writing down words or speaking them onto a video camera. This is an active act of creation. The repeatedness of talking about topics, beliefs, wishes, ideas, dreams and cooperations is key in focusing our mind to what we want to create.

Our silence in the face of violence means we consent. Spiritual Warriors shall never remain silent!


While it appears the majority consents to the violence and coercion of life, I refuse to remain silent or participate in such vulgar and abusive behaviour. I shall confront those that engage in the abuse directly AND all those who stand by and say nothing.
I just sent a letter to the Mayor of the City of Windsor Ontario as some dear spiritual brothers and sisters were being bullied, intimidated, threatened and abused by government powers. Why is it that all governments fail to resolve matters peacefully FIRST before they then engage in violence? Did you know that the Queen swore an oath to use mercy in all her judgements? That requires compassion and forgiveness, which we do not see in any interaction with the state.

Why I Am So Optimistic About The STEEM Blockchain


It is no secret that I believe STEEM is going to be one of the leading blockchains going forward. There is some fundamental reasoning for this.
When looking at blockchians and what is taking place, it is important, in my view, to understand some of the capabilities that will make it attractive to users. This can often be hard to see initially because users are satisfied in a round about way.
I think it important to use a bottom up approach when analyzing this.
We start by realizing this is a Graphene based blockchain developed by @dan Larimer. This provides tremendous capabilities over the previous versions of blockchain, most notably, the number of transactions per second that can be handled. We see extreme scaling problems with Bitcoin and Ethereum at the moment. No such problems exist with STEEM, at least at the blockchain level.

Emotional Balancing: Finally Transforming Us From Competitive Thinking Towards True Peace


Do you think/feel that humanity's common approach to life is the best it can be? Do the wars, scarcity and epic suffering reflect true success or is there something important missing? I say there absolutely is a great deal missing from our common beliefs and logic that when understood will make such a great difference that many will be shocked it had been missed for so long.
Commonly our psychology and emotional body are such that through the conditioning of our life experiences, we associate certain feelings with certain experiences and ideas. By defining some emotions and experiences as 'good' and some as 'bad', we can unintentionally (or intentionally) limit our own emotional responses to fit into those narrow 'boxes' instead of allowing them (and us) to be more free and expansive.

Get Ready To Be Deplatformed! - The Censorship of Alex Jones & Why It Matters


In this video, I report on the recent de-platforming of Infowars' Alex Jones among countless others from both sides of the spectrum by YouTube, Facebook, Twitter, Apple, Spotify and others.
It has long been said that the answer to bad speech is more speech. However, there are a few companies who have garnered full control over the narrative. People for generations regurgitated every single point the mainstream media threw at them, so they somewhat decentralized their information by going to YouTube, Facebook and other places. Well, now YouTube, owned by Google which has gotten billion in government subsidies and can no longer be considered a private corporation has full control over information.

What Are We Teaching Our Kids?


I recently had a little run in with an evangelical street preacher. I actually wrote a post about it, but it disappeared from my tablet. Maybe I didn't need to put all that out there. We had words because I have a gay daughter and a zero tolerance policy for hateful dumbfucks. I guess the one good thing you can say about this interaction is that it spawned a lot for me. One of the things we battled about was his speakers blaring on about lust. I was not in a mood to explain to either my six or four year olds about lust.
Here’s the thing. I pretty much let them watch and listen to whatever they want. I figure they will regulate on what is and isn’t too much for them.

The Magic And Wonder Of The Apple Tree


August is the time when we get to harvest what we have grown and also it is the time to harvest all the amazing plants and fruits that nature has provided for us. Celebrating Lughnasadh is the perfect way to show our thanks to the Earth for her abundance. One tree that is know globally is the Apple Tree. It is the 10th tree of the Celtic Tree Ogham and it represents abundance, gratitude, cleansing and open hearted generosity. Because we are living in a time of abundance, I wished to talk today about the Apple Tree, a tree that is all giving. In order to receive the gift of abundance and receive the wisdom from the tree, take the time to sit with one and open your energy to receive. As is the way with nature, it is best to give something in return, any natural offering is good, especially one high in nitrogen as you are helping to feed the soil and the tree.

Introducing EARTH TRIBE, A Group of Freedom Fighters for the Earth!! & A Tribe Steem Up Affiliate


It is @earthtribe's mission to support those on the Steemit platform that are Earth conscious, eco-friendly, & want to truly benefit humanity by promoting topics of liberty, resisting tyranny & oppression, understanding diversity, and healing this world and our people, moving us and the planet forward in a positive direction. I also want this tribe to become a haven for star seeds, where they can connect, share ideas and inspiration, and collaborate on projects of healing and peace.

A big thank you to @hungryhustle for creating the amazing infographic of the 8 Pillars Of TribeSteemUp and For @eco-alex for creating the tribesteemup banner and logo.




Powerfully intense and brain-blowing would come to mind at perusing through theses bunch of Muse-merizing Magical Thoughts. I was simply in awe trying to digest them. Then it registered to me that I should do better than just perusing through them: so I followed you, upvoted and am resteeming this post right away.

I truly wish to be involved in your projects, @trucklife-family. How do I proceed?


thank you @igwentertainment, they really are great articles by the Tribe members. Tribesteemup is not really something you can just join, everyone was hand picked and curated by @kennyskitchen, you have to write about the topics I have highlighted about and agree to adhere by the pillars that were created. you should check out the new earthtribe that has just been created, it is the last post in that I included in this collection of weekly gems.

As a follower of @followforupvotes this post has been randomly selected and upvoted! Enjoy your upvote and have a great day!

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