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RE: "Can You Unite the Whole World?" TribeSteemUp BiWeekly Question

in #tribesteemup6 years ago

It is long past time to stop looking at how we are all different, whether it be ethnic group, nationality,language, religious beliefs, creed, personal philosophies, etc., and start realizing how we are all alike and can all learn from and live in harmony with each other.

I don't care how you choose to worship divinity or the mother earth, or an alien spacefaring race for that matter. Where the line is crossed is when ideologies begin to adopt a mindset of superiority, or of "being the only way."
The elites have done a great job of keeping the people distracted through the funding of, glorification of, and limelighting of, an endless barrage of sports, pop culture, consumerism, entertainment, and on and on.

All of us have been poisoned by propaganda from our own governments and corporate owned media to the point where we are all reaching a simultaneous awakening in consciousness and shifting of our reality to being able to see how truly effed up the world is.
We must realize and self correct our own individual paths that if we are serving and working within the system, then we are sustaining the very system that is enslaving and killing off both our species and the planet. I'm pretty sure that whatever force gave us life is not pleased with how we have used our dominion and stewardship of this plane.
Look at how all the other creatures live in perfect harmony and contentment with their surroundings and then reflect on how man has been ridiculously negligent, poisoning and destroying everything in his path. It's not enough just to be able to get from Point A to Point B on an elemental, renewable energy source such as solar, wind, or water. No, we have to deplete the earth of it's lifeblood, oil, to power our never ending growth of empire and fiat currency. We have to strip mine the crust of all it's metals and minerals to smelt, burn, refine, cut, and shape to power our never ending growth of empire and fiat currency. Is this the age old human dilemma? Is the rise and fall of murderous empires based on a need of survival and self preservation or is it born from a greedy lust of power, that certain men or family bloodlines just want to control every damned thing on the planet, including the people?
It seems to me, like everything is increasingly designed to cut us off from nature and detach us from our Source. Being grounded to the earth is a natural cure for arthritis and inflammation so it's ok to go outside and walk barefoot in the soil or grass. Shoes may offer protection from hot rocks, asphalt, or pavement, but we were not born to live in such an unnatural environment as a concrete jungle. We were made to live in a symbiotic balance with nature.


very well said @mindszai, I agree 100% with you, so many people have been cut off from the source, just walking barefoot is frowned upon by some yet it is so healing and powerful, but yet so many are remembering and finding their way back, it is always really great to connect with those on here xx

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