What does it mean to be a light-worker? (@TribeSteemUp Bi-Weekly Question)

in #tribesteemup6 years ago (edited)

If you look online, there are many definitions as to what a light worker means. Some claim to be "earth angels" or "indigos", or have "psychic" abilities. There are many beliefs about being from some alleged "spiritual" source or plane that favors them as being special "souls" in some way. But are these things demonstrable? Are they real? Maybe, but maybe it's all made up too.

Public Domain - pxhere

I've met some people who claim to be light workers, and they often wear a positivity mask that makes them only look at or deal with the positive they want to acknowledge in the world. Some have beliefs that if you look at the negative, or learn about it, then you focusing on the negative, giving it energy and power to exist, feeding the negative to let make it grow. If only no one looked at, learned or thought about th negative things going on, they would magically disappear. But this isn't how reality works.

In order for the world to truly become a positive place that is reduced in negative manifestations like wrong doings, immorality or evil action, it needs to be faced. In order to face it, it needs to be acknowledged. The negative needs to be seen, understood and then something can be done to stop it from being created, generated or manifested into reality by human actions. Sometimes it's others who create it, and sometimes it's ourselves that are unwittingly creating it. But if no one faces it, then it surely won't go away on it's own when we keep acting in ways that keep it "alive".

Ignoring the negative that is occurring is often done so as to spare ourselves the negative emotional expressions or experiences from recognizing it, such as being mad, angry, hurt, sad, stressed, etc. Feeling negative in ourselves brings us to non-positive emotional states, and that isn't desired by many. Especially those who are focusing on being positive only, like "New Agers" or some of the so-called "spiritually" inclined.

Negative emotions are avoided by many, as they don't want to feel-bad, they just want to feel-good. They are stuck in a pleasure trap, and as such deny the spectrum of human emotional states that act as a signal board or cues to recognize when something isn't right, either with ourselves or with reality. Negative emotions should be allowed to manifest and be recognized in order to help us or the world heal. If we want a real, true, lasting positive world to exist, then we need to face the negative and learn from it to purify, transmute or sublimate it.

When we stop to ignore the negative, we stop being ignorant of it, and can do something about it. It's not to stupor or wallow in the negative, abut to acknowledge it and accept that it exists, not accept that it needs to persist. Facing the negative removed the blissful ignorance of feel-good false perceptions and allows us to see the true condition in it's beauty and horror, light and dark, good and evil.

Without that acceptance of it's existence, we deny, avoid or ignore it's existence, and can't truly do anything about it. We won't know it's there, or how to do anything to resolve it from the root causal source. We have to know and understand evil to realize and create good, instead of being a tool for evil by letting it perpetuate as we try to bury our heads int he sand, close up our eyes and eyes to falsely protect ourselves from having to see what is there.

With respect to accepting the negative, again it's about recognizing it's there, and not rejecting it's existence. Then we can do something to prevent it from existing. If we resist the knowledge or understanding of something existing, then it will only persist due to our inability to do anything about it. Ignoring the negative to not feed it, does just that.

That doesn't mean to simply accept the negative, bad, evil, horror or darkness and let it be. No. That is another "New Age" or pseudo-"spiritual" deception, to think that everything needs to be accepted and not resisted or else it will persist. We need to accept that it exists, not accept that it needs to exist. Not accept that evil needs to exist for good to exist. That's not true.

Thinking that resisting the negatives/wrongs/evils from being created only feeds them, is folly. Resisting and preventing the negative/wrong/evil from being created will not feed it and make it grow. We need to act and react to do something about the problems/negatives, or else they will stay. We need to resist it's continuation to exist, to do something about it continuing to exist so that it can stop existing, to stop the negative, bad, evil, horror or darkness from being in our world.

Some believe they should just accept, and not take action in the world or in themselves to change the condition and make it better. If we don't face our participation in wrong doings or don't confront others on theirs, or don't use the force and energy of our ability to speak, write or act to stand up against those things, then they will keep being created. They will persist, when they don't need to. We need to resist their presence in order for something to change.

The world is as it is because people act to create it into being that way. The conditions of good or bad/evil, of light or dark, or beauty or horror that we collectively create the world to be can be made better or worse. If we ignore the darkness by only focusing on the light, the darkness won't stop being there. Not facing the truth of the darkness allows it to continue and run you over in the end.

So what is a light worker? Light is a symbol of truth, good, justice, morality, love, etc. A light worker is someone who does the work of trying to bring more light into the world by knowing and understanding there is darkness which allows them to act against it, to resist it from being created more.

A light worker works to remove that darkness in themselves and in the world. Then the light will automatically shine brighter because the darkness is being removed. If the darkness, shadow, demon, devil or evil is not removed, then no amount of light or good actions will remove it, as it will still be created by ourselves or others in ignorance of what we're doing.

Looking at Carl Jung's quote on light and darkness, I see it as to reflect how we deal with the shadow, darkness, demon, devil and evil within ourselves and in the world:

One does not become enlightened by imagining figures of light, but by making the darkness conscious.
- Carl Jung

We have to take down the darkness, brick by brick. That's how we can make a new structure built with light that stand in it's place. The light won't stand erected so long as we let the darkness be built in it's place.

Public Domain - pxhere

A light worker does the work of light, love truth, good, justice and morality by making the darkness, evil, injustice and immorality known for others to recognize it and stop it in themselves and in the world as well. Anyone can be a light worker according to how I have defined it to mean here. You don't need to be some "special" "spiritual" being or whatever other beliefs people have. All you need to do is care for truth and moral truth to start you on the way to learning how to bring more moral truth and goodness into the world.

Thank you for your time and attention. Peace.

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We have to take down the darkness, brick by brick.

I love this, although the pessimist in me believes that there will never be an end to the bricks. It seems to me that there has been and always will be dark workers who lie and cheat and coerce others out of their belongings and soul. They seem to be pretty close to having the world in its grasp now with the aid of technology and the way they have stamped out critical thinking in many who might have possessed it.

The one thought I had as I read this though is that the dark workers need light workers or they have no one left to feed off of but themselves.

Yes, it does seem dire. But the only way things can change is if ppl realize the problem, then work towards making themselves part of thee solution. Critical thinking is an important first step. Too many are driven by "anyway I can make money I will" as it's based in lower survival or greed consciousness. The dark only need ppl who are ignorant to buy into what they're selling, no light workers needed ;)

The dark only need ppl who are ignorant to buy into what they're selling, no light workers needed

Just as I would put it too!

the dark workers need light workers or they have no one left to feed off of but themselves.

The solution is never external in my view. I would think that darkness lies within and all we can do at the best is to explore ourselves

I agree that all is within. I was thinking more in context of those who dwell from darkness are parasites who need light to feed. Without those who produce those who rob what is produced would starve.

I think some people who identify as light-workers might be actively choosing not to pay mind to darkness, not because it will magically make the darkness go away, but rather to lead by example and be that candle in the night shining as bright as they can.

If you’ve ever come into the radius of a very positive person with a bright and glowing presence, attitude, or personality, you might notice that they can lift your mood. When shining that light they can affect whoever is in their immediate radius.

Can one person change the entire world, probably not, yet they can brighten the day of those around them which could lead to a chain reaction of positivity. The positive effect of one person in a good spirit can be just as positive as a negative can negatively affect a person who is in a bad way.

People can generate electricity. We store this energy as a charge and also discharge this energy at one another all the time. Charge someone up with negative energy and they are bound to discharge that negative energy immediately back at you, or perhaps they will stew for a while and wrongfully discharge it at someone else later on that day, or that week.

So if some light-worker folks are able to generate positive energy and discharge it at people in helpful ways it can have an effect, even a butterfly effect. Take the information war, for example, we try to shine some light in the world of information which is similar to what a light-worker does, but I think light-workers are more focused on spirit.

We can’t end the darkness overnight; one post shining a light on a dangerous vaccine is not going to cause the world to stop using vaccines. Yet, with any chance or happenstance, you just may be able to influence the right person to not make a mistake that would ruin their life.

I think it’s the same with the light-workers, take for example someone who is having a very horrible day because someone discharged at them harshly with a really negative spirit and energy for no apparent reason. This could cause the person on the receiving end of that type of encounter to be ready to snap at whoever, and if they did who knows what could happen!?

Now imagine if this negatively charged person crosses paths with a light-worker and the light-worker is able to disarm them with their personality or simple care and concern. I think all of this energy stuff is going on behind the scenes and some folks who identify as light-workers are highly in tune with this work of spirit and heart.

rather to lead by example and be that candle in the night shining as bright as they can.

That's not how wrong-doers stop doing wrong, if everyone lets them just keep doing it.

Being positive and uplifting is good to have. People can also "charge" up to release negative energy when they are told things they don't want to hear, which is a truth which is positive.

The information "warrior" shines light be exposing darkness, not ignoring it.

That's not how wrong-doers stop doing wrong, if everyone lets them just keep doing it.

I think the folks who lead by example are being the change they want to see, like the Gandhi quote. If one wants to stop wrongdoers from doing wrong they could become a police officer. Yet, even there you enter into the realm of subjectivity and potentially tampering with the free will of another being. They can do some good at times but many times they are over stepping to the nth degree.

Being positive and uplifting is good to have. People can also "charge" up to release negative energy when they are told things they don't want to hear, which is a truth which is positive.

I agree. That could depend a lot on the message, messenger, intent, and whether or not there is a shared perception of truth.

The information "warrior" shines light be exposing darkness, not ignoring it.

I agree. I was mostly speaking with respect to light-workers. They adopt "workers" instead of "warriors" because it's an entirely different way. Different yet related like apples and oranges are different. Even though they are both different, they are both similar as they reside in the fruit category. I can see both sides and they're not necessarily independent.

I think sometimes an information warrior can be a light-worker and sometimes a light-worker can be an information warrior. We're all primed by nature or our creator with a very deep capacity to be as broad and expansive or as narrow and limited as we please or need to be at any given time. I say why not be both, and summon the appropriate spirit as necessary.

Sometimes you'll see people in need of spirit lifting or love and other times you'll see people in need of crucial information. Like your articles about vaccine dangers for example. Poor kids and their parents are like flies flying towards that blue light. Then zap! that's all she wrote. One small mistake that could have been avoided had only the parent been informed.

beautiful response to this weeks question.. great that you bring in the 'keeping it real' aspect.. i.e not being totally masked with some sterotype disney version of a perfect sweet light worker! Ive met many that are quite rude too, with all kinds of personal issues..

we cant ignore the dark side, and we must embrace our own.. as i said in my post.. its not about good and bad.. which is inevitable in our polarised universe.. instead it is about Balance!

But it is about the good and bad being done. Otherwise there is no direction for a goal to bring light-good-truth-morality into the world. It's just whatever if it's about recognizing good and bad. Anything goes.

The goal is to balance the knowledge and understanding of good and evil, right and wrong, in order to recognize one from the other. The other balance is to balance ourselves in a scale with truth-morality-good, to align, harmonize and equalize ourselves with truth-love-good-morality, so that we are not the opposite. That's the real balance that needs to be struck.

@krnl I have wondered about this as well. Thanks for sharing. I do want to address one thing you said though, I believe you touched on it briefly and I want to emphasize it. "All you need to do is care for truth and moral truth to start you on the way to learning how to bring more moral truth and goodness into the world."
We need to be sure to take action as well. As mentioned change starts with ourselves. Also when you see a "wrong" step up. Too many, matter of fact most do nothing and think someone else will do it, help, etc. Do not assume or leave something when you can help. We need more people doing not just talking. This is directed to all humanity. I also like the comment by @thoughts-in-time.

Yes, that's what leads to action. Care. If you don't care to do something, then you won't do it. That's the motivation and drive. If you don't care about what's truly right or wrong, then you won't care to change behavior either.

@krnel, this is a first rate example of what I view this platform to utilize. I'm very new to Steemit. But, I resteemed this in order to go back and read more later. I am in the process of writing a short post on witnesses. Not exhaustive but I will attempt to draw attention to it. My best wishes to you and your efforts. Question, can you only vote for one witness?

Posted using Partiko Android

Glad I could be someone for you to find value on the platform ;)

You can vote for 30 witnesses, and change your vote anytime you want.

I hear you say 30 at a time, is that correct! I believe, don't quote me that Bitshares vote is in the wallet. Is it in our steemit wallet?

Posted using Partiko Android

If we try hard to forget the negative in a bit to starve it of energy so it wont grow, what will happen to wrong doers who have in their selfish interest job or cause injury to innocent people, how will those people be judged if we don't understand the evil they've committed?
Like you said, reality doesn't work like that.

Yup, the thing we need to balance is the knowledge of good and evil, right and wrong, truth and falsity to recognize them both for what they are.

You always have a way of overanalyzing everything in-depth Krnel, maximum respect. You are an asset to us here

Hehe, yes analysis is important to understand things more deeply ;) Thanks.

Reality doesn't work like that. By not giving thought to evil will only make one not to know how others who has suffered from the evil act of others are passing through.

Yeah, some people don't get how things work and live in fantasy lol

I upvoted your post.

Keep steeming for a better tomorrow.
@Acknowledgement - God Bless

Posted using https://Steeming.com condenser site.

What good information friend, wonderful post, I wait for you in discord.

Yeah? Wonderful?

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