Propaganda Rabid Apes

in #tribesteemup6 years ago (edited)



"They have arrested a young man of 36 years and of Polish nationality as alleged perpetrator of a crime against public health by drug cultivation."

I found out from magazines that I was arrested for being a drug lord, because I had 386 plants of terrible drug, called CANNABIS, which was HEMP?! That has never harmed anyone and is recommended by doctors who studied results of around 1000 research. I AM medicinal cannabis patient and I did have a few tiny plants of my medicine and I have nothing to hide or be ashamed of.


Is the negligence of the judicial process a norm in Spain?
Am I guilty until I prove I am not?
Are we in medieval times and am I hallucinating civilization?

Am I a danger to public health? How dare you publish this disguising propaganda and have all my neighbors point the finger at me; the only Pole in the area? You are the real danger of public health you rabid apes!

I was growing hemp for my horse and a few tiny, LEGAL plants of medicinal cannabis.

If I am a drug lord in prison, how am I writing this and how come all the 386 wet plants with roots and sand weigh 3,4kg? Even if it was pure, best cannabis bud, which there is 0 of, after drying, there would be 500g.


But, lets say wild pigs, goats and bugs would not eat my few tiny plants of cannabis and my irrigation system would not stop working and my medicinal plants would not die; how much could they produce, if they were 50cm tall on 25th of July?


All together... maybe 500g, if everything went perfectly fine, which almost never happens?

Should I be judged by what may have been? If so, everyone should be arrested, because they might be drug dealers too... and this is why I know they will falsify the test results and turn the 3,3kg of food for my horse, into a TERRIBLE DRUG, that only makes people happier and healthier, unlike the alcohol and tobacco they are so fond of ?... with all the science, World Health Organization and 1000 researches against them?

So I will be charged with lies I had 500g of cannabis... which will be uselss compost with roots... NOT MUCH OF A DRUG LORD, IS IT?

Do you want the money extorted through taxation to go towards these PARAMILITARY MORONS WITH GUNS?

Does this look like I am this danger to public health?
Or these perverts watching each of my movements, wasting your money on watching my ass when I shower every day?


What laws did I break if my few tiny plants of cannabis plants were not in the public space and nobody could see them?

Why am I being constantly watched, when I wash my ass, by some strangers in costumes?

Where are the lab tests, confirming it is not hemp?

Where is the evidence that I wanted to sell it to someone and that was not for my private and medicinal use? I live in the middle of the forest! And sell what exactly? Compost? These tiny plants may as well have have been eaten by mountain goats,. as they were hidden deep in the forest, so no rabid apes could steal my medicine.

Where are the flowers that would have some medicinal or trade value?

The only evidence that exists is against the Civil Guard, which states that hemp and a few small plants of cannabis, without flowers, have any value and I will fight to prove it in courts, suing Guardia CIvil and its propaganda magazines, even if I have to go to UN courts, even if I have to sacrifice my life to do so.

I have no secrets. My life is public on my blogs. I have documented all my life during the last half year. I have videos and photos to show each step of cultivating my medication and food for my horse, which grew in one of my 2x2m2 patches, along with other organic foods I grow for my seed-bank project, I started this year.

I have a video showing these few tiny plants of hemp explaining that they look similar and could be confused by silly people who do not have to know what they are doing to terrorize a farmer.

I would publish the videos of these terrorists, but they are so respected by society that it is forbidden to show their faces. AND I DO NOT WANT TO BREAK THE LAW, to give them an excuse to terrorize me, even though it is tyrannical in nature.

BUT I will call violent fascists by their name. I will write truth to oppose their lies.

The normal procedure in the courts is to make a test of my hair, that shows that the cannabis was not for sale, but I am using it myself. I do not use hemp for that. I cannot use tiny baby plants with no flowers for that neither. No one does! This is not the part of cannabis you use. You'd think people who want to destroy your life for having a plant would know that?

First they come, they terrify me and they steal it, and then I have to prove that they did do not?! Because I still have and use them? So now I have to go to the streets, look for people who sell cannabis illegally, to prove... I did not do anything illegal? And then they will charge me for buying cannabis illegally?!

I can have it for personal or medicinal use, but I cannot buy it or grow it? Should I prey for my medicine to be sent to me from Santa Claus then? Please someone explain to me the logic behind these threats.

They force me to use pain killing poisons from pharmacy, that destroy my stomach and make me ill, so I have to buy other disgusting drugs and be the slave of pharma until I die eating 50 different pills, and then they want me to prove they did not steal my natural medicine from me and want to put me in a cage for healing myself?

What other magic does this "law" have up its sleeve?
When the "law" ceases to be the law and begins to become threats and traps?

When is a better time to oppose abuse, terror and injustice?

I wrote an article on the day it happened.

"They have arrested a 36-year-old man of Polish nationality as the alleged perpetrator of a crime against public health for drug cultivation."

How dare you?

I am this Pole and these are lies, and 36 is not so young.
I am old enough to know the history and know when the "protectors" become depressants.
I am old enough to not be patronized by sociopaths and silenced by some Spanish Jose Goebbels propaganda.


Political "teachers" write laws that do not serve anyone, but themselves and their sponsors. There is no evidence in the world that cannabis has a negative effect on public health.
But these followers of the order of licking the boot dare to say that they are serving humanity? And a hermit who wants to escape this hallucination is the danger to public health?

They are not serving me.
And I never met anyone who wanted to put peaceful people, who never harmed anyone in cages, because they cultivate a healthy plant, recommended by studies and doctors.

If you follow the orders of the people who want to govern you, who are actors paid by the pharmaceutical industry, who are you, by definition?

What is the difference between the masters of Civil Guard and Stalin, Hitler, Franco or Mao? Less death and suffering... so far. Wait for the next economic collapse that is lurking from around the corner.

Civil Guard is abusing its authority and it terrifies me because I am a foreigner, who after surviving a terrible accident, just wants to be left in nature.

They are not deceiving me. I do not want to pay them for their "service of terror", because there is some odd possibility that they can really do their job and protect me, some day.

I prefer the risk of hypothetical people who want to control my life over the certainty of being controlled by the worst people in the world.
But I have no choice in your "civilized freedom", and seems I cannot escape it.

If I'm going to stop paying, they'll put me in a cage and if I defend myself, they'll kill me.

I need real civil guards to protect me from these terrorists. In a free society, if I'd need protection, I would hire a protection agency that has good reviews, like any bank or company that decides to do so.
Not a monopoly sect that has the worst reviews. Because the monopoly on protection will always provide the worst service, like any monopoly! Always!

If I do not have the right to start violence and no one does who gave it to them? Where did they get it from?
How can I delegate the right that nobody has?

Are you being served when a stranger with a gun is terrifying you because you want to drive in flip flops, or 2000 other excuses to patronize you, mistreat you and take your money?

So I will continue paying, just please leave me alone until you have any evidence I am harming anyone!

Threats written by your political masters are not any scientific evidence and the law clearly states I can use cannabis if I wish to.

These magazines are a propaganda tool:

Just to make it clear, they do not have Internet in jail, I had 17 small medicinal cannabis plants, the 369 missing plants needed to make this terrible propaganda possible, were vitamins for my horse, called HEMP. I threw a handful of organic hemp seeds from the health store in my field. Some were 1cm tall, others were 50cm tall ... and this makes me a drug trafficker.

I am a victim of terror and propaganda of people who call themselves my guardians, who in fact have 0 evidence to publish these obvious lies. They invade, steal with no evidence at all to excuse their actions, spread propaganda...

Franco is laughing from his grave!

These are the real TERRORISTS who do not need test results from their lab, don't need the court's decision, don't need ANY evidence at all to publish their lies.

They can defame you by spreading gossips published by major papers without any consequence!?

I also found out my friend cut his foot off in my remote farm and they saved his life, while my friend was sitting next to me with his foot healed after a month. NOT cut off then?

They use propaganda to look like someone needs them and does not despise these emotional retards.

Nobody likes the Civil Guard. If it is expected of you that you intend to respect them, because you fear "your protectors", something goes in a terribly wrong direction, and we have been there before. Most of them are dangerous fascist or communists, like all the followers of the order and they have to be fools to not know it.

If they do not protect civilians, but work for the pharmaceutical industry, while having no evidence that cannabis harms a person, when nuts kill 3000 and tobacco and alcohol kill 8.5 million people per year... will you be a coward who accepts this or fight for justice?

If they do not question their actions when they are clearly killers for the pharmaceutical industry, they are dangerous fascists, and I do not care what they do to me for exposing the truth.

The official documents that they issued themselves, are my evidence that along with the roots, sand and 0 flowers that are the real medicine, which has some value, the 386 plants weigh 3.42 kg, and 90% of it was hemp, which after drying will make 500 g of ... compost ... with a street value of EUR1000? Sesame Street?
Is it the same place where I can legally get my medication, so I can prove to them that I use it, after it was stolen?

"Narcotraficante" with 500g of compost, in the middle of nowhere, is a danger to public health?
Or fascist idiots, who cannot leave a hermit alone in the middle of a forest?
Is my life in nature not hard enough?

This is the sacrifice I made to escape this circus of rabid apes, which they confuse with civilization.

"If you do not like our civilization, go live in the jungle, you live in a jungle, that's suspicious, you must be a drug trafficker."

I tried to be nice. Now I WILL NOT CENSOR myself to fit this terror. They can crucify me.

It is a clear violation of the law by people who "are the law". They robbed me and my horse without any evidence that I did anything illegal.

Fascism and communism have already been tried. It is necessary to oppose the cult of retarded sociopaths, that are threatening lives of peaceful people. This is what evolution needs of the human species or we will become extinct, by violent idiots.

This is a dysfunctional abuse of authority, the greatest danger to public health; idiots in suits of superior morality and intelligence, who are always responsible for bringing dictators to power and murdered 300,000,000 people in the last 100 years alone, and put millions of peaceful people in cages, for "crimes" without victims... to teach them "civilization" in a rape camp? Wasting taxpayers' money?

If you have nothing better to do, clearly you are not necessary?!

Is it enough when you have to pay for 2000 permits to your "teachers", you call taxes, to be free?

Is it enough when you cannot decide about your dog or drive barefoot?

When is it then?

Is this your civilization? Keep it! And please, just leave me alone!

Let's try freedom? If I am going to die in the paradigm shift process, it will be a good death.

I will fight to the end to use the truth against these rabid apes. I will take it to the courts of the United Nations if I have to do it ... but I know that this mafia will never let me win.

It is good to have a purpose. Even if I am going to be crucified because of my principles.

My life is less important than raising awareness.

Maybe that's why I survived my accident; fight for freedom, not only for me, but for you, so you can drive your car in flip flops and use the sun without paying taxes for the electricity it produces.

The abuse of imposed authority is the greatest danger to public health!

Is this really all that your "civilization" can offer?

Then you are a rabid ape, hallucinating that you have superior morality.

Wake up, or already extinct.


I will print this text, make fliers and spread it anywhere I can. I contact activist groups, top cannabis lawyers, papers and anyone I can think of.

Feel FREE to print it and help me spread the message of freedom.

If you care about freedom and justice, please help me share my story. Only this will give me a small chance of winning with organized crime group.

Please help!

Straight from the horse's mouth:
horses mouth.jpg

I believe that every interaction between humans should be voluntary. I want for each individual to be the only controller of their lives and their property.
I am an individual. I want to create stuff for myself and others. I want to be rewarded according to how my time is useful to others. My life is mine. I own myself. What I create is extension of me. My time is my currency. I can exchange it or keep it. It is my capital. I do not believe in imposed authority.
Labels that fit to my individual choices make me an anarchist, a capitalist, a voluntaryist, but most of all, I AM AN INDIVIDUAL, who does not judge your value by the status you achieved in an imposed, imaginary collective. No matter who you are; if you respect others, respect me, I will always respect you.

I know I am the only owner of my life, my time, my capital.
This is what I want. It is the best for me. I don't care what the collective wants me to do. I choose to interact if I wish. I am the owner of me.
I do not want to harm others in ANY way.
Please do not impose your rule on me.
Tread on me or others and I will feel morally obligated to stop you.

If you are interested in off-grid living, homesteading, medicinal plants and alternative lifestyle, check out my other blogs @lostambores and @smokeymcpot





I am sorry to hear all this. I wish you the best of luck.

I will take it to UN courts if I have to.

Good luck with your struggle, mate -they are nothing but authoritarian wankers.
I have my doubts about the UN, though - they are all part of the same cabal...

oh for sure. I do not want to be a part of the system to defend from it... but what else? I want to publish it all... but it also requires someone who would want to... the supreme court will never sentence me with no evidence. I spoke with the best lawyers activists. There is no chance I will go to jail, BUT I want these pigs to be exposed for their terror and propaganda.


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