Trial by Comics : Portrait of Yoda
He is my favourite Star Wars charector ever. Tiny but wise and powerfull.
I find out about the contest this morning and without wasting any time, i grab the sketchbook and start looking for the charcoal brushes.
Within less than one hour, i managed to capture the Jedi Master expression and came more lively.
Okay..its done.
That’s some top shelf pencil work, bravo.
Thanks @dandays
Nice work sir. May the force be with you.. (^^;)
Thanks Fieza. 😎
Outstanding work! The negative hair is an especially nice touch...
Thanks . The hair, my favorite part too
It is all done quite well, but the hair treatment takes it to the next level
tunjuk ajar ku sifuu... :)
Hehe..blm sifu bro..baru tahap taufu
hahah..part charcoal mmg makanan bro..tu yang nak belajar..tak pernah torai lagi charcoal punya hikmat.. :))
Kita ada forte masing2..amik masa jugak nk paham charcoal ni..dia punya nikmat mcm mkn aiskrim lepas guna ubat gigi sensodine 😆
huiii..terasa puasnya tu bang..wakaka..nak blaja pelan pelan bang..nak tau pemilihan kertas dengan tools yang betul..nak main langgar je tak bagus utk kesihatan.. :))
Setuju. Kalau main langgar je..alamatnya akan ke longkang.
hahah..kann..esok free kalu,turun la bang..muzium negara.. bro @perennial nak turun ilmu steemit lagi..esok menteri nak rasmikan pameran kartun..rambai pun ada..
Insya Allah
edehh..nangih tgk wan..mmg padu!!..fuhhh!!
Thanks u bro