The Cannabis Farm in Aceh Will Be Turned So Places

in #trennews7 years ago

The Cannabis Farm in Aceh has great potential to be a tourist attraction. There are hills with views of rice fields, forests, and oceans
Aceh has many cases of green land which turned out to be marijuana especially in Bireun. The case of the cannabis field in Aceh proved to make the National Narcotics Agency (BNN) plan to incorporate the area into the Grand Design Alternative Development (GDAD) which aims to make people aware that marijuana fields can be converted as vegetable fields, fruit, to tourist objects.


The cannabis field in Aceh will soon be turned into a tourist destination. Photo source
Natural scenery will be a supporter of marijuana fields that converted into tourist attractions

Head of BNNK Bireun, Saiful Fadhli said that in the fields of marijuana fields have great potential because there are views of rice fields, forests and oceans.
"The village of Meunasah Bungo, Peudadada Subdistrict, Bireun Regency, has great potential to be a tourist attraction. There is a hill with a view of rice fields, forests, and oceans, "said BNNK Chief Bireun Saiful Fadhli quoted from Antara on Monday (19/3).
In addition to beautiful destinations, in the area of ​​cannabis fields there are also home-made rattan crafts that could be a choice of by-by tourists.
Despite a lot of tourism potential, there are still many things that need to be considered to make marijuana fields in Aceh a tourist destination


Meskipun potensi wisata bagus, tapi masih banyak hal yang perlu diperhatkan untuk mewujudkan destinasi wisata di ladang ganja. Sumber foto
Selain Bireun, langkah GDAD yang menyasar ke kawasan Aceh Besar dan Gayo Lues. Langkah ini ini akan diproyeksikan hingga sepuluh tahun ke depan. Berdasarkan Data Polda Aceh tahun 2016 terdapatkan 482 hektar lahan gaja yang telah dimusnahkan.
Menteri Perencanaan Pembangunan Nasional, Bambang Brodjonegoro mengaku cukup antusias dengan langkah BNN ini. Meskipun begitu, ia menyebutkan untuk merealisasikannya perlu mendapatkan dukungan lintas sektoral.
“Tetap harus ada yang diperhatikan, yang pertama tanaman harus memiliki nilai ekonomis, seperti kopi, kelapa, kakao dan tanaman pangan lainnya, yang kedua pentingnya target pasar yang jelas sehingga para petaninya tidak merugi. Artinya, secara ideal, para petani sudah memiliki target pasar seperti perusahaan besar yang menjadi mitra,” ujar Bambang.

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