New Rule!! $500 Limit On Posts!!!

in #trending7 years ago

It Is Now Official!!! There is now a limit of $500 maximum reward per post until further notice!!!

The Trending Page! Oh how we all long to be there! Home to the best and most thought provoking articles ever produced by mere mortals, the most extravagant works of art and most articulate, funny and philosophically insightful members of our small community! That is where all the action happens and where we all strive to have our name in lights. These are the celebrity pages of our small 'community',

We all know of course that we have an equal opportunity on steemit, not like the big, bad, real world outside that we all bitch about and hope to be free of in the not too distant future thanks to our new saviour! The place where we all came for the money but stayed for the community. The place where we were supposed to put into practice the lessons we had learned from the mistakes we had made in our real world societies. The place where we are all supposed to look after each other and help each other out rather than focusing on fame, fortune and self.

There are I'm sure some regulars on the 'Hot' and 'Trending ' pages who are very, very good at what they do and who produce quality posts but there are clearly also some there who are celebrity steemers making (TAKING) rewards from the pot that their efforts do not deserve. This is completely unacceptable on a platform that is supposed to place an emphasis on both community and quality of work. Each post, in my opinion should be judged on merit and rewarded accordingly based on added value to the platform. We don't want every post to be about cats or it is no different from any other platform out there. We are supposed to stand for something different, something more, something for everyone.

If you are reading this and becoming offended because you think I am talking about you then I would suggest that you are probably right!

Perhaps I am mistaken and this was not the intended purpose of steemit after all. Perhaps the initial intention was to make a few people rich by convincing lots of other people that they could also become rich if they just did the same. :) If this was the initial intention then things seem to be going to plan around here.

If If not, then I would like to suggest that we get back to being the community we want to be where everyone has a fair chance at being seen, heard and rewarded for their efforts. I would like to propose that at least for a trial period, the maximum payout of posts should be set at $500. This would enable more of the rewards to be spread out among other members and would hopefully increase interest among users who are trying hard but not getting noticed and would reduce the need that some seem to have to 'network' with the bigger users just to get a foothold on the platform.

99% of all users on steemit currently earn well below $500 per post so if this were put to a fair vote with each user having one single vote I would suggest that it would be overwhelmingly in favour of the temporary cap.

The vast, vast majority of users on the site are referred to as minnows and I am part of that group. What I would like to say to my fellow minnows is that we are the ones who hold all of the power on this platform just as we do in the real world. It is up to us to decide what steemit becomes and not those who would seem to have all of the power as things stand. Steemit needs us more than we need steemit and please believe me when I say that this platform COULD hold the key to improving all of our lives immensely but only if we are willing to stand together and make sure that it is not abused by the few for their own purposes and to our detriment.

If you think that a temporary posting reward limit of $500 would be a good idea in order to see what difference it would make to the distribution of rewards then please consider giving this post a resteem or if you would like to explain to me why this is not a good idea then please do so in the comments. Also, if you have any other ideas about how to make the platform a fairer and more attractive place to invest time and energy then I invite you to leave your suggetions in the comments section also.

Thank you for your time and I hope evreyone is having a pleasant day!


tonyr banner.gif


That clickbait title though... Also, while I agree that curation of high-quality posting is important. I don't see anything wrong with highly-rated lolcats and shitposts.

Somedays I don't want to read 5 pages about the intricacies of the new crypto-algorithm, sometimes I just want to upvote funny cats and pepes. I think these posts and their creators are just as important as the "smart" ones.

Weird idea to post that bs that isn't true, as if it were. Had I not read the comments, I would believe now that there is a new rule. Great work. No upvote of course. I'd rather look at cat stuff

That is a good point well made @aguayojoshua! Thank you for pointing this out and I agree, cat memes have their place! :)

Thanks for taking time out of your day to read what I have to say. I really appreciate it! :)

I think that placing a limit on the rewards is contra producing I think the right way to go is making votes more democratic and equal for all.

That would be a great idea also although I am not a big fan of democracy in it's current incarnations throughout our world but I do believe we can make this place a more equal platform for all but only if we let our voices be heard on the matter. I have no problem with a post making a million dollars as long as a post of equal quality has the opportunity to do likewise.

Thanks for taking the time to read and comment @thatmemeguy!

Hope your day is going well!

Hope your day is doing awesome aswell
Exactly I agree with you on the last part

A little sad that this isn't a fact!....
I like the idea of a cap!
but without the witness's doing a HF20 and implementing it I do not know how it is going to work...
definitely put a jerk in their circle jerk!

:) thanks @jessy2you!

Hope you are having a good day!

Hmm... I agree, but in some ways also disagree (and yes, this is coming from a fellow minnow whose account isn't worth jack right now).

I do agree that there are a great number of fabulous articles on here written by minnows that don't get the credit (or upvotes) they deserve. It sucks to be in that position.

What I disagree about is setting the reward limit to $500. For all the "whales" on here who could literally write a shitty, one-sentence post and make $1,500, have you ever thought about the effort they have put into everything they have previously done? If you look at most of those peoples' accounts, they have been on here for 6 months to a year, day in day out, consistently posting, re-steeming and upvoting content. It's kind of a whale perk to be able to make more money with less effort. This perk can be yours, too, if you keep at it and contribute to the community.

Now, there are some YouTubers who have migrated over to Steemit and immediately started banking it with little effort, but the way I look at it, they spent lots of time and effort building their audience over at YouTube. It's not easy to create and maintain a successful YouTube channel.

Remember, instant gratification doesn't exist anywhere. Not even here. Maybe the current system is protecting people from themselves in a weird sort of way.

Thanks for the comment @cali-girl! I am very happy and grateful that those who came before me have done such a great job of building a fantastic platform. However, if we look to the 'real world' we can also see evidence of our societies and communities being built up by individuals at their own expense, using their own time, effort and energies. That being the case does that justify them retaining the vast majority of power over thge likes of me and you who now have to live in it? If the logic you suggest is acceptable on steemit then it must also be true in the real world so we should not be complaining about big oil or big pharma or any other industry that sucks the life blood out of ourselves and our world because it was these industries that built the world we live in today. Just because some have built steemit into what it is now does not mean that they must retain all power. Those who benefit from any system are very unlikely to want to change that system to help others when in doing so they may lose out somehow.

I am open minded to being wrong on this but would have to have a very good explanation as to why!

Thanks again @cali-girl.

Hope your day is going well!

I don't post, just upvote and comment...

I don't post much myself my friend but I do comment a lot and have found many, many excellent pieces of work that have recieved little or no reward for their efforts and I don't think this is fair when there are others taking lots of reward for little effort on their part.

Curating quality work is a big part of the site so you are a very valuable member of the community!

Thanks for your comment!

Hope your day is going well!

I have some great post dimimp can u follow me..

Nice amount of upvotes dude. You're #1 on the top 100 list!

You truly are a Steem MVP! @dimimp

You should post @dimimp I want to hear what you have to say, there are many people on here who have too much to say and a few who don't say enough - where can I find you on chat?

how did you customize that footer?

:) I didn't it was generously made for me by my brother @son-of-satire! He was giving them away this week to celebrate 600 followers and I'm sure he'd be happy to sort you out with one if you get in touch with him!

Hope your day is going good buddy!

I'm more curious how you plan to enforce this policy. :)

I won't be enforcing any policies at all my friend! It is simply a suggestion that hopefully makes some of us think a little more about what we are giving and what we are getting back from our time here and whether or not we should be giving more back or taking less out. :) A shower thought some would call it! :)

Hope your day is going well @clayborn!

I have lived through the flag wars on steemit. Just wait for hardfork 19 is my suggestion. I already see potential problems with the new hardfork and I'm sure many of those "new accounts" we are seeing daily are actually fake accounts that will be used to auto vote for people, but we will see what happens. Currently the only way posts are going to be limited is by flagging and we lose that war I promise you. I still have posts that were flagged invisible for no reason whatsoever. Posts with a whole $1.50 payout were flagged by whale accounts for being "over valued." What you suggested, while I can say I partly agree with it, just isn't going to happen and if it did, it wouldn't be what you wanted. Right now stake weight determines power 100% and there's only a few people that matter in that war.

I agree. I am under no illusions that my post will change things around here but we all have to do our bit to make sure that we are all thinking clearly and not being distracted. I don't know the politics of steemit and don't have any inclination to know really I just want to do what I can to ensure that this platform doesn't become like the rest although those who know me a bit better know also that I am very skeptical of all social media platforms and this one especially! I don't expect things to turn out well here but I hope to try with the help of others to make it the place that the majority of us would like to see it become. An honest, helpful, respectful , friendly community!

It's not a perfect system, but it's going to be working entirely differently soon, so I'm waiting for the new and not worrying about the old/current.

Some members here that I would call friends believe this to be the case also and I trust their judgement in lieu of my own understanding and knowledge of the workings of the platform!

Those would be TROLLS.
There is plenty of room for corruption here,.. and it exists.

I run a news blog (all sourced) and I have come under dispute by a group called steemit cleaners.
They love flagging posts on CLINTON's, PEDOGATE and atrocities of ISRAEL. Odd they keep claiming plagiarism. I guess they think the same way about DRUDGE REPORT, AP news wire, and the likes.
Somehow my time of scouring the world news and posting what I think people may not see is not considered any way important.

HURRAY for kitten posts,and sunsets.


upped & resteemed

I dont fully understand the whole concept, as I am very a new tiny fishy here also. But in the short time that I have been here, I have found out that this place is still like any other place online, there are the super stars and then there are the ghosts. I am really tired of being a ghost. So anything that helps the ghosts be visible is something of great interest to me.
I love your writings.....

Thank you very much @izabellablue. I agree with what you have to say but would suggest that while the other platforms are already fully formed sites. The lucky thing for us at steemit is that this is still a work in progress and as I said in the post we are the ones who hold the power. If all of the minnows decided to leave tomorrow then steemit would come crashing down. Those on the 'trending' pages need our upvotes to continue earning the sums they have been so far so it is in their interest to play fair!

Thank you for reading and commenting my friend!

I hope you are having a lovely day wherever you are!

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