
in #trending7 years ago


James Downton:
Hi Debitum followers, my name is James Downton, I’m the marketing advisor to Debitum Network. Today I’m joined by Donatas, he’s the co-founder of Debitum Network.
Hello everybody.
James Downton:
In this short video, what I wanna do is … As the marketing advisor obviously I’m not part of the core team, but there are certain things about Debitum Network that I think are little bit ground breaking and I want Donatas to us through his conversations he’s been having with investors and what’s been getting them excited. Donatas, I think that the best place to really start from is what sort of problems small businesses have with growth?
The main problem is lack of capital from … the old process is inefficient. I mean old centralized process is inefficient. For example, if you want to move, and actually we tried to move to other country, basically it means you have to open new business.
James Downton:
It’s a lot of time, a lot of resources needed, so it will take 10 years to solve that problem of … Which amounts 1.5 trillion dollars.
James Downton:
Yeah. The main goal is to try and solve this problem globally, but in a centralized traditional format of opening a company. This, I suppose, relates more to the finance industry more than anything, ’cause of the regulation. Then when you move to a new country it is literally like starting a new business, it’s not just like, “Oh, we’ll open up an office in Riga, and then in Thailand.” It’s really like a big deal. Tell us a little bit about the decentralized process and how that works?
What we are doing, we are developing decentralized process at Debitum Network. Very short example. For example, small company in Poland needs financing, they come to Debitum Network, local risk assessor assesses the risk. Global credit insurer insures the credit risk, fund from UK provides money, local debt collector collects the debt. It crates infrastructure for investing, for [inaudible 00:02:43] getting money and varies service providers to provide services where they are professionals.
James Downton:
I love it. I really love the model. What would be really beneficial for a lot of people to hear I think is how you’ve been getting on with your conversations with investors? Because Donatas is one of the co-founders, but I guess your main responsibility in the company is communications and partnership deals, right? Tell us, what are investors saying about us, what’s getting them excited? ‘Cause I know you’ve got some good stories.
Yeah, we were to Gibraltar, you know that, was this week.
James Downton:
Mm-hmm (affirmative).
We participated in couple other events and most of the investors are excited about Debitum Network, because who are more into finance they realize that this approach can really solve this problem. Because there are no serious alternatives in the market.
James Downton:
Mm-hmm (affirmative). Just to know on that. In Gibraltar, it was a Blockchain conference, right? Or a Cryptocurrency conference, and you actually picked up two awards, right?
Yeah. First time in history of that event, we managed to win Jury award and Audience award. So this is very aligned that the opinion of the public opinion and opinion of Blockchain professionals was the same.
James Downton:
This was essentially a pitch competition, right?
Yeah, yeah, yeah. We pitched and we took first place.
James Downton:
Why do you think you won first place? It’s probably the same reason that investors are getting excited about Debitum Network, right?
The Debitum Network is exciting because how it is set up. We will do fiat transactions.
James Downton:
So it’s a hybrid, right? You’re using fiat and cryptocurrency?
Yeah, exactly. They will be fiat transaction and all the processes will be governed by Blockchain.
James Downton:
Mm-hmm (affirmative).
Yeah, so we have great token model. It will be tall model.
James Downton:
Just on that, tall token is basically … It’s a token that’s … Its primary use is to be used within the system, right?
Yeah, exactly. As I mentioned, it will be fiat transactions. It means that we can be operational almost from day one.
James Downton:
Mm-hmm (affirmative).
This is very important to-
James Downton:
I just want to interrupt you there, that is probably the most important aspect of this. When you first started talking to me about getting involved in the project, for me this was a game changer. The fact that a lot of ICOs, I see are developing great products, but a lot of them for the future. This is nothing on the cryptocurrency, it’s dot a downer or cryptocurrency, so I’m a huge believer in it. But, in order for investors to get, what I believe to be a fair return on the supporting certain ICOs, they really need to look to the model behind the business and how the business is gonna generate vary for the token and for its investors, or token holders, right. Tell them more about what’s in place for that to happen with Debitum Network, ’cause I love it.
As we can get operational very soon, so there will be a lot of transactions in our ecosystem. For all the transaction you need to buy debt tokens. Demand will definitely increase.
James Downton:
For the token itself, right? As more and more services are bought and used.
Yeah, exactly. This is great, I think it’s great opportunity to buy debt tokens.
James Downton:
Essentially, Debitum Network is more of a … Not so much of buy, hold and hope type of crowdsale, it’s more of a buy, hold and just watch what’s gonna happen type of investment, right?
Yes, exactly. The hybrid model gets investors very excited.
James Downton:
Mm-hmm (affirmative). With that, the hybrid model and everything that you explained about how Debitum Network is decentralizing the entire, what did you call it, industry, I guess, the finance industry?
James Downton:
And how small business owner can access fiance. How can people get involved in the crowdsale, if they wanna do that?
The crowdsale will be on the 30th of November. Join our telegram, join your slack, you will be updated about everything what’s going on.
James Downton:
The last thing you should do, I believe is, get yourself on the newsletter. You can do that by going ico.debitumnetwork … Sorry, Singe up there and you’ll be the first to receive news and information about the upcoming crowdsale.
James Downton:
Any closing words?
Join our communication channels, we will be happy to answer all your questions. If you need more technical details, download our White Paper. Actually we will publish more detailed White Paper in couple of days.
James Downton:
Mm-hmm (affirmative).
Donatas J:
Yeah, so …
James Downton:
Great. Donatas, thanks very much for your time.
Thank you.
James Downton:
Make sure subscribe to the newsletter, join the telegram channel. Yeah, see you very soon.
See you.
James Downton:
See you later.

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