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RE: Hope is peed on by social media

in #trending6 years ago

This is a many faceted problem. Social media is just one of them.

Look at the increasing encroachment upon people's rights.

The right to raise your child in your beliefs? Sure until CPS disagrees, then they can take your child.

I have one major saying that I keep ending inadvertently back at every day.

Good ideas don't require force.

It is important to note that force also comes in the form of coercion. If by not agreeing to do something you are punished, harmed, damned, etc then you do so out of a need to survive that is coercion.

People have lost an understanding of freedom. Or it has intentionally been indoctrinated out of them or not taught.

Freedom has risks, just like living, breathing, and reality.

There are two things people seem to be fixated on these days:

  1. Saving other people. Even if they don't want the help.
  2. Stopping evil.

The problem is that "saving" and "evil" are both subjective. The end result is people forcing their will and their beliefs upon others.

Perhaps demanding someone who disagrees with them be censored.
Perhaps demanding someone who disagrees with them be imprisoned.
Perhaps stating it is okay if someone was harmed or killed if that person represented ideas they don't personally like.
Perhaps seeing someone hurt in an accident and thus deciding no one should be able to attempt certain activities to prevent any future accidents of that type regardless of how rare they were.

There are some true mental illnesses pervading the country:

Political correctness.
Fear of offending others.

Reality is offensive at times. When a bird shits on your shoulder you likely are momentarily offended. Then you move on.

The ability to move on is being removed.

Instead it is prevent that offense from being ever possible, by legal, or protestors repetitively chanting means.

These things are EVIL regardless of which party you do/do not support, or what ideology one follows.

They all result in force, coercive or physical.

Good ideas don't require force.


Yay! I thought you would have a lot to say on this topic ^_^ I agree that the true definition of freedom seems to be lost in our society. I have asked people to explain WHY we need to go to war, and the number of times 'evil' is presented for the other person's actions surprised me. That person sounds horrible. The empathetic side of me absolutely does not want to turn a blind eye to pain and suffering. The cost of policing others to behave the way we want is too great in my opinion. Our population being sent to enforce our ideals elsewhere? If they liked that idea, why do we have to stay there after the evil dictator was removed?

There were many other great points you made. Political correctness and fear of offense are a couple I know we have discussed a little bit. It has truly gotten out of hand. I do think we as a society should define social interactions for businesses. IE - companies who ask about political stance, religious belief, and so on. It used to be Emily Post who published the etiquette, but it was not enforced by laws. Society held others to those standards. Now everything is made into legal enforcement :(

Thanks for jumping in and resteeming ^_^

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