Social Media: Bring Back Our Sanity
Our society today, especially the African society of which I’m a part of, has become an unsolvable puzzle. Our norms and values have waned over time. The youth (or the future of tomorrow as they are often referred to) have misplaced their ‘inheritance’ and for what? Eccentricity? or, to put it differently, the “white man’s modus vivendi”. Oh! social media.
The social media craze makes me often ponder if there’s any existence of reality anymore. Or life has simply become a “virtual world” where we just watch people go virtually insane. The worst part is that we refurbish insanity, rename it and maintain a trend of it ourselves. Nothing is sacred anymore. For God’s sake where are we headed? I wish I could just have a glance at the end, maybe if we all did, just maybe… Perhaps, something would change, at least, a little. God help us all!