Not Graduated, 5 People This Even Became Great CEO
Indonesia has been busy with the pros and cons of the 8 hour school day policy triggered by the Minister of Education, Muhadjir Effendy. Actually, the Minister's decision has its own reasons. One of them wants to provide more appropriate benefits to teachers by adding more hours. Also, educate students with activities that are not just learning in the classroom. However, the reaction of the community did not all agree on Muhadjir Effendy's decision. In fact, President Jokowi himself requested that Muhadjir review the decision. How the final decision, will be answered on new teachings in the next semester. Speaking of school hours in Indonesia are reaping the pros and cons, below there are 5 ranks of CEOs who do not go to school 8 hours a day, even they do not pass alias dropped out, loh. Who are they? Check out the list below.
Travis Kalanick, CEO of UBER

Kalanick opted out of college in 1998 to start doing business with his colleagues. Before the success of establishing Uber, Kalanick first went bankrupt while establishing two companies. Companies that are also based on the internet is Scour and Red Swoosh. Apart from the failure to establish the two companies, Kalanick did not give up. He also founded Uber. Despite the company's internal problems and plans to get out, Kalanick's success at Uber will remain historical.
Michael Dell, CEO of DELL

If you are a user of an electronic device with a Dell brand, you should know the reasoning behind the Dell naming. Michael Dell, born in Texas United States 52 years ago. At the age of the new mid-century, Dell has tasted the success of the results of doing business in the field of electronic devices. Dell started his business when he was a student at the University of Texas. At that time he tried his luck as a part-time worker. However, because in the first year he managed to get a turnover of up to US $ 80,000, he began to decide to quit college and seriously run the business of Dell's electronic devices.
Mark Zuckerberg, CEO of FACEBOOK

Who does not know this person? Yup, who does not know Zuckerberg? Almost uncomfortable you're a Facebook user, but do not know the same Mr. Facebook this one. Zuckerberg was born in New York in 1984. Calculate yourself yes how old he is now. Success with Facebook, Zuckerberg through a long journey. He was listed as a college dropout student from Harvard University. Zuckerberg willing to get out of the world's most popular universities, for the sake of career down. But, it proved all that was not in vain. Now, see many Facebook users in the world? Not so, it does not mean you have to follow Zuckerberg's footsteps to quit college with a raw consideration yes. Moreover, after 12 years of DO, Zuckerberg still ultimately still graduated by the campus that he left behind. He got honorary degrees aka honoris causa.
Steve Jobs, CEO APPLE

If this one is definitely not foreign. Yes, the boss of the world's best mobile phone company, Steve Jobs or the original name Steven Paul Jobs ever recorded as a student of Reed College, Portland. However, this status only lasts for one semester. Although he no longer holds the status of a student, Jobs does not stop learning. In fact, when he had to absorb knowledge by lying on the floor of his partner's room, returning bottles of soda for money, and getting free food from the local monastery. The proof? One of the ranks of CEO dropped out has been a major contribution in the world of technology to the entire world community. Jobs, once assumed so confidently, that if he did not attend a single lecture at Reed College, until now Mac would not have any printed or lettered letter with parallel spacing.
Bill Gates, CEO of MICROSOFT

Lastly, Bill Gates. Despite not serving as Microsoft CEO in 2008, Gates continues to chair Microsoft in a non-executive manner. Recorded in history throughout 1995 to 2009, except 2008, Bill Gates became the world's richest man ranked first. Bill Gates's background in the world of education is also not much different from the four CEOs above. Bill Gates was a dropped out student from Harvard University after two years of college and close friends with Steve Ballmer, his business partner in setting up Microsoft. To succeed, the five great men above prove two things. First, the curriculum in school is not the limit for everyone deserves a chance as a successful person. Second, what needs to be applied in real life is action, not discourse. For this one, what percentage can be obtained from the process of understanding theory in the classroom? So, what about the school discourse 8 hours a day? Just believe that whatever the final decision of our Education Minister will bring good to all parties.
Bro you misspelt