in #trending8 years ago (edited)


Few years back I came to know about crazy story that the world as we know it is going to END!

I laughed at it but they showed me the Mayan calendar and gave a date 21 Sept 2012, that was kind of specific. After a long wait the prophesied day came into existence. I remember the sun was shining bright in the sky and the night was event less and the only world that got destroyed for me was in the disaster movie 2012.

I went back to my life as a film making student and convinced myself that the story was just a story and that my skeptical mind was right again, PROPHECIES never come true, we don't live in a magical world...
ultimately I thought its all a hoax!

But deep down I was sad, I wanted mystical and magical happenings be a part of our reality and living in India there is no scarcity to such stories but most of them are a concoction of a poor superstitious mind.
Trying to write a horror and mystery screenplay I believed this subject is worth researching maybe I might stumble over a great story.

OSHO made a thundering entry in my life, I had no spiritual interests I was only in for the next best story that can give me a break in the Indian film industry famously known as "Bollywood", I know we are shamelessly unoriginal

But I heard this controversial guru claiming that the only thing original to India that supersedes all the inventions of the western world combined is the "TRUTH" that seekers from all round the world come to realize in this divine land.

Divine land ya right, seeing so much misery and poverty and corruption around me I could hear my skeptical mind say, "There we go again" , but one thing is true many seekers do come to India and many religions are born here , I learned kings have left their riches and power and naked holy men and humble fakirs are worshiped as gods there must be something to it, what is this truth that claims so much power over humans from ancient times is it relevant today maybe, maybe not but one thing is for sure I am on the right track to find a most amazing story that can seriously make me a rich man.

What was it that the Mayans knew about ?
What was it that made Buddha leave his kingdom behind?
What was it that Jesus was trying to teII ?
What was it that was attracting me to dig deeper in this mysterious world? why am i so thirsty to know ?
Am I a seeker too? I don't know all want was a great plot for my story.

My skeptical mind warned me you are again going to waste you time and be disappointed leave this nonsense behind and work on the horror plot that you already have, he reminded me the plot I created - man possessed by two spirits a guy and a girl who were lovers, a misunderstanding destroyed their relationship which lead to fierce fighting and eventually to their tragic death and they have now possessed this man to continue their never ending fight which is utter horror for the protagonist , he now has to solve the mystery of their misunderstanding and make peace between them to set their souls free before they lead him to a horror worse than death.

The plot I had did hold promise for my first screenplay that could sell ,it was surely original and I had dollar signs in my eyes , but this thirst for seeking the truth was distracting me to complete my screenplay, I was already fighting my evil nemesis - PROCRASTINATION, but this call to adventure is too seductive to ignore.

I was literally feeling like Neo , when Morpheus gave him the choice

If you choose the blue pill you will forget everything and go back to your old life , in my case finishing the horror screenplay.

or if you chose the red pill I will show you how deep the rabbit hole goes

the only thing was this choice was not a movie it was as real as the pain I was having in my tooth which was due for a root canal and OSHO was the most mystical mentor character that any Hollywood movie could ever come up with.

A stern warning was continuously broadcasting by the septic in me "you are making the biggest mistake in your life, if you go any further with this nonsense your doom is imminent"

doom ? how bad could it be, all I am doing is objectively researching the subject for a screenplay that could give me a break, whats the reason for worry I am only listening to the tapes and reading spiritual books, I am not religious...

I can handle whatever comes in my knowing, I will not blindly believe something unless it proves itself in my experience, I promise I will be mature and scientific about it and after all, all I want is a juicy original plot I am never going to run away in jungles and leave my world behind, seriously how bad could it be what is it that I may loose? I see no imminent doom...

the septic in me said this is your last chance, what will it be?

My heart screamed THE RED PILL !

To be continued ...


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