Tree Tuesday Around Mondo Ponds
Tree Tuesday Around Mondo Ponds
This is a post for Tree Tuesday hosted by @old-guy-photos and for this week I will share a few shots around the Mondo Pond trails
The first shot is as I am walking down one of the paths on the trails around the ponds, as you can see the paths are surrounded by trees
Sony A7iii 38mm F8 1/60 Sec ISO 200
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Recently we have had Some quite strong winds come through and I didn't realize how strong there were as we had no damage near where I live, but as I walked around the trails, I saw quite a bit of damage such as this spot where you can see the one big tree snapped off, and a few other fallen trees in the foreground.
Sony A7iii 57mm F8 1/60 Sec ISO 100
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And in this last shot you can see a tree growing on a little rock island on the pond, the only tree in view from this spot with some color, the remaing trees in view all still pretyt bare.
The other thing I like about this shot is of course, the reflections on the water.
The trails around the water are a lovely walk and never that busy but there are always a few people walking around the trails, or as you can see in this shot on the right a couple of people by the pond fishing
Sony A7iii 30mm F8 1/200 Sec ISO 100
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unless stated otherwise all photos used in my posts are taken and owned by myself, if you wish to use any of my images please contact me.

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!steemitworldmap 41.2118089 lat -73.088984 long Mondo Pond Trails Milford CT d3scr
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@tattoodjay wrote lately about: Tree Tuesday Around Mondo Ponds Feel free to follow @tattoodjay if you like it :)
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Nice early Spring walk... Safe from the ticks ... :-)
Yes that is the plus of this season soon it will be tick Central
Lovely shots, @tattoedjay! And thank you for spreading the word about TreeTuesday. I didn’t know about it. I will check it out!
Thanks and it’s another cool daily challengee on here which gets many entries
I love the daily challenges! I'm trying to pick up more of them, as it's like a little instant community and it gives you a focus for daily blogging.
That is a great thing about them they also motivate me to be on the lookout for shots to fit the challenges
Have a great day
Feel free to recommend any others you are partial to. And I will check out your blog. (I bet you intended to say “shots.” Ha ha.) You have a great day too!
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Oops me the King of Typos struck again I fixed that yes of course I meant shots
Lets see @old-guy-photos runs a few Monochrome Monday, Tree Tuesday and Sepia Saturday
@dswigle runs Market Friday which is very popular
@shasta Runs Boulder Sunday
@lizanomadsoul Runs beach Wednesday and Sun Thursday
@kalemandra Runs a daily color challenge Monday Red Tuesday Orange, Wednesday Yellow, Thursday Green, Friday Blue, Saturday Indigo, and Sunday Violet,
@c0ff33a runs Sublime SundayThere a few for you to think about
Oh and of course there is y Wednesday Walk one whichI almost forgot LOL :)
What a great list! Thank you. I did #treetuesday yesterday. That hashtag cracks me up for some reason. But some of the tree pics people are posting are amazing. Oh yes — it’s #wednesdaywalk day. I will be posting mine. 😁
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Hope the list gives you some ideas, I know there are many more but those ones are the onesI remember and join from time to time, any more may have been information overload for you
Beautiful pictures. Any idea what type of trees those are. Cant tell if there pine or some type of cypress or something else completely different.
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Thanks I think there is a mix of trees there but a lot are pines I believe but I m no expert on trees
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Water always seems to bring life to it. Even a small pond in my veg garden will be teeming with life of birds, frogs, insects within a day of my making it. We are all drawn to water, the giver of life :)
That it sure does, I have always wanted a big garden with a small pond and plenty of plants and flowers, but now as I get older my visions for our place where we retire will be smaller, but i would still love some sort of water feature
Wow, that is beautiful. It reminds me of some of the paths I used to walk along in Michigan's state forests when I was a kid.
Thanks it is a lovely little trail around the ponds not very big but so relaxing to walk round very calming
Very nice.
Some of the shots look like the eye-bleeding puzzles one of my sisters used to do..
Thanks Mate and Ohh yes I know the puzzles you wan I did a few when I was younger, my Siblings got annoyed how quick I could do there ones so one Christmas they all got me big and challenging jigsaws eye bleeding would have been. Good way to describe them
Beautiful forest in your area!
It’s a nice csmall area for taking a leisurely stroll and relaxing
Thanks for your visit
The first picture could be on my yesterdays' walk, actually it all looks quite similar to here - beautiful photos, my friend.
Funnily enough I just made a similar comment to you on another thread, Great minds think alike :)
And thanks :)
You're welcome, have a nice afternoon - it is 8:30pm here :)
and I guess by the time you see this it will be good morning so Have a great day
Correct 😆👍 good morning, have a good might 😁
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Good morning I M up and about on the train into the city for a busy day of meetings fun fun fun lol
... and I'm going home soon :)))
Good morning, I hope, your day will really be a fun day ;)
Have a good evening I have about 20 more minutes on the train then my work day begins
It’s going to be busy but interesting meetings ahead so will go quickly