RE: Tree Tuesday – My motivation level on a rainy day
Yes, I know scammers got to eat too, but I wish that they would find a better way to make their crypto, it is not exactly a victimless crime when it ruins things for many individuals. Some of us Pollyanna types get taken to the cleaners a bit too often - if you get my meaning. (Then they turn gradually into cynical old farts, LOL. But no worries on my part, I think I'm a bit too silly to stay cynical too long.)
I'm still having a lot of fun here. I hope this will become beneficial for many more people; I think it really has been good for me. FUD - fear, uncertainty and doubt is generally a part of crypto as of now; I don't care for that feeling much either, but you can't win if you never play the game.
Thanks for the complement on the pictures and support! Happy Wednesday!