This Weeks Winner + Vegan Doc Martens?
Do you remember the Smeg coffee machine we were after, that my folks gave away? It was just as we were LOOKING for a coffee machine. Anyway, they had originally handed it to my son, but we jumped in and SNAFFLED it for the bargain price of $150. That meant we scored the awesome coffee machine we were after, and my boy was under strict instructions to put the money toward a new pair of Docs, because his were falling apart from two years of hard use, and they were second hand to begin with. A new pair of Docs is upward of 200 bucks here. Not cheap.
So for weeks I have been pestering my boy asking if he bought his boots yet. Yesterday, I recieved the text I have been waiting for:
That money got me a pair of unworn vegan docs AND a mint pair of steel cap Rossi's for roadie work.
'Wait what where?' says I, excited about this #treasurefind.
'Patience, and Facebook marketplace' says he. Because if there is one good thing about Facebook, its a great place to get a bargain. As for vegan Doc Martens, I have too many questions. Do they really last longer? What happens when you throw them away - are they biodegradable? What are they made of? He assures me they aren't made of vegans. Phew.
Last week I skipped the #treasurefinds tag because no one posted anything. Perhaps it wasn't the cool, joy bringing tag I thought it was. And then - three Steemians posted about their found treasures! I loved reading each one. @wildhomesteading found some water tanks. @bengy's daughter found some gifts for family from charity shops. And @sparkesy43 made me laugh with his beer mug he bought with 10 cents many years ago.
The winner of 2 steem for this week is @bengy, because I learnt some new about the Netherlands.
In the Netherlands, there is a very strong culture of second-hand stores (kringloop)... and if you drop by the kringlopen in the more affluent suburbs, you can find some some pretty damn nice stuff! Plus, there is also a large expat community in the Den Haag area, so every year, you have families relocating to a new work location (apparently, they need to do this every five years or they are considered resident and they lose huge work perks...)... which also contributes to a large turnover of second hand furniture and other things that would be scrap for the cream of the global elite, but is quite nice for bottom grubbers like us! In addition, there is also the yearly Koningsdag, where the whole of Netherlands comes out to celebrate the Kings/Queens birthday by turning the whole country in to a gigantic flea market! Anyway, my children have grown up in this sort of culture of reuse... adn they really want to set up their own little stall next Koningsdag to sell their old toys to get some money to spend at the older kid's stalls for new second hand toys!
However, coz I was so excited to see the other #treasurefinds, I am also awarding @wildhomesteading and @sparkesy43 with 1 steem each. Check out @sparksey43 's mug, lol!
And make sure you follow the Guru Of Treasure Finds on Steem, constantly reminding us that there is treasure in trash!
Here is the cumulative list so far:
I'm Not Toying With You - You Wouldn't Believe What I Find on the Curbs of My Neighbourhood on Recycling Nights by @steemmatt
Last Night's Treasures by @owasco
Everything Must Go by @meditations
Gardens and tag Sales Aug 24 by @goldenoakfarm
Handmade Dummy for Me to Show My Wearable Art On by @soyrosa
Little Treasures by @bengy
Building Water Resiliency by @wildhomesteading
10 Cents Well Spent by @sparksey43
If you'd like to use the #treasurefinds tag, you'll be in the running to win 50 Steem. I'm going to collect all them in a post draft and make a decision when I hit 50 #treasurefinds posts, even if that takes til Christmas. Each week I will select a winner ir two to win some small steem prizes. You can post anything you like - from charity shop finds to gemstones, old family photos hidden in attics to a plant pushing up from the concrete in the middle of a city, to an old book you've been searching for for years, to a collection of ammonites and feathers on a windowsill. As long as it's a 'find' and makes your heart jump for joy, it's in the running. You can read the original post here.
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I would sooo wear a pair of Doc Martens made from genuine Vegans 😜.
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The vegan doc martens? pass- evil plastic. :( But @bengy made me SMILE - I'm born in den haag (Meppelweg 33 vlak bij Zuidepark) and I KNOW that frugal Dutch culture she speaks of! haha... only too well. Personally I thought @wildhomesteading's water tanks were a freaking amazing score!!
Nice to see the tag gaining some traction. :) You'll be giving our @steemmatt a run for his money soon!! LOL...
Leading the curation trail for both @ecotrain & @eco-alex.
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Hey, we used to live near Zuiderpark... on Boerenstraat near the big open air market! Now, we've moved a bit further out to Rijswijk... where we had a better chance at buying a place!
My parents moved the whole family to Australia when I was a girl, but I have been back many times, and now I live in Thailand. My Tante Riekie used to live in Rijswijk before she died - Zonnebloem 46. Ik weet het nog! :)
Dichtbij denk ik... maar ik ben niet zeker! Als ik ga wandelen, zal ik uitkijken....
...als ik wandelen gaan...
I still screw up the word order!
Oh I was a bit freaked out at the plastic thing too and the website doesn't say anything about it. Bottom line seems to be... shoes are evil! Lol..I keep thinking of them being in landfill for hundreds of years!!! Funny, as the kids are sooooo on it with the plastic thing. They pretty much run a zero plastic waste household! I am going to quiz Ella on it this weekend when I see them. We have our first dinner invite!!
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And I was sooo jealous of the water tanks too!!! We could do with a score like that here. Prettier than the IBCS we have. And hold more precious water!!
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I think it's a great tag, but have not been tag saling is a few weeks. Hope to go today, plus hit a used book sale that happens locally. I may find a treasure there!
I hear Doc Martens is booming cos of their vegan boots. Man, if only they'd made these back in the 90s!
Nothing to do with your awesomesauce post above @riverflows, but you're in spot #42 for this week's The Curation and Engagement Leagues 🏆 post. I'm sponsoring it with a 0.500 Steem @tipu tip, so here goes -
!tip 0.5 steem
🎁 Hi @riverflows! You have received 0.5 STEEM tip from @traciyork!
Sending tips with @tipU - how to guide :)
I am always on the lookout for a pair of secondhand vegan docs!
Just discovered this #treasurefinds tag and look forward to using it on my thrift shop stops and garage raids!
Yay! Well, as my son says, patience! Make sure you tag me and drop your link here when you do. It always gives me a buzz!!!
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Hey, what is this? Looks like great engagement for user. We just using that tag?
Yes, use the tag, but make sure you drop it by here so I dont miss it.
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Big thanks for the STEEM! I'm not sure why GINA didn't ping me... sorry for the late arrival! Congrats also to the other two winners! #treasurefinds is a pretty cool tag, but I'm not sure that people are just going to buy something just for the post! It will grow organically I think... That said, I'm keen to drop by the local kringloop this week or next week... we need new crockery.... floor beats coffee cups...
I'm never game enough to buy second hand shoes though... but the ones you got look like they are in pretty good condition!
Thank you! :) fun seeing what other people are finding!
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