RE: Holiday In Phang-Nga! Part 6, James Bond Island.. Break Me Off A Piece Of That TOUR-IST-SCHIZZ!!!
Ha ha! I mean the last thing I want to be is one of those bitter people who keeps saying "I love Thailand..." Through gritted teeth.
Of course I love Thailand otherwise I wouldn't be here, but I see a lot of people post how great everything in life is and its cringy because we all know you're lying. I try to be fair. Yeah it was a great trip, but there were bits where I thought "Oh, that was a bit strange" but dismissed it because it's their problem not mine.
But yeah, it was a fantastic deal and I can say I've done the tour for a local price. And I really can't complain about having a private tour. Although it would have been nicer if I was sitting next to some Swedish girl with 41 inch legs who turns and says to me, "Oh I seem to have misplaced my clothes..."