My story

in #traveling7 years ago

I am Argentinian, I was born in 1990 and at my young age I have been able to realize that I am not at all common, in the sense that despite the society in which we live, where a clothing brand matters more than an experience of life, I have decided leave the social convention and venture to live the experiences.

Since I was little I was restless, I do not know if it was because of the way I grew up or the people with whom I developed, but I am a faithful believer that anyone who crosses your path even for a moment is capable of altering the flow of your life forever.

Returning to my childhood, I am the only child of a single mother and fortunately my mom went a lot of travel for work, and I say fortunately because thanks to that I could develop in all kinds of environments and situations.

I was always aware that like every mother who looks for the best for her children, my mother always looked for the best for me, and having to leave and leave me alone was of necessity, in order to assure me the best and not simply because having to do it, I know that all those moments of leaving me were difficult for her, but I did it in order to ensure a future and a well-being that otherwise would not have been possible.

So, because of this I grew up living and exploring things, places, people, experiences that developed differently, and this is something that I will never finish thanking my mom, I already told her in person, but if she reads it, I hope that understand it once more.

Up to this point the thorn of traveling was not yet very much within me, but I developed a sense of impressive independence, something that has served me to this day.

Another skill that I developed was that of the initiative, as my mother was traveling a lot of the time there was never someone to tell me to "do your homework", then I had to decide to do it myself and best of all, I did it like I did I would like.

Nobody told me no in question of my responsibilities, so I always thought "What if instead ... I do this ..." and nobody ever told me I was wrong or that things were not done.

In short, growing up alone, in addition to adapting to having long periods of loneliness, also helped me to develop the initiative and the adaptability to do whatever I want. I think this was the first step before deciding to go out and explore the world.


In economic terms, fortunately money has never been a problem in the sense that I have never had enough, but I have never lacked. I have always had the right amount to live comfortably, and with certain material sacrifices achieve more.

So if you think, this guy must be a millionaire to venture to travel the world, quite the opposite, fortunately my mother has always supported me financially when I needed and she has worked hard to ensure a good economic position, however , despite this I have always wanted to work to have my own money, my first "formal" job, so to speak I had it when I was 15 years old when I worked in an ice cream shop, but before that, on vacation I was going to the United States with my family I had a restaurant and I worked on what they put me to do in order to earn about 10 or 20 dollars more.

Everything I have achieved to this day I have obtained because I have worked, with some support and help from everyone to which I will always be grateful, but in the end it has been my own initiative and nobody else's, just like this trip.

I do not know exactly when the idea of ​​traveling and traveling the world began, since I was a child I had the opportunity to travel in and out of my country, generally beaches, but traveling in this way had never been part of my ideal life.

I always watched the travel TV channels and I liked it. To this day I enjoy seeing inhospitable places, I could and I can spend hours browsing an Atlas and I loved playing with the world maps, but wanting to go, ever.

Not until 2007, that year I decided to go to study exchange, the real reason I do not know, I guess I wanted to have the experience of living abroad since all my friends during the high school and university had gone to live a international experience, while within my economic possibilities that seemed impossible.

In the end, when I saw that they respected my scholarship from the university, it was when I made the decision to leave, and my choice was Spain, another thing I could never explain why I decided.

I have a degree in Financial Administration and at that time my argument was that Spain was a country that belonged to one of the strongest economic blocs in the world, and in a way it resembled a lot culturally with Mexico, so I would like to see how it could be economic future of Mexico. If the crisis of 2008 had not passed I think that I would have argued it would have been very valid, but now when I compare economies I think I was quite wrong.

That year I was there gave me the opportunity to really know the country and start enjoying travel. I started traveling and getting to know on my own, deciding what I would do and where I would go. To return my dream of living abroad I actually worked in Spain, in fact all my trips and part of my maintenance in Spain I paid for what I earned working.

It was funny how everyone told me that it would be impossible for me to get legal employment as a foreigner while the crisis was going on, I think it took less than a month to get it and everything was legal.

This period in Spain I can say it was one of the best in my life, I made very good friends, I had a girlfriend, we separated, travel accompanied, travel alone, I lost flights but above all, I really knew what it is to travel.

I think everything is intertwined, from my childhood to my trip through Spain, although the latter was the straw that broke the glass, the spark that triggered everything and now I am writing this article trying to explain how to get to the point of deciding to travel.

Steve Jobs said it once, it is difficult to try to make sense of what you do when you look forward, but when you turn back and join all the points, you will find the sense, you will discover that if some experience had not happened or you had not known certain person you would have never done what you are achieving today, I think that's why the importance of this article, so you know how I managed to unite the points of my past.

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