Facebook's throwback feature is a definite thumb's up

Most of my steemian friends would know my love and obsession for Ladakh. Having been to Ladakh 4 times the love just gets strong everytime I see a photo from that heavenly place.


Facebook was once a favorite for all we social media enthusiats and have posted lot of photos every phase of life. While the usage now is quite limited and ignored but then I've a fair share of memories and credits I can pass on to FB.

These morning I get up and look forward to fb's throwback since exactly 5 years back I was on my maidan motorcycle ride to land of high mountain passes. Riding a 20 year motorcycle for 3500 kms, crossing some of the most trecherous high altitude mountain passes gave me my share of memories.

Here's sharing few screenshots from my Facebook.

I was riding with 3 complete strangers who I met via Facebook and only met once for an hour to pick spare parts. 2 days of riding and we had our share of compatibility

Night stay at the Herdsman's Village. On towards the Zanskar valley, Parkachik village was the last point we could reach. It snowed the previous night and roads close to Drang Drung Glacier was blocked

Ladakh - Playground for bikers. Anybody who rides a motorcycle will have a deep inside wish to ride to Ladakh. It's literally like a ritual of turning a boy to a man. This was shot from Shanti Stupa

and we met again to celebrate 1st anniversary of Ladakh ride. Once you have that connect there's no looking back

Those who are new to my timeline please click to read day wise log from Ladakh 2013

Needless to say if you liked this post then don't forget to upvote and follow (@thenomadictales) for regular updates.

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