RE: Travel Norway #19 - Autumn in Sylan p.2 - Lake Sylsjøen
Nice, all true, most of power comes from hydro-plants here - it generates problems in fact - when some of the season is really dry, the water level goes down and Norway have to stop producing so much energy - to cover the loses they have to buy energy from Sweden - which is more expensive - prices of energy goes up...
Other thing is - that this kind of "green energy" required really huge infrastructure and massive impact on natural environment. Many rivers are not flowing any more, some of the lakes dried out, some other flooded ground around it. Many peoples, not only norwegians, trying to protest against such actions - but no success...
Do You know that highest norwegian waterfall is now fully regulated by dam above it?
You can watch its beauty only in summer season - rest of the year, the water on the fall is barely visible :( 0 very sad.