Travelex (Finablr LON:FIN) insider trading or insider job?
Travelex situation
You can always check
January 8th
“As the crisis continued on Wednesday, shares in Travelex’s parent company Finablr, a global payments company listed in London, plunged by 16% to a record low.”
January 2nd:
Hourly chart:
Dates (massive drop prior to hack)
A front-line worker earning close to minimum wage can be easily persuaded to infect the IT systems.
Of course it's not an accusation, more of a statement of the fact and genuine observation - holding short position of a company that is under massive threat - kind of cool, next level hacking!
I will dig into that research more:
(need to click on the checkbox to access the file)
I am open-minded in relation to discussing such adventures.
Non-violent, whitecollar, a few billion pounds changing hands, way more efficient than laboring and being paid minimum wage