Hitchhiking adventures in Italy - Riomaggiore #14

in #travel7 years ago (edited)

We arrived to Riomaggiore by train. It is the first town of cinque terre(translated five lands). The area lies south to Genova. If you ever visit Italy don't miss these 5 places. They are of enormous beauty and awesome for hiking.

The first thing we saw when we arrived with the train was the blue sky over crystal-clear water of the sea. The nice smell of salty water got into our noses and we knew instantly that it was a good decision to go there.

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Then we turned around and saw this huge painting on the wall that illustrates the life of the people working with the sea. It was very impressive, sadly I could not get the whole picture on a photograph. But you can go there and see it for yourself.

After this stunning first impressions we needed to go through a tunnel to enter the town of Riomaggiore and to leave the station. The tunnel was decorated with lots of great mosaic artworks with maritime motives. I fell in love with the place before really arriving.

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This is what expected us. Lots of beautiful little houses painted with different warm colours. We walked around town and enjoyed the lovely atmosphere of the place.

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It is very touristy nowadays so things are quite expensive. Anyways if you have a higher budget than we had you will find lots of great handcrafts -clothing and jewellery as well as great food. We were hungry too so we decided to live like kings for the evening.

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Pizza with pesto. The area is very famous for their basil pesto that is called pesto alla Genovese for Genua is not far. In combination with a cold beer it is just fantastic and one of the best things I ate in Italy.

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We had some nice chats with the other people in the local and left after the football game was finished. I do not remember who played but it was some worldcup game or something like that. Then we started hiking out of town to look for a place to stay. It was kind of hard... The hotels there area not affordable for low budget travellers.

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On our way we could not avoid stopping again and again to look down on the enchanted place we just had left. It was amazing to see the colours change with the sunset. The colours of the sea and the sky as well as those of the buildings that were hit by the last light of the day.

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We decided to hide our tent in some olive plantation garden. It was not really a good place. It was really steep and uncomfortable because of huge stones and branches that where everywhere on the ground. We cleaned the floor a bit but still it was the worst camping ground I have ever been to. Also due to the paranoia to get caught on private land without asking before. In the end nothing bad happend of course.

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This was the last shot of the night at a place where we smoked our first joint of the stuff we bought in Pisa. It was bad. Lots of seeds and no real effect. But who cares if you are in paradise.

The way to Ostia - 1
Ostia Antica -1.1
Bracciano -2
Viterbo -3
Tuscania -4
Lago di Bolsena -5
Pitigliano Part 1 -6
Pitigliano Part 2 -7
Sovana -8
Saturnia -9
Talamone & Siena -10
Volterra -11
Livorno & Dalai Lama
Pisa -13

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Lots of Light and Love <3


This was the last shot of the night at a place where we smoked our first joint of the stuff we bought in Pisa. It was bad. Lots of seeds and no real effect. But who cares if you are in paradise.

This just me feel so good. Great to read your another post. I love your writing and adventures. Paradise is paradise so let get a little crazy 😜. Greetings my friend.

Thank you very much for this expression of appreciation ;) There are always crazy things to discover if your move and let it touch you :) Greetings <3

Wow beautiful photo's. It looks great there. I won't mind to take a vacation there myself one day.

Thank you :) If you have time and would like to see very beautiful hills next to the sea cinque terre is your place .)

That truly looks like a place of paradise I'm guessing you guys will definitely heading back there.... what would you do different next time you go?

Nothing but anyways everything would be different anyways. That is the amazing pat of hitchhiking. Every adventuree depends on the people you meet. In this case we met some awesome people at lago di bolsena who recommended cinque terre to us. It was the right thing to see it but I guess there is thousands of other awesome places in Italy and everywhere :)

Your absolutely right you just got to go on a adventure, explore, and experience the culture. Like the pizza in your post looks like the real deal so bless. I've always just wanted to go to Italy just for the food everything else would be a bonus to me. But from the architecture in the buildings shown in your post it just looks like the right place to be. My favourite picture was the first one I believe with view of the water; just looks so peaceful. 🙏

Eh...seedy stuff is no good. But at least you were travelling through some beautiful scenery. Great shots and thanks for sharing! To many more adventures!

Cheers :) I wish the same to you :) It was a great adventure and the hiking there is nice, though but not like the Himalaya :D

Thank you! The Himalayas are unique...Italy is unique too, but very different :D.

This is awesome...very nice view and shots were great...!
Love the pizza...with pesto...definitely gonna try it out someday soon...
Thanks for sharing...

Thank you very much :) Glad you enjoyed the pictures :) It was an awesome journey <3

Always welcome ma'am...keep doing what you love doing as I shall keep following and commenting...;)

Great blog post ! enjoy your travelling!

Thank you :) I will :)

incredible photos !!!

i hope you continue to have a great time

Thank you :) I really had a great time there but at the moment I am also very enthusiastic about the future. Lets see what time brings :)

Bad weed cancelled out by good view.

Cant win 'em all. ;)

Haha :D Yeah it was all super fine :) If you ever go to the place you will know why :)

I traveled many countries but not in Italy. I think its time to go there :) its time to eat Italian Pizza :)

Yes :) If you check out the post about Tuscania you will find another great place for Pizza. The Pizza there needs to places and they even have 7 cheese Pizza there. Eventhough I mostl eat vegan now I would have one there again if I had the chance.

I will check it. i am going to write about my all travel , but now I posted my last travel in Antaly turkey. check it and change follow...before I will see you post about Tuscania :)

are you from Berlin :) I had Curious case in Berlin :)

I will check out your post as well :) Yes I am living in Berlin atm. It is an interesting place :)

I had such curios, I rent a bike in Berlin. company name was ''call bike'' and I parked it near Fernsehturm Berlin. and after I can not unlocked it. during 2 hours i am trying to unlock. I called in company also, but no one helped me. after I left bike there and go in Amsterdam. I payed 80Euro penalty :)

Another gorgeous post, thanks for keeping us abreast of beautiful places to see and shitty places to by weed

Thank you :) I am happy you enjoyed the post. Well, buying weed at any station in Europe is bad in general. At least it was all natural stuff. Here in Berlin they mix all kind of shit in the weed. Greetings :)

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