美国西部: 炫彩的荒漠|American West: Colorful desert

in #travel7 years ago

Walking through the western part of the motherland, the solitary smoke in the desert, the sunset in the river, the eagle in the snow field, and the steep steppe are portraits of the magnificent rivers and mountains as well as the materialized embodiment of the human spirit.Now, I cast my eyes on more "western" Earth.Read some American "western films" to understand their "westward movement" and look forward to directly feeling the light and shadow of the west over there.The open scene, rough lines, changing light and shadow, brilliant color, it is a feast for photographers.

With a curious eyes, but also carries the exploration of the mind, into the west over there.

Colorful west, all the way "Tour" Bryce Canyon, Zion National Park, Antelope Canyon, Horseshoe Bay, Grand Canyon, enjoy the snow-capped mountains in the west, the desert stunning.

From Seattle, take a plane from Alaska Airlines to Salt Lake City.This is Utah's capital and largest city.The level of modernization of this inland town is still beyond my expectation.Originally thought, there was only lake and salt.

Salt Lake City is now the "Western Crossroads," another name.The metropolitan area is one of the major financial centers, business centers and resorts in the United States, and is also the gateway to many tourist towns and national parks in the west.Not far from the city to appreciate the western landscape.Car all the way, right when collecting "Western mirror."

Highway side of the gas station.The car is very cattle.A driver uncle tilted at me, I do not know is proud of his car, or to honor my professional record of the scene.In fact, he did not understand, this is my car activities long legs.

Restaurants near the gates of Bryce Canyon Park dining, lined up in the old bereavement, waiting for meals, taste the local restaurant features.This is a century-old motel, the lobby decoration has a western flavor.My lunch is still good value, in the restaurant photographed some pictures of the western environment.

This picture reminds me of the western pioneers of that year.After its independence, the United States set off a westward movement that lasted for more than a century and a large number of immigrants moved to the west for different reasons.The Westward Move was a move by the United States to broaden its territory and annex its land. It developed today's western part of the United States, developed its domestic economy, broke the balance between free and slave-funded states and laid the foundation for the victory of the Civil War; at the same time it was barbarousSlaughtering indigenous Indians, eliminating many Indian civilizations.

On the deserts of the western United States, it shows how much blood and tears of joys and sorrows have fostered a culture of pioneering spirit.

Our dining motel looks like the 1930s.

This is the style of the 1940s.

Looks like the 1950s.Inn owners so carefully record the history of their own development, not just understood as "business routines."

Hundred years hotel now look.The continuation of a business and the inheritance of a culture can be mutually supportive.

People's history or let people to reflect on.We're going to "Wild Eye".

Bryce Canyon National Park, located in the southwestern Utah National Park, the United States, although the name of the word canyon, but it is not a real canyon, but along the east of the Pangasin plateau, eroded from the hugeNatural "Amphitheater".This erosion creates numerous elaborate, colorful rock columns that can be as high as 60 meters.

这是入口。可以下去徒步,先下后上,一个半小时。虽属初级徒步,但是下去容易上来难,还有强烈的阳光一路“热情”陪伴。Are you ready? 反正,我下去时一溜小跑,半路上汗流浃背,上来时气喘吁吁,到终点几成“半干海参”。
This is the entrance.Can go on foot, first after the last, an hour and a half.Although the primary walking, but it is easy to go up difficult, there is a strong sunshine all the way "passion" to accompany.Anyway, I went trotting, sweating halfway, up breathless, to the end a few into a "semi-dried sea cucumber."Mainly ---- too hot, too red, too dry!

This is the grand theater curtain?Under intense sun exposure in the west, the surface of the rock is a fire-like color.

This is a big stage?From south to north, Bryce Canyon continuously climbs to 5 major steps, named chocolate cliffs, cliffs, white cliffs, gray cliffs and pink cliffs in succession. They rise layer by layer, revealing 3 billion years of colored sediments.About 60 million years ago, the area was submerged in water with a 600-m-thick deposit of silt, gravel and lime.Later crustal movement raised the ground.Water is gradually discharged, a huge rock bed in the process of rising into a block.

This is the auditorium?These rocks are composed of winds, water and ice erosion in the rivers and sedimentary rocks in the lake bed. There are more than 60 different colors, red, pink, yellow and white,Eye-catching.

This is the audience?In 1875, Ebnizzei Bryce, the pioneer of Scotland, settled here, and a ranch was established at the bottom of the canyon, hence the name here.

This is the performance battle?How are all glowing?Theater full of red lights?

Proficient in the geology of the "newsagents" Explanation: here, the red, orange and white rocks form a strange natural landscape, known as the hall of natural stone figurines.

This is the actor group?Here intently taking photos, eyes will be congested.To bring their own sunglasses, but also to the camera lens put on "sunglasses" (polarizer), the background of blue sky and white clouds will be more prominent.Someone asked, these films ps done?Honest explanation: done.However, not add color, but the red.Otherwise, too, too red.

The last scene, the audience rose!Chorus!

Leave Bryce Canyon south on Route 15 within Utah.The United States highway double number is east-west, single number is north-south.The famous Route 66 traverses east-west; Route 1 runs north-south along the west coast.Route 15 north of Montana and Canada border, south of San Diego, California, a total length of 2307 km.

Benz in the vast deserted wilderness, did not see the common Western movie "Greyhound" bus, along the way all kinds of wagons beautiful show.

Travel through the Mojave Desert in the southwestern United States.The largest desert in the United States, from southern California to Nevada, Arizona, to Utah, wantonly spread more than 60,000 square kilometers.Although it is a very desolate place, but the endless desert on both sides of the road, scattered in the level of scattered desert vegetation, although the mottled barbed yellow dew, far from the green carpet, but they are, after all, firmly rootedAmong the yellow sand, it survived here, and the hot and dry desert was deserted and the desert dust wreaked havoc was no longer wild.

Now the surface is no longer flowing, flying sand difficult to form, the sky blue, broaden their horizons, the vehicle did not put the dust blocking the line of sight after a long journey.This is due to human efforts to control the desert.They screened drought-resistant grass and wood varieties from all over the world. After repeated trials and improvements, they have cultivated a batch of highly-endurable drought-resistant crops. They sprinkled seeds into the desert with airplanes, among which camel's thornAnd desert velvet grass, Joshua trees and other desert plants introduced from Africa.In the 1900s, where there was still arid barren land, it was inaccessible. Now walking on the deserted highways, the high west of the sky made the mood flies.

Zion Mountain National Park in southwestern Utah, the scenery is concentrated in Zion Canyon, the main features of valleys, rock walls, rivers, colorful valleys known.About 24 km long, less than 1 km wide or even only a few meters.Our car meanders in the gorge, sometimes wide clouds, and sometimes saw a glimpse of the sky.

Gorge deep 2000 ~ 3000 meters, steep valley wall, almost vertical with the ground into the ground, dangerous, difficult to climb, daunting.The mountains in the valley are unique in shape and clear in texture.Rocky colors, dark red, orange, purple, pink in various colors, against the background of the sun, Ambilight, fickleness.

Zion Mountain National Park is a huge basin, there are also some deserts, belonging to the Colorado Plateau.It is actually a basin sandwiched by the Rocky Mountains in the east and the Sierra Nevada in the west, with a total area of ​​about 500,000 square kilometers.We just walked through the canyon for some time.

Lush forests, gurgling streams and rugged rocks are found in the canyon, ideal for those who love trekking.Turn the road, the mountain back, after the cave, is another scene.We do not have enough time to indulge in it, but in the evening there is texture of the light color, is also considered rare.

The name zion refers to the Jewish paradise, but the park has deep roots in the country.Zion Canyon has always been the holy site of Indians, is where they worship God.The feeling of a little dark after the sky is really very solemn.Zion summer high temperature, but do not feel hot stuffy.I saw some backpackers hiker roaming the waterfront in the forest, with the ancient Indian spirit to share the delicate scenery.

In 1872, several explorers conducted a geological survey of the Zion Canyon and named several landscapes.Someone later conducted a large area charting.It is their vivid reports, photos and pictures that draw the attention of Mount Zion.In 1903, some painters recreated the canyon's landscape and exhibited his work at the St. Louis World's Fair.Spectators wonder if such a marvelous landscape exists.Due to the concern of people, in 1919 Parliament declared the establishment of Mount Zion National Park.

Lush forests, gurgling streams, red rocks, every time the peak changes are quite different.Sunset west slope, both sides of the mountain was dyed a magnificent gold and red, but also should not miss the stunning.

Zion Mountain National Park, nearly 600 square kilometers within the scope of the desert basin, mountains, rivers and lakes, gorge deep valleys, forest vegetation, rock strange waterfalls, stream waterfalls, and a variety of rare plants and animals, can be said that the Colorado PlateauAlmost everything is available for all kinds of landscapes, photographers only hate time to move too fast.

Watching the sun fall behind the mountain back to flagpole town accommodation.

The next day is another sunny day.Early to the Lake Powell on the Colorado River, named after John Wesley Powell, a U.S. uniformed general who was explored here in the early years.Dammed by the closure of the Blue Lake, spanning Utah and Arizona.The Glen Dam blocks the water of the Colorado River, which becomes Lake Powell upstream and the Grand Canyon downstream of the Colorado River.

The history of Lake Powell's repair is almost a modern history of the region, evoking the memory of the West and native Aborigines of the merciless plunder of the nineteenth-century European settlers here.It belonged to the Navajo Indian until it became a vast, calm lake, forced to exchange the fertile land for the same size of land in southern Utah, but the land there was hardly available for cultivation.

There are all kinds of red sandstone, stone arch, canyon and Bibo.As early as 1972 Lake Powell has established a water recreation center, becoming the major national resort in the southwestern United States.We just passed by, looking afar for a while.

We are now in the Antelope Canyon of Navajo Indians.See some travel promotional materials specifically stated that the Antelope Canyon is "a photographer dream paradise."Antelope Canyon, located in Arizona, USA, is the home of the navajo, the largest tribe of North American Indians.It is said to be the place where the local Indian chief meditates and talks with the gods.

Antelope Canyon is a world famous slit gorge, the weird shape is the soft sandstone after millions of years of storm floods and wind erosion.

The light is completely natural light into the hole through the rock cracks, so the light moment in the change, all year round, even at different times each day to see different angles of light and color are different.Summer partial orange, blueish purple in winter.Red sand rock fantastic colors, beautiful lines, fine texture, amazing natural wonderful!

Like a red satin flying in the sky.

The sun near midday became the lantern hanging from the top of the cave.Trying to shoot straight to the hole of the light beam, helpless crowded crowded people around, did not find the right angle.

Filming in the Antelope Valley is a difficult undertaking.People are very crowded, leaving little room for photography; and most of the scenes are worth the shot there is a great light than the tolerance of the existing photographic equipment are mostly difficult to meet the high light and dark full recording needs.But it is also the strange rock antelope Canyon narrow, the sun and the background of the formation of magic light and shadow, to provide adequate shooting and imagination.

Indian tour guide said this is like chief.The same rock, in different lighting will have different colors and textures; the same location, different viewing angles will have a graphical imagination.More light and shadow, everyone needs to discover and taste.

Visit Antelope Canyon to be led by local Indian guides.Noon time tourists concentrated, queuing for a long time to be admitted.It seems that they can speak multiple languages, to our Chinese tourists, the whole sentence is verbally articulated and the standard pronunciation is "going forward."So we can only obediently, walked on without stopping, of course, can take advantage of their "oversight" a little negligence, rubbing rub three or three times, so there is the film here presented.For photographers who like to catch light and shadow, this short, 500-meter journey is both rich and short.

Silently in the seam, you can really experience the eternal timeless.Seemingly unattractive seams, the annual ring of the gorge life.Who got these branches?The flood rushed in to stay.Water is the creator of this gorge life.In front of the beautiful sandstone lines, is already solidified water melody.Walking in the narrow valley, as if exploring the tunnel in time.Also changing the flow of light and shadow.If you use time-lapse photography, you can clearly record the flow of time.Unfortunately, I do not have time to try.But if you really try, maybe I will be dizzy, not because of lack of oxygen, but because of this never-before-experienced flow of color.

Understand why the local Indian chief meditates meditating here: Listen to the voice of the earth, look at the changes of Baiyun Canggou, and listen to God's metaphor in a colorful time.

Groping in the seam for a while, and finally back to the ground.Moment of a moment, even feel sunshine bare and monotonous, glance.It is said here used to be the habitat of the pronghorn antelope, gorge is also often antelope walk.Well, we can count it as an antelope again.The ground is naked and quiet, the underground is a noisy light and color, my mind, the two worlds in conflict, calm down a long time.

Drill out "Seams," and after lunch at Page Town head south on Route 89 to Horseshoe Bay.Here is also a tough land.

Turn over the red soil from the parking lot to see the true content of Horseshoe Bay.Strong sunshine, no cover no block, the air was dry and very "warm", what to do, I believe you know better than me.Want to take pictures, do not forget to bring your long gun short cannon, this road back and forth at least half an hour.

A short distance from the Antelope Valley, on Horseshoe Bay, near Peggy, Arizona, is a U-shaped river in the Arizona state of the Colorado River.Because of the river surrounded by giant rock-like horseshoe, so called "Horseshoe Bay", some people call it the great turn of the Colorado River.

The "Big Bend" has only one wait-and-see point, but the degree of shock at this point is said to be hard to find in the world.To take a panoramic view, you have to be close to the cliff more than 300 meters.Tour guide has caring attention: Do not pay attention to safety, the best lie down, get down.However, anyway, no one got down on the ground.

Looking down the Colorado River, you can see the small flies on the river boat.The earth is rich in iron and manganese metal and shines with beautiful metallic red in the sunshine. The Colorado River cut out of the bay is emerald green with red earth and green river paving the way for each other.

Carelessly cautious, step by step close to the cliff edge, the lens pulled wide-angle 16mm received the panoramic, legs and feet retracted soft.270-degree corner of the Horseshoe Bay from the shape point of view is perfect, this is enough deep enough for the Bay, it is enough momentum!River rock surrounded by solitary rock steeply, as if telling the unyielding life of thousands of years.

Afternoon to the southern rim of the Grand Canyon.Sleepy in the car?Nothing, even in the afternoon after a good meal.This is largely because of expectations of the Grand Canyon, dating.During the uplift of the Colorado Plateau, the Colorado River and its tributaries cut layers of sedimentary rocks, forming the Grand Canyon.Nearly 2 billion years of history of geological changes glance.A thin layer of rock, representing millions of years of history.

At first glance, the Grand Canyon is like a scar thrown by a knife on a huge table.Colorado Grand Canyon is 446 kilometers in length, the deepest 2133 meters, located in the northwestern Arizona, the United States, southwest of the Colorado Plateau.The Colorado Plateau is a typical "table-top", the steep, flat top of the hill.

The Grand Canyon is a masterpiece of the Colorado River.Originating in the Colorado's Rocky Mountains, the river floods and plunges into the Gulf of Mexico via Wyoming, Colorado, Utah, Arizona, Nevada, New Mexico and California's seven states into northern Mexico."Colorado" means "Red River" in Spanish because of the large amount of sediment entrained in the river.

Meandering at the bottom of the Colorado River winding twists and turns.The river is 2334 meters in length, less than 40% of the Yangtze River, but the entire Grand Canyon area has a riverbed drop of 150 centimeters per kilometer, 25 times that of the Mississippi River.This created part of the canyon where the river rapids Pentium landscape.In this way, rafting along the canyon will become a fascinating adventure.

Most of the Grand Canyon rocks are red, from the bottom to the top of distribution from the Cambrian to the Cenozoic rock formations, there are large caverns walking through the Grand Canyon Description: The top of the stone is millions of years ago, and then downWalking will find the color of the stones and earth will change, it is also because this level is hundreds of millions of years ago, to the lowest part of the scientists also found 2.5 billion years ago stone.

Grand Canyon dry bottom of the valley, a desert landscape.Life here is stubborn and wayward.

Air Eagle in the "cruise", forest squirrels are channeling line.Watch out for the eagle's paw!Grand Canyon National Park is also a paradise for many animals.Sheeps and dogs live in the desert, as are raccoons, beavers, chipmunks, squirrels and hares. The desert sheep live on the steep cliffs in the depths of the canyon. The reindeer is observed from the edge of the cliff.

Cliff standing on the cliff.In a grand scene, small people are feeling or sentimental it?Read the world long, unique but runny?

But here is not unprecedented.It is said that Native American Indians lived there 5000 years ago.These trees seem to be reminding us how indigenous natives survive and thrive in harsh natural environments from generation to generation.However, they face, is the harsh natural environment?

Go down the impulsive trek, but then brain up: From north to south across the Grand Canyon, which is a 38 km long, 1750 meters, on the 1500 meters away, hot and dry, helpless -----
How bright desert?
May be awe but may not be obscene play, close but not intimacy, appreciation and difficult to conquer?

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