USA Culture Shock Part 1: Gay AmericasteemCreated with Sketch.

in #travel7 years ago (edited)

It's my first time back in the USA in 3 years and my mind is blown! From being explained that "gender no longer exists", conversations about Jay Z's new 444 album, to my cousin's best friend Siri; officially I feel like I have entered a cross between the twilight zone and George Orwell's 1984.

When my 8 year old niece learns that you get awards for being a transsexual because Bruce Jenner did and she wants to get awards too, you know something isn't right.

When I go to change my clothes in the public pool bathroom to hear three men having gay sex in the shower. I mean hardcore moaning and comments with others including children overhearing, then walking around with their dongs out like they own the place; I really am not sure what planet I'm on.

When I learn that my 10 year old nephew at school is sharing a bathroom with a girl that decided just a week ago that she is now a "boy" and that he is lectured and put down for feeling awkward when he takes out his penis to urinate in-front of her; I must have died and woke up in a gay twilight zone.

When my cousin who works in an office with 30 other employees explains that the only gay employee changed the bathroom signs from men/women to both bathrooms "men and women" and that everyone including the boss is uncomfortable with that, yet too scared to say or do anything about it; one can only assume a gay Stasi has been established in the USSA.

Seeing this issue take center stage to the point where everyone is walking around scared they are going to offend somebody creates tension like I've never felt before. It seems society has been socially manipulated through practices Joseph Goebbels, Hitler's chief propagandist would be proud of.

I have officially been culturally gang banged by Mandingo while sipping a pink lemonade! I now am in a country where it's sexist for a man to be a man and a woman to be a woman. Meanwhile the USA is best buddies with Saudi Arabia who publicly beheads people for being gay and won't let women drive cars and nobody says a word about that!

To be absolutely clear don't confuse my culture shock with prejudice. I have nothing against homosexuality and the individuals who identify this way, they are some of the nicest people I have met. I just have never seen such in your face promotion of this lifestyle. The tweaking of society, the catchy subliminal message pop songs like Katy Perry's "I kissed a girl and I liked it" What does that put in an 8 year old girl's head?

This is just the tip of my culture shock ice-berg. I've been bowled over with culture shock everyday this week; so much so I couldn't even focus to write a normal travel post. Everything from the size of the parking lots to the size of the people has me confused. Tomorrow I'll be posting part two of a six part culture shock series. Stay tuned!

-World Travel Pro

Caitlyn Jenner photo credit -
Colbert Report Gender bathroom sign photo credit - Colbert Report and
Joseph Goebbels photo credit-
Katy Perry photo credit- Katy Perry and


Yeah, the world is certainly getting a pretty trippy. It's funny, I was just going throough some of my Skype group chats before hopping on over here and saw a post talking about the The Frankfurt school. Apparently The Frankfurt School has 11 objectives to destroy society.

  1. The creation of racism offences.
  2. Continual change to create confusion
  3. The teaching of sex and homosexuality to children
  4. The undermining of schools’ and teachers’ authority
  5. Huge immigration to destroy identity.
  6. The promotion of excessive drinking
  7. Emptying of churches
  8. An unreliable legal system with bias against victims of crime
  9. Dependency on the state or state benefits
  10. Control and dumbing down of media
  11. Encouraging the breakdown of the family

Welcome back into the asylum dude.

Yeah I feel like I'm in a strange asylum. It's weird, I was speaking Spanish all day everyday for years, where the language itself is all about masculine and feminine. It goes through out the the whole culture, it's about men being manly and women having traditional roles of their own. Everyone seems happy and content with how things are and how things always have been. Here it's like the total opposite, yet was not the case just a few decades ago during my father's generation, where mom and apple pie was still in play, a happy wholesome America. a non-broken home America. It's so strange! You're list basically hit's on the head. Scary stuff. I'll never live in this country again on a visit. It's been ruined for me. Makes me sad. It's bizarro world big time.

Thanks for sharing your comments!

I feel the same about Australia as far as it being ruined. After watching some of the blogs from @jeffberwick I'm starting to think that Mexico might be worth at least a reconnaissance trip.

It's a much more wholesome society, that's for sure.

the frankfurt school is fuckingbrutal!!
what i find funny is if you speak out about this YOU are the small minded bigot.
i live in vancouver and somehow a big black drag queen added me on facebook. i wont delete him bc its rude but he uploaded a pic yesterday of a dude with a beard fully grown dressed like a princess reading to a group of, say, 5 year olds. the caption is something like "i love reading to kids"
and yeah, sure, you shouldnt be stopped from reading to kids due to your sexual orientation or identification...
but i was fucking impressionable when i was a kid and i dont think its got any better. how can children attending lgbtq or even just interacting with trans or whatever who are open about it, not be effected?
everything on frankfurts list is straight new world order. fuckin hate it

Yeah it's all pretty stuffed up. I posted a blog yesterday where I shared my own observations of where "they" have been attempting to take us.

It is not just in the US, you will see this kind of cultural social engineering in most Western-Anglo societies from Canada to the UK and OZ. There are just slight variations with almost all done incrementally. Racism is also on the rise, more so in the US but it is possibly to circumvent the larger class warfare which underlies, the growing wealth disparity not too mention to obscure and real dialogue or discourse concerning neoconservative (PNAC) foreign policy. Scandinavian countries are also becoming culturally unstable to a certain degree,especially with radical feminism and cultural self hate dictating policy. There is actually enough literature on this subject.

Thanks for commenting. Being outside this "western world" for 3 years, you don't feel the "incremental" changes. For me it's like a mind boggling explosion of change and culture shock. Certainly not the country I remember when I left. I knew it was heading this direction, but wow!

youre right. of course its to circumvent and give them more time. why do u think we let a flood of migrants most of whom we really should not have let, and are only whom due to the west's endless bombing and agendas. poor sweden lol

Welcome to the freakshow. All the normal people are escaping into the woods. check out my channel.

I've seen whats up ahead. Let me put this thing in reverse.


Ain't that somethin'!

Jaw-dropped! I forgot about this! Can you believe it? Everything else sucked so bad that this part just went out of my mind. I block people who talk about it and don't watch media. I can only imagine what you see through non-jaded eyes. It only gets worse in this area as you learn more - hence why I don't look since I try to stay on task (fail).

My belief is that it is part of the de-population agenda. The projection for the states in 2040 is well under half of the current pop and that remaining number will be half immigrants. The ones that they don't kill by poison will be gay or autistic or whatever so they don't have kids. The death rate is way up and the birth rate is way down. Both will continue in that direction. I need to find that report I saw. I knew I should have gotten it when I first saw it.

Be careful not to blame the mind controlled victims. Very hard I know. Those poor kids. I just want to cry for them. They will never know anything different.

All I wish is that I did not have to see C. Jenner today. Thank you for that. They were pushing him/her hard for months and I had to make a ban. I guess it did not stop.

I tend to agree that a depopulation agenda seems to be under way, worldwide. The relentless push to vaccinate every man, woman and child is nothing like we've seen before.

I'm in SE Asia where they have 7-9 "recommended" vaccines and a lot of people do not get them at all for their kids. My son got about 30 and he is 25 now. Currently the US schedule has 68 on it unless some have been added recently. When I got here last year, the news from North Myanmar was about a region where the Gates fdn went in and vaccinated for measles - a disease never heard of in that area. Well, the epidemic broke out and many died - I think about 50 kids in a month. This is evil done by evil-doers.

I can't say I'm surprised by that. Gates is one evil SOB.

I feel for the parents having to deal with this situation now as they are put under so much pressure. When my children where part way through their early schooling we chose not to allow the later injections. I'm thankful my daughter never had the HPV vaccination. Now they are all in their 20's so the decisions are now in their court.

Yep, in the accent of Forest Gump....Evil is what Evil does! Can't wait to get the hell out of here and over to Thailand. But I must be careful not to be insulting to the sheeple that surround me. They just have no clue how a normal society looks or functions anymore.

That hpv one is a freaking nightmare. They are trying to give it to boys now. So glad you avoided it. Lots of people are very damaged from that one - or should I say the series of three of them.

I totally agree. Just the cancer epidemic in the country is mind boggling. Then everyone goes around with pink ribbon likes it's an invisible cancer shield or something, or an excuse to stay ignorant. Sorry i had to make your eyes bleed with our US Olympic Gold Medal Winner dressed up as a woman holding a puppy dog.

I am trying to recover! I'm so grossed out by that person. The ribbons are rampant in my auto-immune disease groups as well - they are purple over there. Sick people get that tattooed on the inside of their wrist a lot. The toxic reactions sometimes show up the next day and then they post asking for help. Ergh. If it's got a ribbon - run - all they want is your money.

Core blimey, a lot has changed!

yeah, I've got 5 more topics of culture shock ahead to post. Hope it doesn't get me in trouble. Things are just sooooo different here compared to where I spent the last three years.

You are correct and if you say anything you can be stoned. It is a crazy world now. The media has programmed many.

Exactly. To have an opinion is to risk getting stoned! I want to go smoke a joint...hmmmm

yep a lot can change in a few years, just heard reports from Australia that my ten year old nephew got to be in the school play dressed up as a "beautiful"girl... ooohhh to see the agenda unfolding all over from on high

You are very right, @world-travel-pro

I often think about what's really behind the media and what's going on with these massive changes in our society in America. But one thing I am hung up on is how does it benefit the government to make us lose sense of male/female gender labelling? I know, this may sound like a dumb question, but I'm not enlightened on this and just want to better understand it. I know, for sure, it's about power and control...

depopulation, maybe?

Some say that it's about reducing the population. Obviously same sex partnerships can't reproduce on their own. It's a division and break breakdown of the family thing. In agrarian US 1920 gay men happy and not much more, divorce was low and couples had 7 plus children often; we now have what you see in the US. But not around the world. Latin America have strong family values and are always having more children, same for Muslim nations as well.

Right... that makes a lot of sense. A much larger part of the population is opting out of reproducing. Instead of trying to enforce a policy like China's one child policy, its probably easier to promote a new way of living.

I'm a proponent of people having a free choice when it comes to sexuality but if what you're saying is true about your 10 year old nephew at school things are being taken too far.

I agree with you regarding freedom of choice. Yes everything that I wrote is 100% true. It's a real trip after not being for 3 years and seeing how things have changed.

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