Travel - Me encanta Barcelona!!
Some months ago, I spend 1 month in Barcelona, in the last summer with a lovely old friend, a crazy brazilian girl that I connected again in Boom Festival, and we spend some time together in Barcelona and Israel.
It was one month of intensive bliss and fun !! Barcelona is so warm in the summer, full of great people, beautiful squares to go, awesome art all sides, sculpture, architecture, gelaterias, bars, restaurants, and a super beautiful nature so close to there, the stunning mediterranean ocean, a deep blue, so beautiful, I really love this place, I love Gaudi and all the great artworks everywhere... this mix of old art with the new street art make something in my heart. All the skate culture also makes me happy, it's amazing to go out in the MAC (Museum of Contemporary Art) and see all the guys doing show with skate or whatever. At night the street is full of energy and alive. I love this place called Nevermind, it's a underground bar, with place to skateboard, cool people, great music, really a nice thing to do, go there and drink with friends, listenning a good rock'n'roll.
I was there when was happened parties in the neighborhood, and I went for some special one in the neighborhood of Gracia, it was so nice, I feel like sixteen again. In Gracia, we met other girl, other brazilian that we know already from Brazil, and was so nice we had a lot of fun together we tree.
After that, I was playing my led hula hoop, I met a guy and the guy asked me if he can play, I say sure, and sitted look the guy, he was so good with the hula hoop, I was impressed, the guy finish and came to me, he gave me my hula hoop and say to me, let's go with me to my apartment, it's very close to here, let's drink some tea, and relax. I think yes, why not? This guy looks great! I went to his appartment, and he start to try be with me, and I felt confusion, and say I dont know, but the guy really wanted and had sure about it, he was really lovely and carefull, so I start to like him and we stay together almost 20 days. He was so nice to me, we made a lot of mess together, he shows me the Botanic Gardem of cactus in Barcelona, we danced a lot, we laughed, was beautiful days!! Now in a lot of months, this guy dosen't answer my messages, after promisse a lot of stuff, travel and bla bla bla, fuck that!I really dont undertand his attitude, but ok! I really dont care. I have a way to think, I think that if something just dosen't work for some reason, if something had to go out of my life, it's a gift! I believe in connection through vibration! I'm greatful!
After this, I went with my brazilian girlfriend and this guy to the old fun park Tibidado. Is in the top of a mountain in Barcelona, and there we can see all the city, is amazing and so funny this old toys, with something like 100 year, really nostalgic. Was b-day of my girlfriend and we eat mushrooms, was super colorful and great see all that childrens and toys, people smiling, people screaming, a lot of information for that moment, so we went inside the valley to back to home, into the wild, with the feeling of totally freedom and love for life, for nature, for ourselves, for all creation, cuz in the end we are one. There, into this Valley, we found a couple who were in the middle of the bush alone and gave us fresh figs, the most incredible I've ever had the pleasure of eating in my whole life!
The next adventure in Catalunya was in Costa Brava, me and my girlfriend we wanted be in the nature, inside this awesome beachs with the deep blue turquise at mediterranean ocean. We search about and we discover one place where there is a beach with ruins of a castle. We went to this city, saw the ruins of the castle, and we did not have a hotel to stay, or something like this, so we decided to sleep inside the castel. We think it's okay, this city looks like really calm and safe, so it will be a great adventure to sleep in the castle. We put our tend inside the ruins, in the middle of trees, and we was almost sleeping when we start to hear a noise, like somebody bury something inside the ground, we stayed totally in panic, so we dicide leave the tend there and go to sleep in the beach just with the sleeping bags. It was scarry, but ok, after we sleep in the beach without any trouble, just a lit bit of emotion to our night. In the morning we wake up with a so beautiful sunrise, with the first light of a new day, new beggining, was so great this feeling of peace inside, emotion, surprise, delight and love.
The last day in Barcelona, I went from the cathedral to the erotic museum, from Gracia to Gothic, I walked all over the city saying goodbye, guarding in my heart every piece, every art, every park of the mighty Barcelona!
*This music was with us all the month
by Giulia y Los Tellarini
Por qué tanto perderse
Tanto buscarse
Sin encontrarse
Me encierran los muros
De todas partes
Te estás equivocando
No puedes seguir inventando
Que el mundo sea otra cosa
Y volar como mariposa
Hace un calor que me deja
Fría por dentro
Con este vicio
De vivir mintiendo
Qué bonito sería tu mar
Si supiera yo nadar
Mi mente tan llena
De cara de gente extranjera
Conocida, desconocida
He vuelto a ser transparente
No existo más
Siendo esposa de tus ruidos
Tu laberinto extrovertido
No he encontrado la razón
Porque me duele el corazón
Porque es tan fuerte
Que solo podré vivirte
En la distancia
Y escribirte
Una cancion
Te extraño Barcelona <3