Reise-Blog #16: Erfolgreicher Bouldertag in Xátiva und ein unerwartet schöner Platz

in #travel6 years ago

Am nächsten Tag tun meine Finger immer noch weh, aber Tete ist motiviert, also ziehen wir wieder los. Weiter oben am Hang finden wir ein paar Linien zum warm machen.


Danach finden wir eine weitere ansprechende 6a, leicht plattig, recht scharfe Leisten. Eigentlich genau mein Stil aber verdammt hoch für meine Verhältnisse (geschätzt etwa 5 Meter).


Der Kopf scheint heute aber richtig fit zu sein und so kommt für uns beide sogar ein Flash bei raus. Unsere Vermutung, dass hier recht kleine Spanier bewertet haben verhärtet sich. Davon Motiviert, gehts zurück an unsere Mini-Projekte vom Vortag. Tete steigt als erste ein und schafft es ohne weiteres oben auszusteigen! Ich häng mich in mein Projekt und toppe auch sofort. SO! muss ein Bouldertag laufen :)

Hier das Video zu den erfolgreich erklommenen Bouldern
(am besten im neuen Tab öffnen)

Zufrieden und Glücklich packen wir zusammen und machen uns auf zum Auto.

Wir beschließen, Montesa aufzuschieben und mehr oder weniger direkt nach Moguer zu fahren. Dort habe ich mein Austauschjahr verbracht und dort wollen wir zusammen mit Freunden Weihnachten und Silvester verbringen. Also machen wir uns am Nachmittag auf den Weg ins Landesinnere und übernachten in der Nähe von Almansa. Die Lanschaft dort erinnert fast schon an eine Steppe. Der Boden ist trocken und braun und nur ein paar Büsche und Kräuter trotzen der Trockenheit. Wir machen noch einen Abendspaziergang und entdecken einen wunderschönen See. Wir haben den Platz recht spontan und schnell ausgesucht, wir bleiben ja nur eine Nacht, und freuen uns dashalb umsomehr, unerwartet so einen schönen Ort gefunden zu haben. Der Sonnenuntergang sorgt mal wieder für ein super Licht und schöne Stimmung.




Wir entdecken ein kleines Häuschen, das extra zum Vögel beobachten gebaut wurde. Wieder mal gibt es eine Infotafel, die ich mit Begeisterung lese :)
Angeblich sollen viele Vögel den Winter hier verbringen oder eine Zwischenstop machen, bevor sie noch weiter in den Süden fliegen. Davon sehen wir aber nicht viel und so vertreiben wir uns mit balancieren die Zeit.




In der Nacht sorgt der fast volle Mond und das sonst dunkle Umland für super Licht und schöne Stimmung, sodass Constantin sich mal wieder draußen mit der Kamera rumtreibt. Die Fotos dazu gibts dann demnächst im zugehörigen "Night Photography Post".


Nice post @vestlife! I’ve done a fair amount of rock climbing in my earlier years, so brought back fond memories.

Also have done some amateur birdwatching, so nice memory there as well. Great sunset pictures. Looks like you found a very peaceful place to forget ones cares in this world for just a bit.

Dropping by to support your post, after @pundito featured it in our weekly @pifc community contest. And wishing you all the best for a …

💥 Happy New Year!! 💥

Thanks a lot for checking out and upvoting our travel blog!
New pictures and videos of bouldering are coming soon, so stay tuned ;)

I just scrolled through your profile and read your "Road to Recovery" post.
I'm excited to read more about your month of travel and future plans.

Greetings & and likewise a happy new year,

Thank you @vestlife ...

"I'm excited to read more about your month of travel and future plans."

... for this, as I am definitely excited to get "out on the road" and relive some old memories, as well as creating some new ones. 😊

I just hope I can keep up with the posting "in here," as I take my time to "do it right" as much as I can and working off of just my laptop screen is less than ideal. BUT ... I am determined to do that, as part of a "journal" of sorts, at this stage of my life.

I know what your talking about, right before christmas we were 1 month behind schedule with our travel blog. Luckily we had a lot of time around holiday so we could catch up.
Also working only on the laptop in van with no space to sit properly is sometimes annoying. At least I can say, don't let the writing interfere with your ejoyment ;)

Will you travel in a camper van or by car and spend the night with friends/family?
In either case I wish you a lot of fun and a lot of new valuable experience!

Unfortunate the disruption in our engagement here @vestlife, but my full-time job and family responsibilities come first, including needing to leave for work yesterday (and again this morning, in a little bit …). Unavoidable, at least for now.

”Also working only on the laptop in van with no space to sit properly is sometimes annoying. At least I can say, don't let the writing interfere with your ejoyment ;)”

Yes, agreed. I am a sort of “all in” or “all out” type, so getting this right will not be easy for me. I definitely focus on the quality of my posts vs. quantity. Perhaps to a fault. I definitely need to spend the time reflecting on the next chapter of my life vs. just writing in Steem, as this trip is intended to be far more than just a vacation.

” Will you travel in a camper van or by car and spend the night with friends/family? In either case I wish you a lot of fun and a lot of new valuable experience!”

Going to be making the trip in my trusty old 4 X 4, 2003 Ford Ranger. Love that little truck … 😉 The overall schedule will be ~ 2 weeks alone, to gather my thoughts, once I get away from my job. Then, ~ 2 weeks with my beloved siblings up in Oregon and Washington. Family knows us best right? Really looking forward to that time with them. Then, back home to my “real life” and whatever the “next chapter” holds for me … 😉

Enjoying the engagement with you! 😊

I'm not super fast in replying either, so never mind! :)

I definitely focus on the quality of my posts vs. quantity. Perhaps to a fault.

Could not imagine why this should be a fault. If one spends more time on a post, I think the benefit is much greater because the thougts get more organized, which results in a higher insight for oneself and a post that is more interesting to read!

The overall schedule will be ~ 2 weeks alone, to gather my thoughts, once I get away from my job. Then, ~ 2 weeks with my beloved siblings...

Sounds like a perfect timeline! If you allow me to give you an advice, don't plan out every day in advance of you journey. Having the freedom to react to unexpected opportunities gives you the chance to make unforgettable experiences.
And at least for me, to drift where ever I get attracted to allows my mind to get more calm and clear.

Enjoying the engagement with you! 😊

Likewise! :)

Very good @vestlife ...

"If you allow me to give you an advice, don't plan out every day in advance of you journey. Having the freedom to react to unexpected opportunities gives you the chance to make unforgettable experiences."

"And at least for me, to drift where ever I get attracted to allows my mind to get more calm and clear."

... sounds like good advice to me! 👍

Being an engineer, I've mapped out a tentative schedule in a spreadsheet, as I definitely have certain places I must be at a certain time, such as being with my siblings in Sun River, Oregon. Aside from that, though, I think I've built in a reasonable amount of flexibility ...

Love the idea of just taking off down a seldom traveled road in my trusty little 4 X 4 Ford Ranger.

7 more days of working. 3 days to prepare to leave. Then, "out on the road" ... The only real drawback is the time of year I am taking this trip. In the winter ...

We'll soon find out how smart that is ...

I think I've built in a reasonable amount of flexibility ...


7 more days of working. 3 days to prepare to leave.

Uhh, so the countdown is running now ;)

Wonderful post @vestlife. I admit I haven't truly climbed rocks. What I did as a kid doesn't count LOL. You pictures are amazing. Thank you so much for sharing your adventure.

You were featured in week 39 of @pifc's Pay It Forward Curation Contest by @pundito

We're pleased to hear, that you ejoyed reading about our journey!
The next posts are already scheduled, beacuse we want to catch up, so that the post are more up to date. ;)

I admit I haven't truly climbed rocks.

So maybe you should try it some day, it's a lot of fun ;)

Greetings from Spain,


Your post was featured in an entry into @pifc's Curation Contest:Week 39. Posts are selected because the entrant felt you are producing great content and deserve more attention (& rewards) on your post. As such your post has been upvoted and will be visited by other members of the PIFC Community.

We are always looking for new people to join our curation efforts. This is a great way to meet new people and become part of a community that focuses on helping one another.

Want to promote a post for free and have a chance to find some other great content? Check out this week's Pimp Your Post.

The Pay It Forward community also has a Discord Channel if you are interested in learning more about us.

Thanks for hosting this cool project!

Wow! Ganz tolle Fotos und auch noch meinen Sport Bouldern dabei!
Da muss ich einfach kommentieren.

Die Felsen sehen schön kletterbar aus.

Bin in Sardinien am Strand mal bouldern gewesen. War auch schön. Jedoch war der Granit ganz schön garstig zu meinen Fingern.

Schöne Grüße,

Ja der Fels war super und das Bouldern hat total Spaß gemacht. Wir werden noch ein paar Gebiete in Spanien/Portugal und Frankreich erkunden. Sardinien hört sich auch gut an. Korsika steht schon auf der Liste, da ist es nach Sardinien ja nur ein Katzensprung.=)

Liebe Grüße

Tolle Erlebnisse und mit schoenen Fotos!
Ich wuensche Dir noch viel Spass auf Deinen Abenteuern und freue mich drauf mehr darueber zu lesen.

Vielen Dank=)

Gern geschehen!
Ich bin froh, Die und Deinem Post zusammen mit dem @pifc project ein wenig Traffic zu besorgen ;)

Hey @pundito,
super, vielen Dank dafür und auch fürs resteemen!
Was du da über uns geschrieben hast ist ja richtig schmeichelhaft :D
Freut uns sehr, dass du denkst wir verdienen etwas mehr Aufmerksamkeit.

Viele Grüße,

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