It's my birthday fellow Steemians! 50 years old today. What a life I've had.

in #travel7 years ago (edited)


I'll be honest with you, I never thought I'd make it! Just goes to show what great women can do for you.

Growing up where I did people didn't really dwell too much on the future, during that miserable early part of the 1970's most people in my life were struggling to make ends meet. People weren't necessarily unhappy although you could see that they wished life had dealt them a different hand. They couldn't afford luxuries, they accepted it and carried on with their lives. I didn't want that I wanted to take control and enjoy life.

Getting out of Dodge!

I never dreamed back then that I would live the life I have. And I never would have if I hadn't gone backpacking. And I would never have gone backpacking if I hadn't have literally been dragged out of the country by an old girlfriend who I've not seen in 23 years but will be eternally grateful to. I've travelled the world a lot and had large blocks of time, years in fact continuously travelling which is something most people sadly never get to do.
The girl who saved me from the life I didn't want had a different vision of her future than I had for mine so we parted ways after we left Australia in what was the first visit to that great country. I was single, in South-East Asia got money in my pocket. So I went berserk, girls, drink, drugs you name it I had a ball. I remember when Kurt Cobain died in 1994 (he was 2 months older than me) the whole 27 meme was being talked about a lot, Jimi Hendrix, Jim Morrison and a bunch of others hadn't made it past that age and while I had no musical talent at all I was living like someone who didn't care if he saw 28.

It was then that I met the girl who changed everything, the girl who made me want to see 28, 30, 40, 50 and beyond.

I somehow got back to Oz alive and was working selling jewellery when she came to the shop. It sounds like crap but I knew when I saw her, she was the one. We were living together a few weeks later and have never been apart since other than when she returned to the UK for a wedding a year after we met.
Since then we have lived a great life both overseas and in the UK always looking for a new place to visit, new countries and cuisines to immerse ourselves in.
I bumped into an old school friend a few years back I hadn't seen since 1989. We spent about 10 minutes chatting and he left saying "you've changed". I took it as a compliment however I doubt it was said as such.

The point is, if you live life to the full it does change you, if not you didn't really live.

Live life to the full you only get one chance.

I'm so greatful to be here in Croatia celebrating my birthday for the 50th time.


With reminders of the people back home that love me.


Eating breakfast looking at this view.


Having earlier had a beer as a pre-breakfast appetiser.


With a plan to sit and read and drink Mojito's with my girl.


Happy Birthday to me! 😎

And for those that stayed a reminder that my girl gives to me when I'm down she says "every little ting" babe.
Bob Marley makes everything better!



Very Cool - happy late birthday ( totally worth Upvote ) Also dang some really nice pic's...

Hey, Happy 50th Birthday Treme!

Yep, Croatia looking just as amazing as i remember.

Glad you made it past 28 too. Funny how a good woman can help you with that.

Going back to bed now. SK.

Congarts! This seems to be a nice place to be! :-)

18 with 32 years of experience---love that! Wishing you a very Happy Birthday---Croatia looks like a beautiful place to celebrate!

Happy B'day mate! Hope you've had a great day!

Happy Birthday Bro, love you loads x

You too my bruv x

Happy bday...hitting the big 50 too in a couple of months.

Thanks to you all. It's just after lunch and I'm on my 6th Mojito after a few beers to warm up. 😎

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