Let's go to Cape Town - Remote Working in South Africa

in #travel7 years ago (edited)

For us living on the tip of the northern hemisphere, January can be a strain. No light, freezing tempratures, and a bleek social life (lef's face it, everyone is staying inside). Therefore me, @susanne and @arnfinn decided to relocate our office space...to Cape Town. Here's to remotivation :D (Scroll down to learn our top 3 reason why we chose Cape Town)

Throw me an upvote if you like remote working too :D

Waking up to this totally make up for the 11 hour flight

We share an Airbnb and it has.. wait for it...a stellar view...

The cool kids headed to work

Thank you Magnus for letting us sit and work with the awesome people at Woo

Yes, you can actually travel to amazing places and still make a living

Co-working at the Old Biscuit Mill in Woodstock. The hipster area

So here's why we chose Cape Town

  1. No Time Difference - Being a digital nomade is awesome, but time difference is always a big issue. If most of your clients are European like mine are, Cape Town aligns up perfectly :)
  2. Cost - it is relatively cheap in South Africa compared to a lot of other countries. Transportation is super cheap, and so is food. Accommodation is a bit pricier, but pales in comparison to what you'd expect in Mediterranean countries like Spain, France or Italy. There is also plenty of co-working space, and reasonable wifi / portable 4G.
  3. Explore options - Are you a foodie? CPT is your first choice! Into kitesurfing? CPT has some of the best spots in the world! Wanna go mountain climbing? Wildlife safari? Wine tasting? The list just goes on and on. We can't wait to start exploring.

So, who's coming with us next time?


Det ser ut som det var et bra valg å flytte arbeidsplassen til Cape Town... Dere lever livet dere... Herlig! Ha en fin workation! :)

Takk :) Du må bli med neste gang :)

Ja, det er ganske så greit her. Vi skulle hatt en grafisk designer ved siden av oss da.

Ja, det hadde vært noe! :)

You are really enjoying Cape Town. Nice view

I wanna come along with you all😊... good job... am a foodi🙈...

@deronke if you're a foodie this is HEAVEN! I have honest to God never eaten tasty food like this - like, everywhere you go, the food is amazing. Even take-away

Capetown looks beautiful but I am more interested in remote working. I just found your blog, is there any way I can find out more information about it?

@cerenselenapa yes it is absolutely amazing! We have a website www.letsgoexplore.co or you can join a FB group I just created where I will try to gather as many remote workers as I can - you can ask questions there if you need help getting an online business up and running :) https://www.facebook.com/groups/183888802264311/

Thank you! I will look into it. I am a full time engineer but searching for other options

So true. Its a pity you don't have any water though, and a horrific crime rate.
Put the two together and there is going to be BIG TROUBLE. Just saying.

We are doing just fine here. I just enjoyed a lovely shower, and I’ve been walking around alone here with my phone and my computer. It’s safe and fun here. Calm down.

Wish I could come with you. I like the look of the weather!

I lived in South Africa for a while a long time ago and had forgotten about the mild winters.

It's also been a while since I've done any co-working locally. I used to do it all the time when my son was small. Gets very lonely sitting at your computer all day on your own.

Maybe this will be the year when I re-enter the co-working scene.

Enjoy your trip!

Yeah the loneliness is actually a big problem - I feel that from time to time. The flexibility is great, but miss having a massive team around me. It helps traveling with other people though and finding people who is in the same "space" as you. What kind of work do you do?

Lots of different things @travelmarcus. I coach and paint a bit. Until recently I was mostly focussing on drop shipping. It was very lucrative but I didn't enjoy working on my own and it was pretty soulless so I'm not sure I'll continue.

I'm amazed to see I've earned $396 in the month I've been here so now I'm wondering whether it might be possible to make a living here. That seems crazy. I hadn't even heard of Steemit prior to Dec 14th!

What kind of work do you do?

Yeah I know - it is crazy. Likely it will not last forever but if you really commit to it, I think you sustain a living over the next couple of years here. I'm a computer scientist by education, technology advisor by trade, crypto investor by chance :D I run a consultancy business where I help corporations builld startup programs and I help them find them find startups worth investing in. We're part of a larger ecosystem Innovation Lab a scandinavian innovation house. What is drop shipping and what was the work you did there?

Kos dere masse!!!
Ser ikke ut som at @arnfinn er oppe og går enda, så det må dere gjøre noe med ;)

PS: Gi lyd om du kjenner noen som har en WordPress blogg og kunne tenke seg å prøve ut vår nye plug-in som lar folk poste på STEEM rett fra WordPress :) lanserte beta-produktet vårt i natt.

Jeg har tvunget han til å registrere seg. Den er til godkjenning.

@fredrikaa du må bli med neste gang :) OK will do!

wow, this is really nice. I would even suggest you check out my country in your next vacation smiles, but really Cape Town has wonderful topview and nice places, the environment i must say is nice and also the time difference you talked about, that's an added advantage which would add to your office space. Wish I could come and help out lol

Well I might just do that @areurdayle - where is home? ps what crypto are you into? :)

home is lagos nigeria. You're welcome anytime. Am into all round crypto, promising ones tho and ico's

Man it's hard sitting here in Oslo and looking at that sun and blue sky! Glad you're enjoying, but please send some back up here! :)

Incredible scenery I love to go there

Much recommended :)

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