TRAVELMAN JAISALMER INDIA: I’m in a Fort!!! In the Desert! And there’s no pillows involved!
I woke up in Jaisalmer, having arrived late the previous night. I opened the double doors in my room with the king sized bed and saw this!!
i’m in a fort! In the Indian desert!!! ...
I had breakfast at a table that overlooked the city (already shared those pics), then I walked down the pathway, completely awestruck...
and became more slack jawed when I lay my eyes on the Palace square...
I walked some more as though exploring a fantasy world...
I came upon the Jain Temples (interiors shared in a previous post)...
And explored more of the fort. One quarter of the town lives and works within the fort walls...
Don’t worry Jesus, they’re just inside the fort, not the temples. ...They have no room for for them, the slot machines and stripper poles take up all the space...
then I explored outside the fort...
!steemitworldmap 26.9120 lat 70.9118 long . Exploring Jaisalmer, India 1, d3scr
What interesting buildings. This is really unique, ancient, colorful, nothing like a country like a fairy tale. Thank you for interesting photos @travelman
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