How to travel the world on budget? Sharing my life story on how I traveled 50 countries, never having big money.

in #travel6 years ago

I am not a rich person, nor (yet) a famous blogger who earns on it, nor a prostitute or whatever you may think. I didn't work much in my life and no one was giving me money. So how did I manage to travel 50 countries already?29352170_2038752109727815_3872946714010611288_o.jpg

There is no ONE answer for that question, as every trip would have different reasons and ways. But I will try to list just a few here, which helped me to travel the world.
I will share my lifestory with you and hope that it will show you that things are possible, you just need to FOLLOW your dreams, not sit and wait for a miracle.

In my previous post - video, I was talking about motivation to follow your dreams. However, I understand that money is often the thing which stops people from traveling as well. But the truth is, that you don't need much to travel.

When I think about my first trips, I say to myself: "OMG how could I do that". Over ten years ago I could go for hitch-hiking euro trips and visit few countries having no more than 25 € for few weeks. Seriously. Always sleeping in a tent in the wild, never being able to pay for entrance tickets anywhere, or food in the restaurant. I was eating the cheapest crap from supermarket and this is the worst thing I say now "OMG how could I do that" for, since I became a real foodie.

Things has changed, me and my body became more demanding, but as you see, it is possible!IMG_9694 copy.jpg

Later, when I was a student, I participated in all possible competitions and scholarschips, which would pay for my life in another country. Determination and strong desire to travel was the key. I didn't even speak english when I went for my first student exchange program and I was studying in english. That's from perspective a very funny story, but I will tell you another time.

When I finished university and all the students programs were not available I was applying for any possible internships, for just-graduated. This is how I lived in few countries, where at the same time, had international job experiences and was able to travel within the country and around it.

When those opportunities finished for me, due to the age limit I focused on volunteering options. These are numerous, all around the world. Some of them are fully sponsored, some partly, but it's a great experience to try for sure! It will enrich your persoanlity to volunteer and your motivation would rise to the limits!
Even right now I am planning on volunteering program and because of the expences I put the project description on crowd-funding site in my country. Crowd-funding is a great way to get your trip sponsored, but you need to have a great project idea. If you are interested to support mine here is the link
Apart from all those, I did a lot of backpacking. Hitch-hiking, sleeping with local people from Couch Surfing and eating where locals do - are the main tips I can give you, which saved me a lots of money.

Right now, from time to time I am working as a freelance graphic designer and traveling south east Asia for 200€ a month. If you want to meet me on the way, stay in touch.

Those were very general information, but you know hard to describe here over 10 years of traveling, right? Please check out my website for more tips on how to travel on budget and ask me questions, if you like.

Thanks for reading 💚

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Thanks for sharing, @timetravelbee.

Couldn't agree more that it's less about money and more about the "Determination and strong desire to travel" - I work full time in England on a salary that is nothing speial, but managed to visit 12 countries in 2017, including Vietnam which is one of my favourites of all time.

I should be in South East Asia by the New Year; who knows if our paths will cross in person. Until then, happy to continue following your trips here on Steemit!

Thank you so much! I may be in South East Asia this winter, so who knows ;)

Indeed - I must admit I'm that I'm impressed your ability to survive on €200 a month in SE Asia; I tend to get a bit carried away when I'm there.

I guess the beauty of travel is that it's such a personal thing, and what works for you is what's important. Enjoy the rest of your travels

I am definately not a spender, however I feel that there nothing what I am missing. You are right, "comfort" means something different to everyone.

Fellow Vietnamese here. Thank you for your love to travel to Vietnam. Next time if you have a chance to visit, let me know, I can help you out on some awesome places.

Thanks for this! Followed you!

Thank you very much for your post. I have always love to travel around the world but limited budget always held me back.

Hope that once everything is settled, I can travel more.

Hope for you too! Just know, that everything is possible.

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