Travel Phobias you probably didnt know you had

in #travel6 years ago


I am the first to admit that I am a little woosy. I am a chicken when it comes to insects and bugs, feel anxious around crowds and dont even get me started on heights but lets be real, we've all felt a little anxious about something one time or another, amiright?

Here's a few phobias that you probably didn't know you had.

1. Acrophobia (Fear of Heights)

I feel as though its a part of human instinct, to get a little anxious at super high places but when you start to experience panic attacks, its a real fear.

Acrophobia has been attributed to conditioning and traumatic experiences although many believe the fear of falling is an evolved adaptation to a world where falls pose a significant danger.

2. Claustrophobia (Fear of Enclosed Spaces)

If being in confined spaces or the feeling of running out of oxygen causes you anxiety to the point of nausea, dizziness or sweat and chills, this may be a phobia you have.

People who suffer from claustrophobia would probably have started experiencing symptoms at a young age and will go to great lengths to avoid small spaces or situations that trigger their panic and anxiety.

3. Aerophobia (Fear of Flying) also known as Aviophobia

Don't get me wrong, I personally love flying but whether its down to heights, claustrophobia or loss of control, studies show many travelers are somewhat fearful of flying.

Many people feel mild anxiety before flights however in cases of Aerophobia, the anxiety can take a turn for the worse which can have devastating effects on one's personal life as well as their career.

4. Enochlophobia (Fear of Crowds)

I don't really enjoy crowds very much although they dont invoke feelings of anxiety for me anymore so for that I am happy. The fear of crowds and people can produce so much anxiety and panic in oneself but unfortunately when travelling, its virtually impossible to avoid.

One way to cope is to visit popular attractions when the majority is not. Choose off-peak travel dates to avoid the multitudes. And don't forget to breathe.

5. Entomophobia (Fear of Insects) also known as Insectophobia

I swear I have this phobia. This is me - I cannot stand insects. Big or small, they're just as terrifying as each other. Symptoms include itchiness, uncomfortability and excessive fear at the mere sight of insects.

Most insects are not harmful to people yet many people are very fearful of them (I do realise I just wrote that, yes) and like many other phobias, entomophobia is most likely caused by a traumatic incident in childhood.

6. Halitophobia (Fear of having Bad Breath)

Halitosis is commonly known as having bad breath and is caused by bacteria in the mouth that put off odorous sulfur compounds.

I know I am constantly worrying about having bad breath because society places such a huge emphasis on fighting bad breath, especially in mainstream media. Those who take this emphasis to an obsessive or extreme degree may be suffering from halitophobia.

Comment below if you have just found something new out about yourself. I note there are many many more phobias around - if you have any other phobias you would like to share, we would love to hear your opinions!

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