Autumn marathon on Mount Petros: part three (top and descent).

in #travel6 years ago

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EN: This is a continuation of the story about the march to Petros. Start here and here.UA: Це продовження розповіді про похід на Петрос. Початок тут та тут.
Under Petros we met the sunset and dawn. But, someone overslept both. The most healthy sleep in hikes!Під Петросом ми зустріли захід і світанок. Але, хтось проспав і те й інше. Самий здоровий сон в походах!




I thought that I could write under pictures with sunset and dawn in the mountains and could not add anything...Я думала, що можна написати під фотографіями з заходом і світанком в горах і так і не змогла нічого додати...


After the morning coffee and meditation in the first sunshine, we had breakfast and packed our things.Після ранкової кави і медитації в перших сонячних променях, ми поснідали і зібрали речі.


It was very pleasant to walk when the sun warms and around such expanses!Було дуже приємно ходити, коли сонечко гріє і навколо такі простори!


We easily overcame a smooth ascent to one of the highest peaks of the Ukrainian Carpathians. Although, the backpacks were very heavy.Ми з легкістю подолали плавний підйом на одну з найвищих вершин українських Карпат. Хоча, рюкзаки були дуже важкими.
Given the autumn cold weather at night in the Carpathians and the hot day - you need to take clothes and sleeping bags for two seasons at once!З огляду на осінню холодну погоду вночі в Карпатах і жарку денну - треба брати одяг і спальники на два сезони відразу!


At the top we stayed very little, because there was a very strong, cold wind.На вершині ми пробули зовсім мало, тому-що тут був дуже сильний, холодний вітер.


We had to again change into warm clothes and it was difficult to restrain the smile during the photographing.Нам довелося, знову переодягнутися в теплий одяг і було важко стримувати посмішку під час фотографування.


Strangely enough, the top was not the most beautiful place. Below us, the places were much more beautiful!Як не дивно, вершина виявилася зовсім не найкрасивішим місцем. Внизу на нас чекали місця набагато красивіше!


It was harder to descend than to rise. In the Chornohora massif, almost all the peaks have one flat side and one steep side.Спускатися було важче, ніж підніматися. У чорногорському масиві майже всі вершини мають одну пологу сторону і одну круту.


At the very bottom the fog has not yet risen, and the sun shone brightly on the top and a strong, cold wind blew. Here's a weather salad ...У самому низу ще не піднявся туман, а на верху яскраво світило сонце і дув сильний, холодний вітер. Ось такий погодний салат ...


Even below the wind was almost there, but there were just wonderful mountain valleys! And there were absolutely no people ...Ще нижче вітру майже не було, зате були просто чудові полонини! І зовсім не було людей ...


I wanted to shout: "Hey, people! Come out of your houses, raise your ass ... This beauty is very close - 500 meters up!".Хотілося крикнути: "Ей, люди! Виходьте з ваших будинків, підійміть зад ... Ця краса зовсім поруч - 500 метрів вгору!".



Everyone wanted to stay here even for a couple of days, but... we again need to catch the train...Всім хотілося залишитися тут хоча б на пару днів, але... нам знову треба встигнути на поїзд...


We thought: "Next year ... Let's take a vacation and come here for at least a week ...".Ми подумали: "Ось на наступний рік ... Візьмемо відпустку і приїдемо сюди як мінімум на тиждень ...".
But, we still did not know that the next year, we will have to work even harder and go hiking only a couple of times ...Але, ми ще не знали, що на наступний рік, нам доведеться працювати ще більше і відмовитися від походів майже зовсім.
We thought how lucky the locals were! Every day they watch this beauty. But it turned out that the local people live hard. Here the infrastructure is not developed at all. The only thing here is - the virgin beauty of nature.Ми думали, як пощастило місцевим! Вони кожен день спостерігають цю красу. Але, виявилося, що місцеві жителі живуть важко. Тут інфраструктура зовсім не розвинена. Єдине що тут є - незаймана краса природи.



In the end, we waited for a very steep descent to Yasinya. Knees could not stand the load ...В кінці нас чекав дуже крутий спуск в Ясиню. Коліна вже не витримували навантаження ...
We hardly descended to the station. Everyone had mixed feelings: fatigue, joy and sadness ...Ми ледь спустилися до вокзалу. У всіх були змішані почуття: втома, радість і смуток ...


Fatigue quickly passed, and sadness will probably pass in the autumn ... But hikes always give us joy, energy and love. Love for loved ones, nature and our planet! Only here you understand - that you are a particle (a small particle) of the wonderful planet Earth!Втома швидко пройшла, а смуток напевно пройде з осінню ... А ось походи нам завжди дарують радість, енергію і любов. Любов до близьких, природі і нашій планеті! Тільки тут розумієш - що ти частинка (маленька частинка) чудової планети Земля!

Wow what a fantastic hiking tour. I bet you have made out there in the mountains a unique experience 😀👍 the way I like your style of formatting the Story and the Text with the light and darker backgrounds! Great job 👌

greetings from Germany ✌️

Thank you very much for the detailed comment!
With pleasure I will subscribe to you! You are "our man". Very nice when someone writes a comment frankly, and does not use common phrases.

Hi swf,

This post has been upvoted by the Curie community curation project and associated vote trail as exceptional content (human curated and reviewed). Have a great day :)

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Thank you!
I am very pleased that you chose my post. I did not expect such attention.
I will try to always write quality posts and pay attention to it.
Thank you for the great stimulus to write.

What a thrilling trip. Your photos and text are wonderful. Your sun rays at the top and the village at the bottom are fantastic standouts in this great post.

I went back to the earlier two posts first and I am so glad I did. You are so lucky to have your family with you for such a special trip. I hope you get to go back and I can certainly see why you would want to.

Thanks for the expanded comment!
I'm very glad that you liked my post. I want to inform you that my old camera of the year 2003 does not transmit 20% of what I saw. And any modern camera can not transfer the volume and open spaces, wind, colors and flavors, the taste of spring water, etc.
Go hiking to learn all these delights of nature.

That boy up there is your son? He looks so cute, it looks like it was a fun adventure hiking up there. The view up the mountain is nice but I have to agree with you that the one down is even more amazing!!

It is so sad to hear that the locals there lack good infrastructure and that life is quite hard there. They basically have no time to enjoy that much of beauty or adventure that they place offers. Hopefully, it will get better someday, and they will get to explore and enjoy those beautiful gift of nature that surrounds the. I am sure they do enjoy the fresh and healthy air there...

Your photos are beautiful, it did a great job capturing the fascinating beauty of the place..

Thanks for the comment! I am very pleased when someone does not spare his time for the expanded commentary and writes "from the heart".
Yes, this is my family. My husband goes on trips more often himself, but time passes and he tells us: "It's time for a family trip!".
Local residents are forced to engage mainly in cattle breeding, because the soil is rocky and practically nothing grows. The only thing that brings income in this area is the sale of sheep's cheese and wool, cow's milk. Some rent accommodation to tourists who want to live among the mountains.
As for the camera, I already answered the comment above - it does not convey all the beauty. We already have another camera, a little newer - Nikon D3100, but it's also a "budget" model. We are not very upset about this, because we understand that even the coolest camera can not transmit what the person sees and feels ...

Only three of you Swf?
Your husband and your son?

Anyways, its so beautiful even just merely seeing the photos, much more if I'm there in the actual scene.

By the way, what do you mean by 'swf' in your screen name.

I always go hiking at least with my husband. More often we go the whole family. But, now, the son went to study in Poland and we will walk alone with my husband.
My husband @sgorenko loves more hiking and more often he "pulls" me into the mountains.

I bake sweets to order. This is my hobby and my job. My site is called (sweets forever - "swf"). I planned to post here about sweets, but this is not very popular with the public. I understand that hiking and nature are more interesting than cakes and that's why I'm writing, in the main about hikes. :-)

Oh that's an awesome reply to my comment!

Yeah a lot of nature and hiking posts here on Steemit.
But food as well is popular.
Try the sweet post.
For sure its very sweet.
People will love it!

Unfortunately, the taste of sweets is harder to convey ... ;-)
And it does not work out a recipe to make a story.

Sugar now is popular to health issues and sweets are the the most addictive sugars out there right?

Чудова фото-розповідь!


Hey @swf thank you or sharing your story with amazing photographs. it is obviously autumn looking at the trees and hills there are predominantly yellow and red colors, I believe that is why it was much cooler on the top. This summer was very hot in Europe so if you next time decided to go may be June-July will be the best time, but of course much depends on your vacation allowance.

I can understand what you mean with going up was easier then going down, because of different weight load on your knees and leg muscles that we not used to that is really easy to feel.

I bet that during that hiking you charged your lung with a lot of fresh air, The village on the meadow looks not so little and I believe the people who live there probably enjoying their regular hikes too.

Wonderful photo gallery, thank you for taking into this journey,

Cheers from Art-supporting blog @art-venture


Thank you for the comment!
It's very nice when people read your posts and find time to write a comment that does not consist of a couple of words.
Unfortunately, our family now has to work hard and I have very little time for Steemit.
I can write and respond to comments only on Saturdays and Sundays.
I'm sorry I did not react immediately.
We hope that our work will yield some results and we will be able to afford to go hiking more often and describe them here.

Today I have seen many post travel and adventures, which are making me want to experience it myself Hahaha Beautiful photos you captured from that beautiful place .. A big hug from Venezuela @swf Congratulations for your curie vote !

Thank you! Yes, Curie was pleasantly surprised!

What a beautiful and lovely family trip journal that you have shared with us. All the photos that you took are beautiful and I really like how picturesque they are.  
Congratulations on your first curie vote :).              

Thanks for the comment and congratulations!
I'm very pleased to be in the spotlight @Curie!

Congratulations! Your post was chosen to promote the undervalued authors of our Ukrainian-Belarusian community.
Вітаю! Ваш пост був обраний для просування недооцінених авторів нашої Українсько-Білоруської спільноти.


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