Travel with me #66 : The other Saipan experience - My maiden voyage to the sky!

in #travel7 years ago (edited)

Dear Steemit Friends:

If you had to ask me what is the most unforgettable place I've travelled to, then Saipan ranks very high up on my list of destinations. In previous editions of Travel with me and Miss. Delicious you've joined me as I set foot on the uninhabited "Warship Island" - Managaha, and experienced a splendid evening with me watching the sunset as we eat a delicious barbecued seafood meal over local tradition music and dance.

Today, i'll be taking us on another thrilling experience on the island of Saipan where I will be attempting to pilot a plane! Up till now, I've always enjoyed the serene landscape of Saipan from on the ground, I would never have guessed that tourists could have the opportunity to fly a plane and enjoy the view from up in the sky. Moreover, I would never have guessed I could have chance to sit in the pilot seat and take control of the plane.

Knowing that this is a rare opportunity, and one that I would unlikely find on other islands, I decided to give it a go. Join me as I fly through the sky!

First we head to the Saipan airport. This is where the plane I will be flying is at. First, I was asked to sign some safety and liability waiver contracts before I embark the plane. Upon signing, I was given this blue waiting card and then was asked to wait for my co-pilot to arrive before we take to the skies!

In the waiting area, I see these propeller planes getting prepped ready to fly. The weather on the island can be quite volatile, one minute it would be raining and then another minute the skies would be clear. In just a few moments, i'll be taking to the skies and yet my frame of mind is just like the weather, temperamental as I anxiously await.

Now, let's get ready to board the plane. As you can see, there are many models here, each with different colours. Some have just landed whilst others are being checked before take off. I suddenly feel like the airport is having some kind of airshow.

This is it! The cute blue and green plane which i'll be flying. Actually the colours remind me a little of Steemit. It's not a very large plane, so boarding it requires me to walk across one of it's wings.

This guy, is the Captain of the plane i'll be flying. Throughout the flight, he'll be guiding me through all the manoeuvre and making sure that we stay well within safety limits.

Here, the Captain is explaining to me all the different items on the dashboard and what they're for. I used to see these dashboards in games and movies, but never in real life with my very own eyes. Even though I don't look it, I'm secretly very excited to get started. In the heat of the moment, I dazed off to a day dream of me ploughing through the clouds in the sky. I missed some important instructions on the dashboard. Whoops!

Actually, my responsibility as a pilot is quite easy, all I have to do is take control of the Yoke and yaw left or right. Pulling the Yoke back, the nose of the plane tilt's upwards and on the contrary, pushing the Yoke forwards makes the nose turn down. It looks pretty easy but still requires a fair bit of control to maintain stability of the plane. Headset's on, ready for take off!

The take off manoeuvre is actually quite exhilarating, a bit like a roller-coaster. As you sit ready to take off, the sound of the front propeller gets louder as it turns faster and faster. In a split second, we accelerate viciously down the runway and I feel my back push against my seat. Moments later, we're soaring through the clouds as we fly into the vast expanse of the sky.

Do these scenes from up in the sky remind you of the air battles in war movies?

The captain takes the opportunity to show off some stunts. Suddenly the plane tilt's at what seems an impossible angle, unsuspecting and unprepared, I fall into my seat at an awkward angle, held in place by the shifting plane of gravity. It was pretty terrifying but now in hindsight, I found it pretty exciting.

Once the plane returns to normal, the captain hands over the control of the plane to me. He continues to guide my every move through the headset.

Taking the reigns of the plane was super satisfying. You can feel the plane respond to your every move, changing directions so responsively.

Right below the vast field of view, I see Saipan and even Warship Island. Up in the sky, everything looks like a boundless expanse. The pure, limpid and sparking sea. The silver white sandy beaches, the coral reefs displaying all the colours in profusion. The water and sky look conjoined with the same colour, as the sea blends it's deep and shallow waters into various shades of blue and green. Simply majestic.

After landing, the captain issued me with a "license" as a souvenir.

And just like that, I graduated from flight school. Err just joking!

Having flown my drone, and now a plane, I must say the two experiences couldn't feel any different. Yes, you are technically "flying" a drone, but sitting in a plane, you can feel the forces of gravity act on you as the plane tilts side to side, up and down.

Hope you enjoyed today's blog on taking to the skies and for a brief few moments, feeling like a bird.

Stay tuned for more stories from Saipan and much more!

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wow what an awesome trip :-)
i have to admit i'm jealous right now
looking out for your next adventure
greets @chrisx

thanks chrisx, not all adventures will involve me flying, but they will be fun!

Adventures are the best source of learning <3

well said, and i agree :)

thank u :)
following u. would love to be followed back.

Must be an exciting experience flying in a propeller plane, i just had ones the option to fly in a sailing plane, what was definitely exciting...

what's a sailing plane?

Haha. Sorry, sometimes I am on kinda direct translation , mostly when I am in Germany. A glider is meant :-)

The photos are gorgeous.

Congrats to you!

thanks a bunch

Thx for your sharing! I've never been to there, may I know how much money it takes for trying the plane? As it seems like a very cool experience XD. Waiting for more sharing from you for the trip!

You're welcome, I think it was about 200 usd.

What an amazing adventure. Awesome photos. We already follow you. Upvoted.

Thank you exploretraveler, as always, appreciate the vote and follow.

I have to say I love your outfit and the last photo! Great job as always!

Thank you ananuaremere, I was worried I might be underdressed for the occasion, the captain was in a lovely shirt looking great, and then there's me.. haha

haha! No worries, you look lovely! Somehow your outfit reminds me of a superhero :)

that's a very sexy bird out there! ^ ^
you're awesome pilot!

Thanks englishtchrivy, I knew i had a hidden talent somewhere..

How adventurous!!!!

You just keep raising the bar on posting! Nice share. I'll invite you to se may latest post, its about a dinner with the finalists chefs of TopChef Mexico. Maybe you like it.

Thank you, I really liked the food you posted, looks amazing. I now must depart and satisfy my hunger.

Thanks, next time i'll post in english :)

looking forward to it!

I read everyone of these. Beautiful destinations. I am 3 weeks in but getting big coverage on my travel blogs as well. My last travel blog was $340.00. I feel we both try to pull the reader into our travels. I hope you get a chance to follow through my journeys as I do you. Upvoted!

PS My wife is a flight attendant so this post is awesome. I want to take flying lessons!

thanks coinhawk, you're doing very well! Well done! I'll take a look at your stuff :)

That's great. I feel we build our posts in the same vein. I actually just posted my Vegas weekend about 20 minutes before your post. Thanks for replying. Super cool.

Fantastic! I really liked your post about Ohio, it's positive and alot of fun. Cheers :)

What an adventurous ride... amazing post, thanks for sharing @sweetsssj

Very adventurous indeed, thanks a bunch hms818!

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