Travel with Me #15 - Hi, Shanghai! (3) 🎡【跟著Susan去旅行 #15 - 嗨,上海!(3)】

in #travel7 years ago (edited)

Hi my dear Steemit friends 🌹


Last time I took you to The Bund and the Yangshan Deep Water Port in Shanghai, how did you find it? This time I'm taking you to the Oriental Pearl Radio & TV Tower. Are you ready for it? 🎶




The Tower is the 4th highest in Asia and the 6th highest in the world. It features 11 SPHERES, with the largest being 14m in diameter. Have you ever wondered WHY it was designed in this way?



Interesting "Fact": It is said that the design of this Tower is based on a verse of the Tang Dynasty poem "Pipa Song" by Bai Juyi about the wonderful sprinkling sound of a Pipa instrument💧, "like pearls of different sizes falling on a jade plate" (大珠小珠落玉盤).

Pearls of different sizes falling on a jade plate 大珠小珠落玉盤


Located at the tip of Lujiazui, it becomes a distinct landmark in Shanghai. The tower is brightly lit in different LED sequences at night, making it much more attractive. Let's see one of the photos from my last post!!


So, let's step inside the Tower to see what's waiting for us! 🎉



Glass-Bottomed Sightseeing Corridor 全透明懸空觀光廊


It's my FIRST TIME ever standing on a transparent glass floor and looked down through it!! I think it is the most popular and attractive part of the Tower. The Corridor is around 150m long, enabling us to have a 360-degree view of Shanghai. It was really scary at first to look straight down to the ground 259 below 😱, but a minute later I was sitting on the glass LOLLL!! LITTLE CHALLENGE: Could you see Mickey-s in the photo above? ;ppp

這是我第一次站在透明玻璃上從高空往下看!!這裏應該是整個電視塔最特別與最吸引的地方了。這個觀光走廊有150米長,不僅能讓我們在259米高空垂直俯視上海街景,還能讓我們360度眺望浦江,是多麼難得的經歷呀!開始的時候我還十分害怕😱,但一分鐘後我就坐在玻璃上了LOLLL!! 小挑戰:你能發現上圖中的2個米奇嗎? ;pp

When your photographer was ready but you weren't 當你的攝影師準備好了而你卻沒有


It's really fun looking down through the glass because all the things below, no matter cars, trees or buildings, became Lego blocks!🚗




And this is the view from the Corridor. How large Pujiang is!!




Please click here to see the panoramic view from the Tower. 📷



0-metre Lobby 0米大堂


There's a Coca-Cola Themed Restaurant in the lobby🍴. It's said to be the company's FIRST Coke-themed restaurant!! It's special, isn't it? The restaurant serves Chinese, Japanese, Western, and Southeast Asian cuisine, and if you're a Coke lover, you're definitely not going to miss the chance when you visit Shanghai!!





I think what's fun was that there're Mini Karaoke Booths 🎤!!! Each booth can accommodate up to 2 people, and you can sing as loud as you wish in the booth!! I knew these booths are commonly found in Chinese shopping malls, but in the Lobby of the Oriental Pearl Radio & TV Tower? LOLLLL!! Maybe they're trying to nurture the next world famous singer!! 😝

讓我覺得有趣的是,這裏竟然有迷你卡拉OK房 🎤!!!每個小房間能「塞下」2個人,你可以在裏面盡情高歌!我知道,這種迷你卡拉OK房在中國的商場裏是算常見的,但在東方明珠廣播電視塔......哈哈!!也許他們想發掘下一個世界級歌手呢!!😝



Shanghai Municipal History Museum 上海城市歷史發展陳列館


Who said learning history is boring? At the Shanghai Municipal History Museum we can learn about Shanghai’s history in a vivid way through a display of valuable documents, relics and advanced audio-visual presentations.



A Quick History Recap: Shanghai was a primitive village 6000 years ago. During the Qing Dynasty Shanghai developed into a prosperous town, becoming "the Great Town of the Southeast". After the Opium War, Shanghai was forced to open to the outside world. Nowadays, it has become an international city.


It's a "Bean Curd Stall" in the old city during the Qing Dynasty. 🍶 The front part of the house was usually a store while the back was usually a workshop. At that time the division of labour was quite clear: men often worked at night to grind beans into soy milk for bean curd making, and women were responsible for selling bean curds in the early morning.

這是一個豆腐舖。🍶 清代上海城廂的豆腐舖一般是前店後坊。當時,人們的分工十分清晰:深夜男子負責磨漿生產,而女子就會從凌晨開始站櫃檯負責銷售


It's a Cloth Shop. 👔 During the Ming and Qing Dynasties, Shanghai was China's chief hang-made cotton textile base. It was said that "The cloth produced in Shanghai was enough to cloth the whole of China".



This is the model of the Fenghuang (Phoenix) Sedan of the 1950s. WHAT? TIFFANY BLUE??? Hahaha seems that something never gets old-fashioned ;pppp



And this is a typical bar in Shanghai at that time. 🍻



This is an Ancient Tea House in Shanghai. See how lively it is!! 🍵




Those are just a very small part of the displays at the Museum. If you are interested in Shanghai's history, please do visit the Museum, you won't be disappointed!!



Kuma Cafe & Store 熊本熊咖啡館及商店


If you are a Kuma fan, then you HAVE TO visit the Kuma Cafe & Store! It's a nice place to sit down and chill, and it's also a good place to take photos ;pp

The Cafe

How about sharing a cake with your friends? 🍰




To conclude, the Oriental Pearl Radio & TV Tower is a MUST-GO attraction in Shanghai! Here you can enjoy wonderful view of Shanghai, learn about the city's history as well as spend your lovely afternoon in a cafe of your choice. So, grab your passport and book your ticket now! It won't let you down!! See you! ❤️

總的來說,上海東方明珠廣播電視塔絕對是上海必到的地方!在這裏,我們不僅可以欣賞上海的美景、還能探索這座城市的歷史,以及在你喜愛的咖啡館過上一個懶洋洋的下午。所以,現在就拿起護照、訂下機票吧!上海不會讓你失望的!!我們下次見! ❤️


Please follow me @susanlo! Thanks a lot for your support! 🌹

請追蹤我 @susanlo!謝謝你的支持!🌹


You are a brave girl @susanlo. I think I have the fear of vertigo (dizziness), I'm not afraid of the height itself, but of developing vertigo when looking down through the floor glass. Anyway most people report some level of discomfort with heights.
Even so, it's an interesting place that I would love to see.

Thanks a lott Krystine!! Haha that's right, many ppl don't feel comfortable with heights!! I was scared at first, too!! And it's even scarier sitting on the floor!
wish you could visit there someday:) cheers!

Your welcome @susanlo. Because I want to see where you will continue to travel, I will give you an upvote for this post and I'll follow you Susan. With friedship, Krystine.

Thanks a lot :) haha I've followed u too! Wish to see where you travel too! Best, Susan

Woww that glass floor looks awesome to walk over and see the whole city! I wish I could experience that some day! You travel to lots of cool places!

Thanks a lotttt xsasj!! Haha nice to see you here again! Yup I think it's one of the most unforgettable moments of my trip to Shanghai ;pp Wish you have a chance to experience that too! Cheers :)

Yeahh I really like your blog! You go to very interesting places and write it well down! Thank you and I will keep following you!

Nope... i would never stand on that glass, i'm 100% sure that i would never stand on that, unless they allowed me to go with a parachute :P

hahahah I was scared at first, too!!!! One of my friends was super brave and she stepped on it without hesitation! So I tried, and it actually felt nice (yet still scary ;pp)!! Haha yup probably they should provide tourists with parachutes in the future!! >V< ;ppp

I like your post because there are a lot of colorful pictures. Just today I watched a program about a tower with a transparent floor. I am very afraid of heights, treasure looking at your photos take my breath away)))) I can't say I would dare such a thing. Please tell me, scared if you were in a glass hallway? And at what approximate altitude is it located?

Thanks a lot naditinkoff!! Haha I was afraid at first but realised it's fine afterwards :)) maybe you could challenge yourself someday! It's 259 metres above ground, and the scariest thing was to look STRAIGHT down to the ground!

Thanks for the reply! If I have the chance, I will definitely do it to challenge myself. I've done it before when he was in a cage with a tiger in Thailand. I have a post about it. If you're interested, can watch)

Haha you're very welcome! Thank you too! Haha really, a tiger! Sure I'll take a look :)

Wow that country is fine
See that transparent glass if I stand I'll just faint
Me that is scared of height
Your country is fine I'll really love to come that wonderful place there's no money and friend to motivate me 🙄🙄🙄 upvoted and resteemed

haha thanks a lot!! Yup I was a little scared at first!! Hope you could overcome it soon :) Cheers!

Yes I will maybe when I finally made enough money

看起來會腿軟啊!! XD
不過博物館我倒很有興趣! :D

Haha對!我剛到的時候真的有軟!嗯嗯,陳列館是意料之外的精彩,它們還有很多互動,比如說綠幕拍電影XD 下一次Lydia戰勝室友的反對去上海真的要去看看呢!>v<

下次我就直接不管他了! 😂😂

That cake looks amazing. I'm planning a birthday party for my bff and want to order her a cake as cute as yours.

And what a view! Thanks for sharing :)

Haha thanks for your reply !! Yup I personally like that cake a lot too!! Im sure you're gonna find something as cute as this! ;p and the view was just spectacular. Cheers!

写得好棒!👍 上海去过多次 还从来没去过全透明懸空觀光廊和城市歷史發展陳列館呢 下次得去看看 btw, I like your beautiful smile, and always good vibes! =)

謝謝你的讚賞!:) haha是嗎,那下次去的時候一定要去看看哦!全透明那個是我們可預料的刺激,但陳列館是意料之外的精彩!
ohh thanks hahaha! Gonna bring more of these writings in the future :)


謝謝yingzoe!! 哈哈對呀,我作為香港人很多香港景點都沒去過呢!看來我們都要發掘一下身邊的景點了XD 東方明珠我覺得是值得遊覽的地方,特別是陳列館,出乎意料地有趣!


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