#Anarchapulco - The first 24 hours of the German Libertarian Community

in #travel7 years ago (edited)

As a redhead, I am predestined to get sunburned. Very fast. Like from sitting in the German sun in the beginning of spring (March) for 60 minutes (#truestory).

After one day walking and sitting in the Mexican sun, I am proud to say that I don't have any sunburns. Yet. So, the first day of my Anarchapulco experience went pretty well!

But let's start from the beginning. When I arrived in Mexico City Airport at 4 AM local time I had enjoyed a good night's sleep on the airplane from Amsterdam Schipol although I sat right next to a young family with a little baby that wasn't so fond of flying long distance.

For everyone who plans to travel to Mexico City, it is cold there! So, don't think you can get away with sitting through a 6 hour lay over with shorts and a t-shirt. Luckily, I wore jeans and a sweater. My second tipp for you is to immediately get a mexican sim-card for your mobile phone. For 100 Pesos (5€) you can get a really good deal and are connected to your loved ones or crazy libertarians that want to meet up.

On the plane to Acapulco I was positively surprised that a lot of people were actually Anarchists and/or Crypto Enthusiasts traveling with us to Anarchapulco. Just listening to the guys from Canada, Norway and Brasil right in front of me made my previous 12 hour flight from Europe worthwhile. (Shoutout to you guys for talking about Steemit! <3)

After arriving in Acapulco Airport, I shared a cab with fellow libertarians from Europe to my AirBnB that I share with my dear friend Marius from Munich who arrived one day earlier. I got off the cab early at my destination and @grossefreiheittv (who joined me on the plane from Amsterdam) and a norwegean libertarian traveled further to the Princess Mundo Imperial where the Anarchapulco Conference will take place with 1500 attendees.

Showered and fresh I started to explore the nearby surroundings with Marius by foot accompanied with constant honking of taxi drivers that wanted to drive us somewhere. You have to know, nobody walks here. We were like aliens for them. Aliens that wanted to go to the beach by foot.

Well, I didn't see the beach eye to eye yesterday. Instead we met up with our libertarians friends @unblogd (Miró) and Michi (who lives half of the year in Acapulco), Jens (@grossefreiheit) joined us with Timo a little later in a nice little street restaurant where we ate Quessidallas and Guacamole. We spend there a long time talking and discussing until it suddenly went dark after the sun set at 7PM and the nice owner kicked us out so her employees could enjoy the rest of the evening.

It not only went completely dark after 7PM but suddenly there were hundreds of people and cars on the main street. It was a little adventurous to walk to the Princess Mundo Imperial across the streets. Finally in the hotel, I was amazed by the architecture of the lobby and the whole hotel with its pool. From Jens' room on the top of the building we had an amazing view over the whole complex and could see the waves rushing over the beach. It was quite loud though, the rushing was accompanied by crickets which, I swear, sat right behind my ear to go on my nerves! On purpose!

After hours of walking and talking we got tired at 9PM and took a Taxi back to our flat. Well, almost. We wanted to drop off Miró at his place first and then drive to our flat. First, the taxi driver who didn't even understand the phrase "Wrong direction! Turn around" almost brought us to Acapulco's center and then he almost missed Miró's place ("Stop! Stop! Here it is!...No, stop here! STOP! [long row of german curse words I won't repeat here.]).

In the end, Marius and I just walked the last minutes to our flat with heavy water bottles in our back packs because we couldn't stand driving further with this taxi driver. Probably the best decision we made so far, I am pretty sure he would have brought us to the city center again mumbling "Laguna...Laguna.." over and over again.

At 10 PM I sank into bed with blisters on the feet from my new shoes but happy to be in such an awesome place on the other side of the planet. I fell asleep while listening to "Anarchy, State and Utopia" by Robert Nozick on Audible.


Thanks for your post

Cool, wusste gar nicht dass es da ne Deutsche Community gibt. Bin auch gerade auf dem Weg dorthin. Sitze in Mexiko City am Flughafen und warte auf meinen Flug. :)

Disfruta and enjoy!

Thanks for the preview! I'm departing Europe in 4 hours and arriving in Acapulco tomorrow.

Are you staying in the Princess Mundo Imperial?
I bet there are a lot more Steemers around here! We should meet up! :)

Würde mich mal interessieren ob positive Impulse für die deutsche ancap community drin sind. Next year German speaker.

Ich bin mal echt gespannt, was hier für Leute sind. Die Jungs im Flugzeug waren auf jeden Fall gut drauf, haben mich aber sehr an unsere Community erinnert.