in #travel6 years ago



Most travelers suffer from the fact that things are going not the way you want, and as planned. Flights canceled or delayed, lost luggage, delayed as a result of the trip and spent a lot of extra money and precious time. Do not waste time, call the reservations department, the contract to change the route and do not stand in a long queue of frustrated passengers waiting for an answer to the question: how did it happen, and why?


No one would argue that stress and travel go hand in hand, and they do not care how you feel. The golden rule of those who are constantly on the go - take a deep breath, count to 100 and do not be nervous. Excessive emotions interfere to think and to perceive the situation.

Trust the instinct

Another golden rule of the traveler - if it seems that things are going too good to be true, it is so. Your gut instinct will never fail. Doubtful transport, suspicious taxi drivers and intricate exchange of cash scheme are found in every country of the world. Therefore it is better to pre-book a hotel, book a transfer from the airport and not have to choose short cuts if you do not know the road.

prepare in advance

Spontaneous actions are useful to maintain the level of self-confidence and self-esteem, but not in a situation when you come to a foreign country and you run like a stung, because I do not know where you are or what you do next and where to go. Get ready to explore and find out all about the place to which you go, and arrived, talk to the locals.


Upon arrival at the destination point and a bit of getting used to, at the end of the day, perhaps, you will want to spend the cash in local currency at dinner in a restaurant or a few souvenirs. But if suddenly your things stolen, along with a purse, transactions with credit card you will be able to block a call to the hot line of the bank, but the cash you no one will return. Therefore, try to remove the card as little as possible of cash - so it will be easier to track your spending and keep the savings from the dexterous hands of pickpockets.

KNOW WHAT Spending money

Most travelers try to invest in budget and do not spend money in situations where you can obviously save, for example, instead of a taxi, take a bus or train. But at the end of the day, when you're really tired, do not take the money in a comfortable hotel room or a seat with footrest, you yourself feel how you feel any better, even on such trifles.


Minibar in hotel rooms is famous for being the most ingenious way to draw money. Therefore, if you are going to store your food in the refrigerator, be careful with him. In some hotels, the contents of the mini-bar is equipped with sensors, and even if you're just rearranges bottle of cola from place to place, with you can withdraw the money for it, you wanted it or not.

PAKUY suitcase with MIND

Perhaps the most important piece of advice for women comes to bundling suitcases. Do not forget, the lighter your suitcase, the easier you will be traveling, you will remember this when with a suitcase or a bag in his hand will jump off the bus in the bus, the train on the train. Even if you're going on a trip for a week, things really necessary! fit into a backpack. Almost every hotel offers dry cleaning, do not forget about it.

Jet lag when flying across time zones - this is serious

If on arrival you do not have enough forces out to meet up with friends for dinner and chat, and you're so like this, it's not in the mood and enthusiasm, and the time difference. If you're planning to land in the morning, try to sleep on the plane as long as possible. When the plane lands at night, hold on and not fall asleep, wait until until you come to the hotel and do not lie down in bed.


Modern technology - a wonderful thing. Now it is possible to register in advance and choose a spot on the plane near the window 24 hours prior to departure. Just print the ticket and boarding card and save time and hassle.

DOUBLE LINEN SUPPLY did not prevent

If you decide that you have enough for a week of what you packed in bags, think again, and put the bag a couple of extra sets of underwear. Otherwise you can get into a situation when you have to buy lingerie for crazy prices, which adversely affects the mood. Already checked.


There are two types of tips for travelers: those that say about what is best not to take it, and those that advise necessarily to stock up so-and-so is. So, first aid kit belongs to the latter group. Such things as a patch, headache pills, remedies for diarrhea will not be denied, especially if you go to a country far away from civilization.


As it turned out, Photos - it is not only art, but also a means of communication in case you do not know the language. You can take a picture of a medicine or product that you need, and show it, if you can not explain to local people what you mean.


These cards - just a godsend, they can be used anywhere, even mobile. There are apps on phones that do not need access to the Internet, ie, card installed, and you can use them offline anywhere in the world. Other application for travel can be found in FREEAPPS .


The best way to travel with the mind - to take advantage of the knowledge of local residents. They can advise on how best to get to the city center, what to see, where to eat for less, maybe even give the phone number of the local taxi driver who will take you, for example, at the airport, at the lowest price.

Local food

Emotional travelers often without wanting to try local delicacies and prefer to dine in the institutions of the international network of fast foods. But the advice of experienced travelers - be sure to try the local food. It is a sin to fly to China and eat at McDonald's or KFC.

DO NOT BE AFRAID talk to strangers

When you travel, it is important not to be afraid and do not be shy, and forget that in real life this you would never do. Come out of the hotel room and do not be afraid to start a conversation with the first counter. Find out how this person is going somewhere that has seen - so it is possible to collect a bunch of useful information. And there are times when the sudden love grow into a strong friendship.

Smile and wave HAND

And here's a tip that requires from you a minimum of physical effort, with great results. The most disarming means of communication - it is outright a broad smile. Greet the person and smile - in return you get the same, if not more.


When there is a question - what kind of shoes to take - to put all the couples in front of him and choose two of them, the others hide back. High heels - is absolutely impractical thing, except when you go on a business trip to a business meeting. If you're going to spend all day on their feet, make sure that you get with a comfortable shoes or sneakers.

To pay attention to important details

I can not remember where you parked the car or have forgotten the name of the hotel or the street on which you live? Good advice - take advance mobile and photograph the place or name.


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