Would you like to visit Venezuela?
Hey guys! If your answer is YES, you should do it. If your answer is NO, I think you should do it too.

Churún Merú

Coros's Sand Dunes

Cays in Morrocoy National Park

Mountain Ávila

Canaima National Park

Churún Merú is actually in this Park, you should go there and enjoy the landscapes and amazing waterfalls, I enjoyed the time I spent there some years ago. These are only examples of what you can enjoy here in Venezuela, there are a lot of amazing places here.
(Images gotten from Internet)
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Very nice post.
I would love to visit ... i like travelling. The only things that concern me is that fact that i live on the other side of the planet and the current safety situation.
You're too far jeje.. yeah, the safety situation is a problem, that's why I said in a future when it'll be better :)