Wonder Caves; Kromdraai, South-Africa
Wonder Caves; Kromdraai, South-Africa
As mentioned in a previous post, I am on leave from work, but did not go on vacation, instead, I did a few short trips. We decided to visit the Wonder Caves, which was a round trip of 160 km from my home.
The Wonder Caves in Kromdraai, was discovered by miners in 1889. These miners was mining limestone. It is the 3rd largest cave in South-Africa. The cave chamber is 125 m long and 54 m wide and 60 m deep. The formations in this cave are still growing.The largest formation is 15 m long and weighs approximately 50 tons.
You need to go down 87 steps to the entrance and then go down a further 18 m by an ancient looking lift (elevator).
This is the sign at the entrance, cave disease is caused by a fungus affecting the lungs.
This is the 87 steps into the cave entrance, going down at a very steep angle
Some stalactites at close to the entrance.
Some more stalactites.
Mushroom formation, the bottom part is formed during times of high rainfall, and the top is formed during low rainfall periods.
Closer photo of the mushroom formation.
More stalactites.
This formation is called Praying Mary or Madonna.
A limestone column looking like a frozen waterfall.
Indiana Jones type remains of the mining activity, used to remove the limestone from the mine.
When stalactites and stalagmites meet they join and form a column, this is called marriage, and as normal when married, they grow wider and not longer anymore, LOL.
Steep stairs out of the cave
The entire tour lasts an hour and is totally worthwhile doing. Thank you @mokluc for recommending this to me. You can read his article wonder-cave-South-Africa by clicking the link.
It is strange that you can live close to something wonderful like this, and never go and see it. By so doing you sometimes miss out on some beautiful and wonderful things.
Al photos are my own, and was taken with my iPhone. (Unfortunately the photos do not do justice to the beauty of the caves, a much better camera is needed as the lighting is poor.
Thank you for reading, I hope you enjoyed reading the post and the photos.
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I love caving. We have Carlsbad Caverns here in NM. Been there at least five times. We plan on going again next month when our son and his family come to visit from NY.
Hi @roswellrockman
Thank you for commenting and replying.
Good Post!
Thank you @favorit