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RE: Into the Mouth of a Gigantic Merlion

in #travel8 years ago

Since I don't have tons of SP, a sexy body, a pleasing face or whatever aesthetic quality that attracts upvotes

Oh yeh I know them feels XD I'd find you attractive but perhaps I'm not the best judge of anything as beyond being able to recognise them again I tend not to notice what people look like, it's their ideas I like XP

You and @randomli are ridiculously adorable.

I'm sorry I wrecked your surprise again and broke your groove I'll just shut up next time LoL XD

Oh man rushing to get to the flight on time :O that would have been rather harrowing, yeh I think dealing with naga and oversized merlion would definitely be easier. I didn't realise merlions got that big, for whatever reason I always imagined them as being walrus/elephant seal sized, or possibly orca at a stretch.

On top of that though, she also has this thing where she doesn't want to be a bother to anybody

I totally get that, I'm the same! It took a bloody long time to accept the fact that I had family and friends who actually wanted to help never mind the help itself XD Usually I am the helpER not the helpEE XD

Ahh thanks for the promo ack so many nice things said I'm not worthy! XD [hides in slugskin] I don't think that many people saw my steemwars sketchies for anything to be recognisable, plus the steemwars sketchies were pretty rough. Also kawaaaaiiiiiiiiii is not my usual style I'm going to disappoint people if that's what they're following me for [stays hiding in slugskin]

The stories were good even if they did all start with "the" (which I didn't really notice as that's one word I drop possibly a bit too frequently).

You seem to have had a good holiday (cost stress and Amazing Race: Changi aside XD) at any rate :D


You and @randomli are ridiculously adorable.

Thank you, mate! Comments like these come few and far in between, so I really do appreciate them when they come :D

Feel free to wreck my surprises any time haha! It's good, it keeps me on my toes :D I don't want to be predictable or stagnant, so having a great check-and-balance is healthy :D

You know, I was lucky to have stumbled upon that merlion artwork. I thought merlions weren't that big as well, but I had already written it as such, so I scrambled to find one. Didn't take me long haha!

It took a bloody long time to accept the fact that I had family and friends who actually wanted to help never mind the help itself

What was the trigger?? Tell meeeeeee!! I need to know for my sanity hahaha!

The promo is warranted, mate :D If I could, I would shoutout to all my Steemit friends every time. But, I don't want to over-saturate it. I want the promos to pop out, so I reserve them for posts like this.

Kawaii is subjective, I think (?) I guess it depends on taste. What's kawaii for me may not be exactly kawaii for others haha! So, I used it as a blanket term to refer to anything aesthetically pleasing to look at :D

"The" is an example of over-saturation. We're so used to seeing it that it's now almost invisible because we expect it to be there haha!

Everything was a great experience, even the stress and walking on glass shards feel (yes, I'm Meera :O ) It was that type of vacation that I didn't think I needed haha Thanks for supporting the mini-series however brief it might've been, my friend! :D

In my case it was having kids XP Ideally she'll come round well before then XD

One would hope! Though, I wouldn't mind if our future kids would be the reason for her change though :D

Kids can be a pretty intense relationship stress tester, you'll both need backup in the firm of supportive family/ community when they come along. Even if you have really easy babies and i hope you have really easy babies and kids 😄

If they take after @randomli, then the kids would be easy to manage. But, if they take after me, well, let's just say that we're going to need reinforcements. Gulp.

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