Africa #8: One day in the Kingdom of Lesotho | Sani Pass
Daytrip in an enclaved country
This day was our last day in the Drakensberge and we stayed in a small town called Underberg. We slept in the Douglas Drift Cottages, which we can highly recommend. They are just a few holiday flats with a nice little backyard where you can have barbecues and a river in front of the backyard. So let's go to visit a tradtional village in Lesotho.
We booked the day trip to Lesotho at “Sani Pass Tours” for 50$ a person. They drove us up the Sani Pass with a jeep and did plenty of stops so you could take pictures. The Sani Pass itself is quite nice but not that spectacular as it was described in our travel guide (Lonely Planet). Sani Pass
Once in Lesotho arrived they drive you to a small village which is actually just a couple of huts with maybe 15-20 locals.
Traditional huts
There they told something about the history of Lesotho (which was quite interesting) and after that you are allowed to take pictures of the locals for some money.
Local people
Then they drive you to “Africa’s highest Pub” for some lunch and afterwards back to Underberg.
Highest pub in Africa
T-bone steak in the pub
To sum it up, the tour felt like really touristic and the views down the Sani Pass aren’t worth the money, WHEN you already spent some days in the Drakensberge. If it’s your first (and maybe only) day in the Underberg region you can think about doing this trip for sure! It wasn’t a must thing to do but it wasn’t a waste of money either.
Our next stop, the Addo Elephant Park is worth every penny, so be sure to not miss this one tomorrow!
Missed our last stop?
Such a great trip!
And it's getting even better, so stay tuned ;)