Stones Museum and the Vagina Stone theory, hidden on Galipán - Ávila Mountain!

in #travel8 years ago (edited)

So my lovely companion and I, decided to ask a guy with a 4x4 to take us deep into the mountain to find those little places you won't see on a map and take pictures of nature.

After 2 hours driving he said, -"there, behind that wooden fence, lives an old guy who's very spiritual and has some cool and crazy stories, you might want to meet him... I have to pick up some people a couple hours far from here, I'll pick you up on my return".

We were far away from our home, in the middle of a dirt road, in a place we've never been before, with nothing around but huge trees, and a promise to find a "crazy old man with cool stories"... So we just walked to that fence and started calling for someone. After 20 minutes noone showed up and I wasn't planning on staying there for like 4 hours waiting for our ride to come back, so I just jumped and helped my girlfriend to do so.

When we had a couple minutes walking on the mud and shrubbery, we heard a voice that said...

-"You're not in balance and peace to come here, this mountain is not mine to stop you, but I would ask you to balance your mind and body first and then I will gladly guide you"

We turned around and found this white bearded guy with a huge smile looking at us between the bushes.

We explained to him what we were doin and why, and he said...

-"it's no coincidence you both came here, man and women toghether, I wouldn't have offered my guidance if you had come alone, because no mather what you do, you would be unbalanced... Please follow me to the gates."

...I was thinking that he would just kick us out, but instead he lead us to a place full of stones piled on different forms and messages next to them, and then at the very entrance, 3 rocks balancing one over each other on a very surreal position.

He kicked them down and said "you both have to rebuild it and once you've done it, you'll be ready and you'll be welcomed"

After about 15 minutes failing, I decided to close my eyes and think "I will just let the rocks speak to my fingers"


Time to come in...

I thought now that we were on a very spiritual and peaceful place where the main theme was "balance"...

But no...

Yes balance was a big part of it, but turned out to be a very feminist "Museum" where he whorships VAGINAS... yes... vaginas.

So he starts talking about the spiral of life, creation of the universe, and how we came out from this cosmic vagina that gave birth to everything...

And suddenly I found myself in front of a huge stone vagina, that according to him, its made to remind us the gates we've crossed to come to this world and dimension!.

And then the egg from where we were born...

He lead us to another vagina sculpture that gave birth and brought light, and said we had to climb up to the clit, to "activate her senses, because life came from passion and pleasure".

Then he said that "It's more like a sun actually"

We we're like.. wtf...

He talked about our age, the age of the universe, that we are stardust, we have the age of the universe and that we come from a big vagina... (like if he didn't had told us that already).

Under that Sunny-Vagina, there was a tree leaf, that represented the Cicle of Life with the title "Searching Our Roots". to remember from where we come from, and where we are goin after this life.

So now that he had "enlightened" our minds, we had to complete one last thing to be ready to enter and enjoy our stay.

We had to ask permission from the mountain, the earth and the cosmic vagina...

-"Now you're both ready", he said.

After that, we found many interesting stone figures balancing and many sculptures with very inspiring messages.

I wish I could upload them all, but we have a ton of them!.

Then we found this entrance... The next part of the museum was up there, but when we tried to go in, he asked us not to do it. He won't stop us, but he said that there, he had his best sculptures with a very deep meaning, that we were not allowed to see in our first visit. We just step back.

After we took many pictures, he was waiting us at his home, a very chilling and nice place where he welcomed us and offered to stay.

And sitting in front of the ocean, but still you can't hear it because it's too far away, so he brought the ocean to his meditation chair.

And guess what...

He had another huge vagina in front of his house, full of stones, to relax and find balance with a nice view to the ocean!.

So why not?... I sat there and started to create.

After 30 minutes speaking to the stones in front of a very beautiful sunset... I made it!!!!...


Our ride called, and we thanked him for so much fun and pleasant stay.

I will come back soon, since that second part of the museum have me intrigued... Maybe thats what he wanted us to feel.

2 hours later we arrived our Hotel room, where we met a couple new friends!.

We took a shower and decided to come down from the Ávila mountain, the fastest way!.

The Cableway...

I hope you guys could enjoyed it as much as I did.

I will come back soon and upload more photos of this and obviously, the intriguing second part of the museum.


Here's another VAGINA looking stone from his house in case you haven't seen enough...

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