Amor and Its Peaceful Nature - Amor dan Alamnya yang Damai

in #travel6 years ago

Hi Steemians...

Yesterday I've written about a trip to Amor that can be seen [here]( ). Though very tired, I could not sleep well, It was very cold, I was awake several times, checking the fireplace and tidying the blankets, making sure the kids stayed warm.

The night seemed so long, until the sunlight broke through the walls. I went out looking around. this house is in a valley surrounded by coffee trees grown neatly on the hillsides, on the sidelines of coffee trees there are [lamtoro]( trees which grow higher, it shades the lush and short coffee trees. In addition, the young coffee trees are interspersed with plastic mulch that is planted with chillies and tomatoes. The flowers grow and bloom on the sides of the road and the yard of the houses. Dense green dominates around, drawing a sense of peace to the heart of anyone who looks it.

Mom picked vegetables in the backyard and I helped her to prepare the breakfast. We had breakfast with a menu vegetable, egg with chili and salted fish. This freshly picked vegetable was delicious. After breakfast we strolled through the coffee farm, picked avocados, chilies and chayote. Currently the coffee was being fruitful but still green, it can only be harvested for about two months later and it will happen for several months.

In the farm, many empty huts are found, these huts will be filled when harvest time arrives, because then there will be workers from outside this area who come to pick coffee. Before the coffee harvest time comes, farmers earn income from the harvest of chili, tomato, potato, other vegetables and fruits. There is no land abandoned there, it all used to plant anything.

The day began to cloud, we were worried that we could not get past the uphill and muddy road. We decided to go home soon. Mom and some neighbors followed us to Jamur Atu , they were worried that our car would be stuck in that location. Sure enough, from a distance already visible, a pickup car was struggling through the mud, several times he tried to ride but the tires getting buried in mud. We and a few other drivers stopped, helping push the car up this road.

After pushed repeatedly, it finally got away. And now it's our car turn, luckily our car did not sink in the mud like the pickup car. My son said, "It's similar as in the National Geograpahic Channel program". We thank all who have helped, said good-bye and promised to come back later, when the coffee beans begin to blush. We left Amor with its beautiful and peaceful scenery.[]

Lhoksukon, June 30th, 2018


Hai Steemians...

Kemarin saya sudah menulis tentang perjalanan ke Amor yang dapat dilihat [di sini]( Walaupun sangat capek, saya tidak dapat tidur dengan lelap, udara sangat dingin, beberapa kali saya terjaga, mengecek perapian agar tetap menyala dan merapikan selimut, memastikan anak-anak tetap hangat.

Malam serasa sangat lama, hingga sinar matahari menerobos di sela-sela dinding papan. Sayapun keluar melihat sekitar. Lokasi rumah ini landai, berada di lembah yang dikelilingi oleh pohon-pohon kopi yang tumbuh rapi di lereng-lereng bukit, di sela-sela pohon kopi ada pohon-pohon petai cina yang lebih tinggi, seperti memayungi pohon-pohon kopi yang rimbun dan dipangkas pendek. Selain itu, pohon-pohon kopi yang masih muda di selingi oleh mulsa-mulsa plastik yang ditanami cabe dan tomat. Bunga-bunga tumbuh dan mekar di pinggir-pinggir jalan dan pekarangan rumah penduduk. Hijau pekat mendominasi sekeliling, mengalirkan rasa damai ke hati para pemandangnya.

Ibu memetik sayuran di belakang rumah dan aku membantu beliau menyiapkan sarapan pagi. Kamipun sarapan dengan menu pucuk labu siam tumis, telur sambal dan ikan asin. Sayur yang baru saja dipetik ini sungguh nikmat. Selesai sarapan kami menyusuri kebun kopi, memetik pokat, cabe dan labu siam. Saat ini kopi sedang berbuah tetapi masih berwarna hijau, baru bisa dipanen sekitar dua bulan lagi dan itu akan berlangsung beberapa bulan.

Di kebun-kebun banyak ditemui pondok-pondok kosong, pondok-pondok ini akan terisi ketika masa panen tiba, karena nanti akan ada pekerja-pekerja dari luar daerah ini yang datang untuk memetik kopi. Sebelum masa panen kopi tiba, penghasilan petani didapat dari hasil panen cabe, tomat, sayur dan buah-buahan. Tidak ada tanah terlantar di sini, semua dimanfaatkan untuk menanam apa saja.

Hari mulai mendung, kami mulai khawatir tidak dapat melewati jalan menanjak dan berlumpur. Kamipun memutuskan untuk segera pulang. Ibu dan beberapa orang tetangga mengantar kami hingga ke Jamur Atu, mereka khawatir mobil kami akan tertahan di lokasi itu. Benar saja, dari jauh sudah terlihat, sebuah mobil pick up sedang berjuang melewati lumpur, beberapa kali ia berusaha naik tapi bannya semakin terbenam. Kami dan beberapa pengendara lain berhenti, membantu mendorong mobil itu hingga melewati jalan ini. Setelah mendorong berulang kali, akhirnya ia bisa lolos. Dan sekarang giliran mobil kami, untunglah mobil kami tidak terbenam di lumpur seperti mobil pick up tadi. Anak laki-laki saya berkata "Ini seperti berada dalam acara National Geograpahic Channel". Kami berterima kasih pada semua yang telah membantu, berpamitan dan berjanji akan kembali nanti, saat biji-biji kopi itu mulai memerah. Kamipun meninggalkan Amor yang berpanorama indah dan penuh kedamaian. []

Lhoksukon, 30 Juni 2018


It's becoming a series. Great!

And happy ending :D

seru banget kayaknya ya kak perjalanan menuju rumah mamak...

Seru sih.. cuma ya gitu, agak khawatir juga dengan kondisi jalan seperti itu, berlumpur dan mendaki, di sampingnya jurang, lebih mudah naik motor

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