迟到的美景 西湖的雪景 真的很美(The late beauty of the West Lake is really beautiful snow)steemCreated with Sketch.

in #travel7 years ago

前段时间杭州下雪了,杭州最热闹的地方当然是西湖啦,昨天才成功注册steemit,今天就给大家看看西湖的雪景吧!(Some time ago, snowing in Hangzhou, Hangzhou, the most hilarious place is of course the West Lake ,and successfully registered steemit yesterday, so I give you a look at the West Lake snow now!)1.jpg2.jpg3.jpg4.jpg5.jpg6.jpg7.jpg8.jpg9.jpg10.jpg
​​​​​​​​​要不是亲自踏足,真不敢相信西湖的雪景竞美得如此诗情画意,难怪从古至今的文人墨客赞美西湖的佳句不绝如缕。(It is hard to believe that the snow scenery in the West Lake is so poetic, it is no wonder that ancient and modern literati praise the West Lake's unceasing admiration.)

杭州欢迎您,西湖欢迎您。(Hangzhou welcome you, West Lake welcomes you.)

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