Waterfalls of Valencia

in #travel7 years ago

After our stop at Tierra Alta, per recommendation from the motorbike driver- We headed to the waterfall called Pulangbato, (Which translated into English means, 'Red Rock'. This waterfall and sulfur springs are situated in Ocoy Valley in the town of Valencia which is approximately 25 minutes away from Tierra Alta. If you are coming from Dumaguete proper, it would take at least an hour.

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@bonjovey and I hopped on our driver's bike and enjoyed the cool and fresh air we aren't always used to receiving in Cebu City. If I had known that Valencia was so beautiful and clean. Free of an industry- I am sure I would have convinced my boyfriend years ago, to relocate there with me. Most of the time that we want to go out, we dread the traffic here- And so we end up staying in more often than we would like. In Dumaguete, and the surrounding towns there are a lot of colleges, but as for large employers, the biggest companies exist in Manila or Cebu.

A few months ago I was reading an article about how the Philippines is now taking over as the BPO center of the world, which was previously held by India. If I had to guess, it would be because of the English accent, and a fairly comparable salary range.

Heading towards the falls and hot springs, my head was on a swivel. Everywhere here was so lusciously green and clean. The air wasn't so thick as it is in Cebu City, and the people everywhere seem much more friendly and eager to help with directions. I guess when one lives in an environment that is free from traffic and pollution, as well as crowds in every shop and restaurant- It is easier to live happily, free from the stresses that come with the city life. And this is why my dream is to own a country house, with a few acres of land- Not terribly far from a major city, but distant enough to see more animals than people :)


After about 10 minutes into our trip, our driver tapped me on the leg to point to the right side of the road, where there was a big cliff that was smoking. I yelled excitedly to ask him to stop, as I never saw something like this before. At first, I thought it was the clouds- Or maybe even mist from a local waterfall. Actually, this steam comes from the springs in the area. Unlike the hot springs we were going to, this area had a strong sulfuric smell; Which if you aren't familiar, smells quite a bit like rotten eggs! According to our driver, there was a small volcanic eruption about four years ago but the destroyed fence that you can see in the photo was due to the recent typhoon.


The first waterfall was named 'Pulangbato Falls', and although it wasn't massive, it is a beautiful display of nature. I always wonder how this water continues to fall, 24/7 365 without running dry. I realize it comes from the rain in the mountains, but still- Wow! The water here was clean enough to drink but too cold to enjoy swimming in :). When I say cold, I would only guess that it was 70 degrees or so, but for us Filipinos, this may as well be Antarctica. (The average temperature here is about 85 degrees, and 90% humidity).

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The entrance fee to see the falls up close, and to swim in it was just 50 Pesos ($1 USD). I never mind paying fees to visit state parks, as I know there is a lot of upkeep and security to pay. A lot of these funds go directly to the individual sites, which allows them to be preserved for many generations to come.


The photo above is the another waterfall in the same area but a smaller one. After about a half an hour of taking some photos and people watching at Pulangbato falls, @bonjovey and I decided to head to the hot springs. Since we took tons of photos and weren't going swimming, and also getting hungry again- We packed up our things and had our driver bring us to Red Rock. At the waterfall, there was a small snack bar, but the menu was limited and our driver told us there was more food available at the hot spring, which was just 5 minutes away.


These springs are heated geothermally from the earth's crust and didn't have too much of a sulfur scent as some I have been to previously. The hot springs here are of a temperature not too hot to enjoy, and when we went there were only about 10-15 other people visiting at this time; And only half that many were in the water.


We were hoping to get our lunch here but they didn't have their Chef on duty so we ended up buying a bunch of bananas at 3 pesos each (0.057$). We felt bad for our driver because since it was well past lunch and he was taxiing around and having to be our photographer for two needy girls for the past few hours . We headed back to the town to grab some lunch and we found Naspri Bistro along the way, it was a quite place that served decent food for a fair price but I didn't expect much from it.

After we finished eating, we talked to Jing-jing (our driver) and he told us an even bigger waterfall that was about an hour from the restaurant. Bigger? Why didn't he take us to this one first? I guess he was trying to save the best for last. At this point, me and @bonjovey were full and a bit tired but we didn't want to miss out on what could be the highlight of our trip especially since we may never come to Negros again.

When I mentioned going to the falls to one of my friends who previously visited Dumaguete a while back, she told me that Valencia is technically not part of Dumaguete City, but rather a different town in Negros Oriental. Now, this made me stop and I looked at my previous blog- Tiera Alta where I included Dumaguete on the title. So I'd like to take this chance to correct that Tiera Alta is in Valencia since I cannot make any changes in that blog (grinning face).

The road heading up to this second fall was steeper compared to Pulangbato, and it made the motorbike's engine sound strange with ticking noises. I was a bit scared to be honest, because I wasn't sure if we were going to make it to the top. Jing-jing (our driver) enthusiastically told us not to worry because he's been driving the same motorbike and to him, it's always an adventure going up the hill. Mainly, I was worried about having to walk if the bike overheat :)


We finally got to our destination after about an hour but it didn't end the excitement since we had a long downhill, rocky hike to get to the waterfall. Our driver parked his motorbike and ask a guide to take us to the waterfall so we wouldn't get lost. We paid just 10 pesos each for the entrance fee, and 50 pesos each (1$) for the local tour guide. Many people don't think the guide is necessary, but @bonjovey and I had our bags with us with some important documents (My passport renewal papers), so we didn't want to take the chance of losing it- even though the driver was really nice it's always better to be on the safe side.


The trail to the fall was challenging and exciting because we had to go through this enormous 335+ steps to hike down (And on the return, back up :( ) and through some river beds. I am sure this is why our driver didn't join us- He knew it was a heck of trek especially hiking back (sneaky! haha).

There were some vast rocks as big as whalebacks and broken paths that would have made our trail even more difficult without the tour guide's help. I wish I was prepared for this kind of adventure so I would have brought the right clothing, and shoes lol! The original plan was that we were going to change our clothes (since we were both wearing pants) once we get to the fall so we can go swimming this time hence we didn't get the chance to swim at the first waterfall or the hot springs. Even before we got to the fall we had to change our clothes because we had to cross some streams that lead the path the fall and we didn't want to bring heavy wet clothes with us, and we didn't have any ziplock bags.


Another good thing about getting the tour guide was that he showed us the right pathway and which stones to step on because a some of the rocks were slippery. I noticed a collapsed bridge and our tour guide said that it was a man-made trail to the waterfall but it was recently destroyed by a typhoon. I was laughing at my friend @bonjovey because she was second-guessing our guide when he kept saying “we are almost there” for the last 20 minutes.


Finally, after about 35 minutes which I happen to get an eyeful on my wristwatch, we reached the thundering vertical steep drop called Casaroro Falls. Even though @bonjovey and I were not able to go swimming because of the coldness of the water, we enjoyed splashing water at each other and it to me, it was well worth the effort to visit this majestic waterfall!

We paid 1000 pesos (20$) to our driver even though he only asked for 700 pesos, he was really nice and had a pleasing personality.

If you happen to plan a visit to Dumaguete I would recommend to also visit the town of Valencia and explore nature at it's best. Also, feel free to contact Jing-jing at +639367929244, he'll be happy to show you around and please extend my regards! ;)

This here ends my trip to Dumaguete and Valencia, I hope you all find this helpful and a fun read. Till next time!




Fantastical place! I wanna go there

such a fantastic view. It looks like a painting. Do you know the highest waterfall in the world is in Argentina.

No, the highest is in Venezuela, called the Angel falls.

that is true, the highest waterfall in the world is the "Salto Angel" located in Venezuela and discovered by an American pilot.

Yea that’s what I thought.

In the world? I didn't know that oh that was awesome.

Here are some awesome pictures I found of the Angel Falls or Salto Angel.


Angel Falls! Spot on @manny80 !

Thank you sir.

Gilaine, would you do this off of the waterfall?? :P

I did this off of a waterfall! But it was only 60 feet, not 200. Still, I was nervous and my knees were shaky so I didn't jump out far enough. Everyone said I just barely missed hitting the rocks. Oh well...I made it! My butt hurt for like a week though after that haha

Waaaahh!! Oh no thank you for the offer, geeezz that's insane! haha

Hi @purepinay,
I have posted a recipe, especially because you said you want to see my next recipe because you want to prepare for your partner. You can have a look at my profile. It is about how to make Mexican Rice. Hope you like it.

Wow, what a tranquil scenery. My home state (Florida) has several natural springs but I've never had the pleasure of witnessing a waterfall. These are some amazing images you managed to capture. Great post I enjoyed this read.

really you've never seen a waterfall? You can go just a state or 2 away and see some!

No I haven't. I've got to do some research I don't mind driving a couple states. I could probably get some great drone footage.

Magical place 😍

So romantic :D

I love your post about Valencia

This' not in Spain @josteem 😅

😂 When I first looked at it I thought that it might be Spain, but then I remembered that Philippines was also a Spanish colony. We have a Valencia in Venezuela too.

I didn’t know that before ... nice new info. Thanks 🙏🏼

Hahaha exactly. So @josteem wasnt entirely wrong 😌

@purepinay's article is not in Spain :) It's a town in the PH :)

But yeah names can be confusing at times.

Yeah hahaha .... photos also can be lol
Edited ✅😂

I agree hahaha

sorry, I should have included Philipines in the title hehe

Don't worry :) Whoever truly reads the article will know what you're talking about.

yeah that's true lol it's obvious from just a few sentences

You still have time to do the editing for the title 😉

Hello @purepinay, this is such a lovely sight. You captured every moment very well. i still remember few details about the pulangbato;

Pulangbato Falls is located in the Ocoy Valley in the town of Valencia Negros OrientalIt is aptly named so because of the waterfall’s seemingly red river water which is caused by the presence of natural reddish rocks found in the area. Pula is the native word for red while bato, for rock. Thus, if interpreted, the name would be red rock just as you have described.
Like many other waterfalls, swimming lagoons and pools in the town of Valencia, Pulangbato Falls is blessed with calm and refreshing waters. This is mainly because of Valencia’s geography – 60% of its land composition being hilly and mountainous – that the climatic temperature is always moderate to cool.
Pulangbato Falls has a wide cascade. The water pours down into a swimming hole that is also deep enough for high dives. Enthusiasts clamber up to a nearby rock that functions as a diving point and free fall into the water basin. The shape of Pulangbato Falls has been considered unique because of its layered structure. At the first tier, the cascade begins narrowly and widens progressively as it moves down the next levels. At a distance, the waterfalls look triangular in shape.

Did you really just copy and paste this article? lmao

Hahahaha, I was wondering why this comment would be upvoted to the top. Spent really like 30 minutes wondering in the back of my mind why it happened. Now that I check, you upvoted it yourself :PPP You mischievous little thing.

But in the end I agree with you, I love it too. :) So many nice pictures and a great and joyful narration that fills everyone with her enjoyment.

Wow! It couldn't be higher. it's an awesome selection to get a excursion guide so that you do not ought to worry approximately locating your way. it's an exquisite journey! it is greater amusing inside the Philippines.

Would you like to see my bunghole?

What a wonderful place to visit! The waterfalls are amazing.

That is a great place! I have seen many videos from vloggers on YouTube that have been there. Looks like you had fun!

Thank you, Mark! I've seen a lot of foreigners in Valencia, even Rob's uncle moved there because he likes small province. :) Yes it's always fun to see new places. How are you? When are you going to visit the Philippines?

I'm doing good. I'm not sure when I can visit the Philippines. I am spending all my money on going to visit my daughter in Oregon and things like that. I have to go see my grandchildren as much as I can. I'm going again in a few weeks. I wish I could come now while you are there. When are you leaving the PH?

I see... Well it's good that you travel to see your family and spend some quality time with them.
We don't have the exact month yet, Rob wants to leave as early as April but it's not easy to get all the paperwork done it's really stressful too and we have to sell and get rid lot of stuff that we bring with us.

Beautiful pictures. Looks like it was an exciting adventure.

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