in #travel7 years ago

Choose a direction, not a destination. We deliberately choose the less traveled road and often an unexpected discovery charms us.
This is a real life travel parody. something @sweetsssj could never do. although she is an inspiration for me deciding on to post my endeavor to steemit .. i really dont like this girl . i know its not a for a entirely legitimate reason . but im sure this community would do just fine without her. I LOVE everyday people.. not generic snobs.
and as outlined in her comments with me. she refuses to promote such a unique method of travel. why not ? wouldnt it be dually beneficial for both us?.. greedy people like it one way.
I dont mean to evaluate her present demeanor as hollow, selfish, self subservient, and greedy form of self promotion irregardless of community.
But i cannot derive any viable attributes to this blogger that pertain as adequately as do the malicious variety .
does this spoiled rich "china blogger" have a respect for your lifestyle and tastes ? OF COURSE NOT !!
she's a sociopath . theres no sharing of community with this inherently wicked victim of lavish inert exposure.
she doesn't share any of our interest. she doesn't vote for the common blogger.
So why vote for anyone who isnt insightful? "its like trying to discern the nicest grain of rice in the paper bag"

the correlation with the average tourist sighting that here entire trip could easily be sourced from google images.
why vote for a common wall hung "free for the taking"
travel guide could explain the exact same identical tour's and travels. partaken by @sweetsssj.

i vote for old and new fish as long as our beloved community member has a POST that is ONE OF A KIND , informative or interesting. . I believe we as a community support one an other especially when someone puts for great effort time and in my case into a post. risking my life , just to bring you on a one of a kind adventure. Not the kind you can buy or one you wish to take alone.
showing a barbaric style of travel with "yours truly" a slightly autistic anxious introvert. WITH NO MONEY !

to ascertain an accurate gauge of Self-respect is to review what is evaluated from a retrospective assessment of how we have conducted ourselves with others. that determination significantly elaborates expansively and is a rudimentary way to make judgment at the world and ourselves. if you have no respect for the community the we have no time for you !

I want to exceed in the explanation of my travels . i want my readers to feel my pain and agony .
i want them to lose sleep until my next post. the suspense will be thick the conclusions of some of my days my seam down right unbearable. the realism will be irrevocable. its collusion into the unforeseeable.
i want to inspire my readers and my followers who have had a hard time "going outside" or "gettin through a job interview" or the one like myself that share the great difficulty's such as something very common like small talk or creating a conversation with a random stranger that appears to be an established individual.

i to yearn for an intellectual conversation . but its seams these people put up a barrier so thick that you'd never get to know them. the style of person or understand there intent. must be parasitic to our head space.
would the slightest ray of transparency shatter ones integrity ? whats up with this facade ? we are all just human here . lets learn from each other.. not even to help ourselves but to help a 3rd party.

MY "vacation"

i got into a fight with my household for the last time .. i dont argue , with people i conversation . when i cant even get 4 words in when i had a barrage of insults thrown at me . i will listen to anything anyone has to say about me , but when i dont get to lobby a method of recourse. i have to merit a minuscule logical point that contradicts common scene? just so i can hope to be given the opportunity elaborate on my legitimate point . dont you dare argue with me if your going to pre-emtivly disqualify my reputable perspective,
thats a form of disillusioned cognitive dissonance.
NOW then theres is no time for such people or negativity in my life.
i have extreme anxiety and social problems. i am an angel of person. why do others act so vile toward me.
So calmly destroyed and crushed all my non metallic belongings into a pile of wood. then i put the rest into a scrap metal pile.


the week prior i plumbed out an ENTIRE house for one of my "friends" for an incredible price.
which he was still ungrateful for .. thats it !! i have had it with this town and the awful people it in.
this city , as my source of depression was weighing to much upon my shoulders it was more than i could bare. i had to buck . i got paid for my plumbing job and set out of my journey.
HOW FAR? will 700 dollers get me . in a police van or to some white pristine sand?
all i have is a backpack and my knowledge as a technician .

central NEW YORK - NEW YORK CITY - ATLANTA GEORGIA - (currently7/7/17) Orlando FL. --

eventually to they Florida Keys.

Key West or bust.JPG

My plan is to head south Florida and eventually to the keys . reason being its HOT !! people need air conditioning. i always have had an enormous amount of fun trouble shooting heatpumps and refrigeration setups. this sort of work has always been my hobby. it just so happens to be that alot of the people that own these types of business are rude secret snobs.
Perhaps ?!?!(maybe im wrong)~(maybe im supposed to paint a house for free) . yeah you heard it . i had to flip out on my boss to get paid for painting his house .WTF ?!?! the audacity of some people is bewildering . what is this ? Tom Sawyer and my opportunity to white wash a fence for fun ?

I Cannot stand "ye he only careth about thine self"... so f*ck em em im not there stepping stone anymore...

I would have rather DIED ! than spend one more summer in a city that seemly does not want me to able to use my skillsets to proliferate myself.. my city in Auburn New York is a place where not to many people can have a a career that is seperate from the private sector . which means theres is load of fat worthless cops that only care about there family and NOT to the oath of the Constitution . they took an oath to there to there paycheck and the violent psychopathic tendency. the most callow bunch you could ever meet.

the politicians who set up million dollar projects . never intended on having a finish product.
like this historical landmark that got millions of dollars of funding then there always is a tiny mistake that gets everything halted. so another round of political financial crimes can occur . THE FAMOUS SCHINE THEATER.. money making scam.
Harriet Tubman - underground railroad

William H Seward - helped buy Alaska
William h seward.jpg

DAY 3 - 7/3/17
I believe the economy where im from is a racket. its a rigged game .. i have to deal with a plumbing monopoly , electricians that i could out wire any day in residential setup. I am better . IM WEIRD . im outcasted . am i to stay here and degenerate?.. to a compulsive suicide? i think its time for a change of scenery... Like Now !!


MONDAY - 7/2/17 -- i spent the previous night packing up my things .. the majority of my trip is going to be composed of walking and long range bus travel. i didnt pack up much accept 4 sets of t-shirt/pants . 1 nice set of clothes for a potential job interview . MY LAPTOP SO I CAN POST TO MY STEEMIT FRIENDS !!. an extra set of shoes and hygiene type deally things.
had to bring some food . ive got this 10lb bag of dried cherries. delicious and calories dense . ill most likely get a jar of peanut butter when i arrive in NEW YORK CITY.. being frugal in the matter will help me save the crucial money needed to make it south of Florida..
Today went like this ... i woke up ate 2 eggs .. loaded my gear up , hopped on my bike and made it to the CENTRO bus station in my small city to get to the transit hub in Bigger Syracuse NY..
i did stop to get my birth certificate in my county so i can get a new ID when i arrive at my destination... which is not entirely set in stone yet. the only time for sure that i know where i am going for sure . there is a printed bus ticket with a solidified destination.

when i arrived in Syracuse NY i still had a few hours of layover until i could catch my bus to the greyhound station.
Sooooo .... horses


still 12 hours away from catchin my bus at 1am . i simply killed some time . went to a few stores and grabbed any supplies that i could that came to mind.. when i left the mall here i ended up at a bus station... A BUS STATION .. the wrong one .
thats fine a grabbed a cab for 12 bux an arrived at the correct location.

my life takes up a small portion of a parking space. and i have my laptop . the most important thing i own because it was not left behind..

nothing amazing happened i just waited around .. until my bus arrived .. goodbye central new york .. off to the big apple.


i get on the bus and asses myself , scratch my nuts ... twice. then i come to the conclusion that im pretty beat. im tired . its time to "turn in" . i thought to myself ill take a quick nap and then ill wake up to the a few bridges as i arrive into the city...

Well ..

NOPE !!! ..

i wake up getting nudged by the driver telling me its time to get off the bus .... its now drowsy little anxious inferior me vs THE BIGGEST city in the world .. OMG WHAT DOo I DO . IM LOST ... so i think to myself it doesnt matter. its 5 hours untill my next bus.. i got time to make it to the next bus station until then.. so i got a little video for you all. GTA STYLE !!

quik pik


i make it to my bus station 3 hours early . only to find out they wont let me use WiFi at there bus station.?
This is a bottom dollar cheap Chinese bus line .. but "why Soo cheap mAan."
NO WiFi--NO Problem.. Bastards
Screenshot at 2017-07-04 13-12-40.png
i gave em a free WiFi pen test.. it was just a WEP .. easy as pie to crack.
I wouldn't let some cheap magic carp keep me from posting . i love you guys !!

so i wait till my bus out of NYC came .. Chinatown busline !! to Atlanta Georgia.
a bus ride it a bus ride right ? not. this was pretty wild. but in a nutshell the driver was smokeing on a greyhound.
When we got to Virginia in the states . this state has the best tasting cigarettes and they are the cheapest.
. i got off the bus for a break .. the crazy driver comes up to me, starts yammerin on about cigarettes then hands me over 450.00 dollars .. Now i get it. he this dude gets cartons for 40 dollars a piece and sells them in nyc for 8 dollars a piece . unter the table. he makes a killing because a pack of Cigs at a gas station in NYC is over 12 bux and they taste like shit.

i arrive in Atlanta Georgia . call my friend up that i was meeting there. tells me i gotta get on the subway.
2017-07-04-171528.jpgfirst time for me pretty legit. i ride it into midtown . and what do it see 0706172259-00.jpg

This is my friend William Belgard . He just doesnt give a fuck . dont play the game if the deck is stacked against ya.
What a grungy mother f*cker. WE ARE UNITED !!!

this kid saved my life and im not just saying that .. he found me unconscious past blue to gray. revived me and called the paramedics.. i used to be a heroin addict. im sober now and i will be staying that way because i have 5x the energy when i dont use.

im out here in the big big world by myself pretty much .. like i care. its just tough finding a place to sleep.

we hung out in Georgia for a few hours . grabbed a bite . then we linked up with my friends , Belgard buddy Dan.
he brought us to his place , which is better than any patch of grass to crash at.

Dan is pretty cool dude. a bit metro and flamboyant but he is also a successful hair dresser and is "NOY GAY"
We got in a round of monopoly. little dinner and i got a solid place to crash on a couch.


We woke up in the morning and almost missed the bust. we got to the terminal 20 minutes before they closed . luckly a greyhound worker was compassionate and helped us chase down our bus to leave Georgia .

like the bus left and we chased to 50 feet flagging it down . we hopped on. We made it !!
Thank god because i scooped two tickets and the total was ~55 bux .. any other day it would have cost ~90 dollars.


other than having to DIG and DIG through all my luggage to get my tickets.. and the black bus driver was a sound nazi .. at one point he was trying to control the volume on my friends phone . i gave him headphones and the driver is still trying to control his phone .. Haa Ha Haa . like does he not get the concept of headphones.

anyway .. we arrive in orlando .. i meet my new buddy .

no HO-TELL . heres the camping site tho . ive never seen a palm in my life 0707171045-00.jpg

i had to sleep in pants and a raincoat not to be EATEN ALIVE !!

Alright guys i broke down and went to go do something id never do .
FUCKING APPLE EQUIPMENT EVERYWHERE !!! stupid liberal trendy yuppies .


a SAFE SPACE ? Not a single Linux user in sight.

this is day 2 in Orlando Florida. i was gonna pound down craigslist to find a job. im going to wait until Miami tho.
then again tickets from here to WEST PALM BEACH are 20 bux .. same price to get Miami


unorthodox paradox interactive travels of your steem b*tch.. send me on my way ? lemme know what way to go?


TO MIAMI FL for 40 bux or even father south to KEY WEST FL for just 20 bux.
Screenshot at 2017-07-08 20-52-40.png
Keep in mind im tryin to find a job that deals with refrigeration.. ya know A/C of the sort

signing out on 1/7/17 . this is Philthyphil, just a southbound pachyderm..


Great post man, keep up the good work Phil

nice post philthyphil. I upvote many travel blogs, whether they're budget backpacking or lavish escapes to Dubai.

you are of course entitled to your opinion and I respect your negative feelings towards my lifestyle and blogs.

going down the path of angst is not necessary because we have the opportunity to capture interest (and reward) regardless of which walk of life we have.

I wish you good luck on your travels and hope to see more

@sweetsssj I like your attitude, even though someone is negative you don't let it bother you.

@philthyphil, nice take on a different lifestyle keep it up.

Absolutely brilliant post !!


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