I'm not sure if you've seen this yet, but it may be getting more popular.
A little while back, I saw something new when I passed through a hotel. Since we travel a bit and are often on the road, hotels and motels certainly come in handy. In general, there are a lot of similarities and a lot of common things that you will basically find and any and/or all of them. The last two times, something new caught my eye.
Until recently, I had never noticed these small bottles at any hotel before. The bottles are of "SleepSana: All Natural Sleep Supplement." For just $2.99 (which will be added to your room bill) you can try a bottle to help you sleep. Many people around the world do have trouble getting to sleep and sleep is an important part of our daily lives. I can't imagine being on a long trip where you need to be awake and aware to drive, pulling into an expensive hotel for a room, and then not being able to get any rest. That would be terrible.
While I haven't tried it yet and do not have any intention to, it still caught my eye and got my attention. The active ingredients include things like Valerian Root, Melatonin, Tryptophan, Fluvic and GABA, along with others. THe purpose of these specific ingredients is to have effects like making you fall asleep sooner and making sure that you remain relaxed and calm. One review even pointed out that "even if you awake, you immediately go back to sleep."
While the main side effect is that it could become habit forming, I had another concern. While getting to sleep quickly and being able to stay sleeping, even immediately falling back to sleep if you awake" can have its benefits, hotel rooms aren't always used as they should be. While I am not trying to put any ideas into people's heads, I wonder if people could possibly use this "sleep aid" as a date-rape drug. Even alcohol is used in this way sometimes, but if just by drinking this bottle someone will fall asleep rapidly, remain calm, and not really be able to wake up, I certainly see a possibility of misuse not only with date-rape, but perhaps also kidnapping.
Have any of you ever seen this product at a hotel? Has anyone used it either at home or while travelling? Do you think that my concern is valid?
As always, I'm @papa-pepper and here's the proof:
Until next time…
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It is possible they have "over-promised" their sleep claims. The natural supplements are normally more gentle. However, if they included enough of them, and all together, I don't know. I think I might be concerned if it would be dangerous to children. Normally hotel rooms aren't stocked with any kind of medicines, natural or not. Parents might not even be aware it is there to be alert for.
Very good point. I was thinking about that too, perhaps some mighty powerful claims were being made, when the reality was somewhat less powerful. Speaking of children, we had to move the bottle out of reach.
and what about the minibar then? Knowing that 20cl whiskey would do more harm than 3 of them bottles? !
This is true, but most adults know and are aware that the minibar is often available in hotel rooms.
This is a new product for me, I have never seen it in any hotel, so far I have no need to consume one, because when I get to bed I do it so tired that I remember as soon as I touch the bed
thank you very much dear friend @ papa-pepper for sharing this information
I wish you a great day
I also looking for this precious product love it!
Hi dear... Its interesting.. I also never heard before if its natural then it ll be good and its use ll be safe.. Thanx for sharing new thing
Valerian Root, Melatonin, Tryptophan, Fluvic and GABA will certainly help you fall asleep, not to the point where you can't wake up (sorry rapists) but if you do get awoken you may be pretty groggy and/or cracked out feeling.
I never have trouble sleeping but I know the natural stuff is not very potent so I don't think its dangerous. Smart marketing campaign for that product though.
I think so too. A lot of people probably buy it just because it is there. After seeing it, it is at least on their mind, so after laying down for 5 minutes and not falling asleep, they might get right back up and grab a bottle.
The silver delivery is on Dtube. I sent you a link in chat. Thanks again... the gift that keeps on giving!
I’m 100% concerned about anything that has to do with unnatural way. I don’t have any sleep issues and I’m supporter of not taking any pils unles it’s realy necessary, for example fever.
However, when I sleep somewhere other than home, I’m having issues with falling asleep, but still don’t recommend any pills, eventough it says it’s all natural it’s still pill.
I prefer to avoid everything that I don't have to, so I know your concerns.
The ingredients are nature sleep inducing. It's a natural sleep, date rape , no way.
Okay, good to know, it was just when the claimed effects of all of those ingredients were combined, it looked like a potential recipe for disaster.
sir actually my parents blame me for my over sleeping..i dont know i can sleep for days :) i even consulted a doctor for that..he said that i am normal..nothing to worry..but my parents worry about my sleep addiction :)
This so intriguing
we don't have these kinda of stuff in Romania, but I know Valerian root is good for the sleep, I think it may work
If you eventually will try, let us know the result
cheers @papa-pepper
whether to consume it often will not be harmful to our body