It was the first trip after the birth of our Darinka. She was only two months. We very love to travel.It was a very hot July day. We looked on the internet interesting place to be and the lake.
In the village Svirzh Lviv region, in a very scenic area, is a unique monument of defensive architecture - Svirzh Castle. The fortress stands on a hill above the pond. Protected by water on three sides, solid walls and defensive tower it creates complex, due harmony of architectural forms is one of the most beautiful in Ukraine.
In the middle of the fifteenth century the city becomes the property of the family Svirzhsky. Svirzh was their main residence. That is why he probably wears that name.
У 1907 році, коли власник замку є польський генерал армії Роберт Де Lyamezanю. Він вміло відновив його інтер'єри прикрашені творами мистецтва з приватної колекції. Тут зображення грифонів на стіні Замок Свірж.
Well, that lock and no legends? So long ago worked at the local castle Svirzh girl. She fell in love with an enemy soldier and opened the gates to the castle. But the enemy has deceived her and drowned in a deep well. So now scare the locals tourists stories about the unfortunate shadow traitor who wanders the castle, not finding peace. So the conspirators did not like always! But I think this is just a legend!
In the next post we will come to the ruins of the old tower ...