Italian menu summary.

in #travel7 years ago

You know cooking type Italian if you can order it to experience a variety of food .

In addition, you may even learn Italian words can be much richer travel .

If a little effort can be a much richer experience .

Italian menu, is pronounced the way you normally write with .

<Antipasti : appetizers >

Bruschetta: several food on baguettes.

pomodoro: Tomatoes

Insalata: Salad


Fritto Misto di Mare: Fried Sea food

I Crostini ai funghi Porcini: Italian porcini mushrooms topped with eating croissants

L'Affettato misto Toscano con Crostini: Croissants eat up the various Tuscan salami


La Bresaola in carpaccio con rucola e parmigiano : rukkolra + drying + parmesan Beef (Bresaola) Cartier Tha five appetizers

La Verdura alla griglia con Cacio: Grilled vegetable appetizer dishes from the grill, served with a cheese made with
blackcurrant five Fetocheeses
L'Insalata di Mare: Fresh seafood salad

Il soute 'di cozze: Fresh steamed mussels appetizer

I gamberoni imperiali alla griglia L'Insalateria Insalata Caprese: Fresh raw tomatoes and mozzarella salad

Insalata Tonnata con insalata mista Pomodoro, Mozzarella e Tonno: Salad made with mozzarella, tuna and tomatoes

I Contorni Insalata Mista di Stagione: seasonal vegetable salad base

Insalata di Rucola pomodorini e parmigiano: rukkolra put the cherry tomato salad

Insalata di Pomodori e basilico: Tomato Salad with Basil into a hub

Patatine fritte: french fries

Patate al forno: Baked potatoes in the oven

Spinaci * saltati all'olio bono: spinach, fried in olive oil cooking Nancy

Fagioli all'olio bono o all'Uccelletto: tomatoes marinated in sage herbs, garlic, olive oil

Asparagi * con Limone e olio: Asparagus with lemon and olive oil

Asparagi * alla Parmigiana: Asparagus with parmesan cheese and butter

Funghi Porcini Trifolati: Italian porcini mushroom slices

Grilled vegetables: grilled vegetables

L'Affettato misto di salumi toscani: Tuscan salami slice specialty groups

La Ribollita toscana: Tuscan traditional vegetable soup

<Primi Platti: it means that the first and the primi platti is divided into two main dishes in the dish usually means Primi Platti makes up the main types of pasta and Resort >

Tagliolini di pasta: Lobster Pasta

pasta alla Tartufo: truffle pasta

pasta alla seppie: squid ink pasta

Risotto ai funghi Porcini: porcini mushroom risotto

The Quattro formaggi AI Risotto : Risotto flavored with four kinds of cheese

Spaghetti al Pomodoro e Basilico: put the herbs basil spaghetti with tomato sauce

Spaghetti all'Arrabbiata: Spaghetti with spicy tomato sauce flavored with garlic and pepper

Tagliolini al Pesto: raw noodles pasta flavored with cheese and basil sauce

Tagliolini ai funghi Porcini: raw noodles pasta flavored with raw tomato and Italian porcini mushrooms

Tagliolini alla norma: raw noodles pasta embellish tomatoes, eggplant, fresh mozzarella cheese to taste

Spaghetti ai frutti di Mare: spaghetti flavored with fresh seafood

Risotto ai frutti di Mare: risotto flavored with fresh seafood

Tagliolini agli ScampI: lobster shrimp pasta raw noodles

Tagliolini al nero di Seppia: ink cuttlefish pasta raw noodles

  • Tagliolini: a kind of raw noodles pasta called Tully aboard

<Secondi Platti: means that the second Secondi Platti and is a dish usually it means Secondi Platti is meat, seafood and fish dishes.>

Mussels : stuffed mussels

Osso Buco: Korea galbijjim similar (calf crucible steamed)
(Eg: Ossobuco di vitella ai funghi porcini Florentine style veal shin bone dishes flavored with Italian porcini mushrooms)

Bisteca alla Fiorentina: Florence-style T-bone steak

Cinghiale: Wild boar dish

I Secondi Piatti di Terra Scaloppine al vino o al Limone: Piglets meat dishes flavored with wine and lemon sauce

Scaloppine ai funghi Porcini piglet meat dishes embellish Italian porcini mushroom sauce to taste

Petto di Pollo alla mozzarella: chicken dish with mozzarella cheese

Controfiletto di Manzo all'aceto balsamico: balsamic beef fillet cooked

Controfiletto alla rossini: Rossini-style beef fillet cooked

Bistecca nella Costola per una persona 500 / 550g: T-bone steak (for 1 person 500 / 550g) in Florentine style

Bistecca alla Fiorentinaper due persone con filetto: T-bone steak and tenderloin steak Florentine style (2 person)

Controfiletto di bistecca alla Prataiola: Beef fillet steak with mushrooms and served with a rukkolra

Tagliata di Manzo con la Rucola e grana : thinly sliced beef served with rukkolra and geurano cheese steak

Lombata di Vitella alla griglia: Grilled veal loin dish

Petto di Pollo alla griglia: Grilled chicken breast dishes

Bistecca di Suino alla griglia: Grilled pork T-bone steak

Calamari, Gamberi e patate fritte: potatoes, shrimp tempura limits of the

Pesce alla griglia: grilled fish dishes served with seasonal vegetables

Al Il branzino al sale con verdure vapore : sea bass flavored with salt with boiled vegetables

Ossobuco di vitella ai funghi porcini: Italian porcini Florentine style veal dishes crucible flavored with mushrooms

Trippa alla fiorentina: Florentine style built small dishes flavored with tomato sauce and Parmesan

<Dolce: a dessert cake, ice cream, fruit . >

a Calazione: breakfast menu

Menu di pranzo: Lunch Menu

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