Has a wife and no wife life - Chinese Open Kitchen / 有女人和没有女人的区别 - 中国的厨房

in #travel8 years ago (edited)

The day before yesterday and a large whale Steemit together fishing, this is the place I often go, the boss is a disabled 45-year-old, he was very industrious enthusiasm, we are very fond of him, every time I go to his house, he did eat rice is the most difficult to eat, he does not know how to kitchen dishes, because he had no wife, we often go to the island two or three days to cook the meal are his own, because the food is difficult to eat, so we often go hungry.
前天和Steemit的一位大鲸鱼一起钓鱼,这个地方是我经常去的,老板是位残疾人,今年45岁,他非常勤劳热情,我们非常喜欢他,每次去他家,吃他做的饭,是最难吃的,他不懂得抄菜和厨房,因为他没有老婆,我们经常去岛上两三天,做饭送饭都是他自己. 因为饭菜很难吃,所以我们经常饿肚子.

But now, find great changes, they had four women, capable woman, preparing food for all anglers who are her day's work, chinese open kitchen, stove cooking, craft over the city hotel

Their house at the lake, good scenery

See how many madman with his wife and children came here from the city / 看看多少疯子带着老婆和小孩从城市来到这里
The men are to go fishing in the lake, the women prepare barbecue and Chinese mahjong/ 男从们都在湖里去钓鱼了,女人们准备烧烤和中国麻将
Place late parking are gone / 来晚了停车的地方都没有了

My friend and I may be hungry, some drooling, what would you like to something, delicious, enjoy together under the Chinese kitchen
我和朋友可能是饿了,有些流口水,自己动手,你想吃什么就来点什么, 美味,一起来欣赏下中国的厨房

Doing is pumpkin / 锅里正在做的是南瓜

Dinner prepared / 为钓鱼人准备晚餐,开船送到岛上或者水上的房子

Everyone has a box food / 每人一份

Women are busy dinner / 女人们正在忙晚饭

Pepper is a specialty here, Almost all the dishes are put pepper / 辣椒不仅是湖南的特色,在这里没有不辣的菜,这是当地的特色

If you're hungry, do not continue to look down / 如果你饿了,请不要继续往下看 :)

Chili fish / 辣椒鱼块

This is the boss, he is a disabled person, and now very rich, more than two million a year revenue / 这就是老板,他是位残疾人,现在很富有,一年收入超过200万

Take a look at what we eat food, At that time he did not have a woman / 看看他以前给我们吃的是什么, 那时候他没有女人,知道中国女人有多能干了吧 :)

Enjoy :)
following me at @MyFirst




good photos and it all looks yummy - he's obviously caught on to supply and demand for his city' fishermen'- good enterpernuer

Thank you very much


I liked your photos, thank you!Well done!



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